Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1102 If you kill him, what should we do? Then please help Senior Ye!

"If you kill him, what will we do?"

One of the young men had despair in his eyes and his voice could not stop trembling.

They who have dealt with Scarlet Moon are well aware of the madness and terror of the members of this organization.

That seven-day insect is absolutely no joke.

Next, they will all face the countdown to life in despair, and there are terrible bugs in their bodies, so their death must be very painful!

Ye Yinchuan looked indifferent and stretched out his wrist:

"I'm the same as you, what are you afraid of? Even if you don't kill him, will he let you go?"

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

It is impossible to hope that the killers of Scarlet Moon will find their conscience and let them go.

The domineering thing about Scarlet Moon is that its members are all so-called "siblings."

When they form a group to kill you, and you resist and kill one of them, you are already fighting to the death. This is also the inexplicable part of this killer organization.

In short, it is impossible to reason with such a lunatic.

Ye Yinchuan didn't waste any time talking to people like Houtan. He directly took out a piece of sacred anthelmintic medicine and ground it into powder.

Soon, the effect of the medicine began to take effect. Ye Yinchuan saw with his own eyes that a black-red nematode pierced his skin, emerged from his ankles and wrists, fell to the ground, and fled as a pupa.

This kind of situation also happens to other people.

The effects of the sacred anthelmintic are very good and powerful.

Ye Yinchuan did not let go of these nematodes and asked Kong Kong to put them in special containers so that he could study them later.

If you look carefully, you can see that these nematodes have special runes on them, and they have the ability to become invisible and can enter the human body silently. This should be the reason.

"Is this okay?"

Hou Tan and others were a little unbelievable.

Ye Yinchuan raised the question he wanted to ask:

"So what's going on with the Great Ape family now? What are your identities? Tell me your current situation and why you appear here."

This made a few people hesitate.

Because of Ye Yinchuan's identity, he was an outsider to them.

Even if Ye Yinchuan said that he had a close relationship with the Great Yuan family, they would find it difficult to accept it all at once.

Because they had never heard of this person before meeting Ye Yinchuan.

Ye Yinchuan felt this atmosphere, and he thought that it was time to show some color to these young people of the great ape family.

I saw him spreading his legs and walking a mysterious step, jumping casually with an unyielding energy.

Hou Tan and others showed shock in their eyes:

"This, this is a step to step on the clouds and change the sky!"

As a child of the great ape family, how could he not know the Cloud Steps? Even if he couldn't use them, he at least knew what they were about.

"Senior, junior... I have something to ask for!"

Seeing Ye Yinchuan perform the Cloud-Stepping Step, Hou Tan seemed to have suddenly made a decision in his heart. He knelt down in the snow with a plop, his body fell to the ground, and he couldn't kneel down.

Ye Yinchuan asked Hou to calm down and talk about anything.

This time, Ye Yinchuan got the most complete information from Hou Tan about the Great Ape family and their group of people.

Hou Tan is the current young master of the Hou family of the Great Yuan family. The original talker of the Great Yuan family, the master of the Hou family, suddenly fell ill and was bedridden.

Based on the existing intelligence and the relationships within the Hou family, it is suspected that the illness of the head of the Hou family, "Hou Tong", was probably caused by his brother "Hou Ying".

Because Hou Ying has been coveting the position of the head of the family for a long time and has always been closely related to overseas forces.

Hou Tan and the others came to China in order to find the medicinal materials needed to treat Hou Tong's disease. One of them, a kind of ape white grass, grew in the snow-capped mountains on both sides of the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Unexpectedly, he was ambushed by killers sent by the Scarlet Moon, causing heavy casualties.

Hou Tan now confirmed Ye Yinchuan's relationship with the Great Yuan family, and then regarded Ye Yinchuan as someone who could really ask for help.

After all, there are few people in the great ape family who have mastered the secret skills of the great ape.

"Who told you that there is a medicinal herb called Yuanbaicao here, and it can cure Hou Tong's disease?"

"It's the elder of the Hou family, Hou Sai. He has studied ancient Chinese medicine very deeply. My father's disease was not solved by overseas doctors at all. It was he who invited an old Chinese doctor to relieve the symptoms. This medicine is The output was also obtained by Uncle Husse from an old Chinese medicine doctor.”

"It's just that we searched all over this snow-capped mountain and couldn't find Ape Light Grass, and we encountered such an unexpected event. The next search for medicinal materials must be dangerous, so I hope you can help us, senior. It's your great kindness. Great Virtue, Hou Tan and the Great Yuan family will definitely repay each other with springs!"

Hearing this, Ye Yinchuan looked troubled.

The headquarters of the Great Ape Family is now overseas, and he really has no way to get there.

Moreover, this request sounded like a chore. How could he waste his precious time on such a thing?

Are you going to be a nanny for Hou Tan and the others, or are you going to help them find medicinal materials?

However, Ye Yinchuan quickly thought that with his current channels, collecting the medicinal materials for the so-called prescription should not be a problem.

If it can be solved with money, it doesn't count.

On the other hand, he had to find a way to protect these boys from the Yuan family, especially Hou Tan and Hu Qin, who were all direct descendants of the Yuan family.

Huqin sneaked out disguised as a guard. She is Hou Ying's daughter... Well, this is a bit complicated.

Anyway, Huqin's mother is a direct descendant of the Hu family. She married Hou Yin through marriage, and her daughter's surname is Hu.

As for why Huqin couldn't go to the hospital when she was injured before, it was because they were now in China and were considered illegal residents. If they were caught, they might be deported or even detained directly.

"Okay, leave this to me. Who made me have a connection with the Great Ape Family?"

Ye Yinchuan agreed to help Hou Tan find the medicinal materials needed for the prescription, and they would gather them within a month.

As for Hou Tan, they had to go back to the Great Ape Family honestly. They were too dangerous outside, and Ye Yinchuan couldn't be their bodyguard. If they hadn't met by chance today, they might have been dead.

"Thank you, senior! I haven't asked you your name yet?"

"Ye Yinchuan."

Ye Yinchuan said his name, there was no need to hide it.

"I will contact the people in the alliance for you and ask them to arrange to send you back to your overseas family as soon as possible. Don't worry about the progress of finding medicinal materials. We can keep in touch."

Ye Yinchuan made clear arrangements for Hou Tan and the others in one sentence.

"Then I'll leave it to you, senior Ye!"

Hou Tan was very respectful. He handed the matter over to Ye Yinchuan and exchanged contact information. He finally felt relieved.

"I have some things to do next. You can follow me or stay by yourself."

Ye Yinchuan had already wasted some time and didn't plan to delay any longer.

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