Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1109 The speed is 80 miles per hour, and the mood is free and easy! Able to kill the weird m

Ye Yinchuan turned slightly sideways, and he clearly caught a glimpse of a woman with long hair walking on the side of the road at a very fast speed...

"What's your current speed?"

Ye Yinchuan asked Chen Yinian who was driving.

"Eighty yards, what's wrong? Are you feeling free?"

Hearing this, Ye Yinchuan fell silent.

Some people may not know what the speed of eighty yards means, but if it is eighty meters per second, it will be clearer.

The world sprint champion is only ten meters per second!

"What the hell?!"

Ye Yinchuan's pupils shrank, suspecting that he had seen a ghost.

The information read by the Eye of Truth told him that there was no need to doubt that this was weird!

This weird thing is called "car following trick". It will track all moving vehicles. When you find something abnormal about it, it will start to attack you...

And now the first one to notice something strange about the car was Xu Xin.

Ye Yinchuan stared at the car follower, but found that the car follower suddenly slowed down and disappeared.

Xu Xin and Ye Yinchuan stared at each other.

"This weirdness will hit you."

Ye Yinchuan reminded Xu Xin, and Xu Xin nodded and summoned his strange pet beast.

Xu Xin's strange pet beast is called the Substitute. Its effect is that it can bear various injuries on behalf of others, or it can let others bear the damage for itself.

The condition that triggers the strangeness is to have contact with Xu Xin.

"Behind you..."

Ye Yinchuan soon saw a disheveled woman's head slowly leaning out of the car window behind Xu Xin, slowly staring at Xu Xin with a terrifying and ferocious smile.

Xu Xin's face showed pain and she felt a cramp in her chest. As long as she turned around at this time, she would die of a heart attack caused by panic.

This is the attack method of following the car.

But Xu Xin grabbed the scapegoat in her hand, and after being mentally prepared, she suddenly turned around, faced Chegui head-on, and made eye contact.

When he came back to his senses, Chegui had disappeared.

And the surrogate in Xu Xin's hand was a strange old doll. Suddenly, its chest broke open, revealing the cotton inside, and the cotton inside actually dripped blood...

It seemed that he had already suffered the damage for Xu Xin.

"It's my turn next..."

Ye Yinchuan took a deep breath at this time. According to the rules of car following, it should appear behind him next, and of course it might be other car windows...

As long as you see it, the weird attack will be triggered!

At this moment, Chen Yinian and Lao Feng had also noticed the situation. They wanted to see how the captain who had descended from the sky would respond to this strange attack.

"Tell me where it is..."

Ye Yinchuan looked at Xu Xin.

Cold sweat began to break out slightly on Xu Xin's forehead,

"Up you want any help?"

With that said, Xu Xin was already preparing to use the messenger to help Ye Yinchuan bear the damage.


Ye Yinchuan's eyes flashed with fire, prompted by the Fiery Eyes and Golden Eyes Technique. He suddenly raised his head and found that on the sunroof of the car, he had already lying on the car's side, grinning at him with a strange smile.

Ye Yinchuan raised his hand and shot. He wanted to shout "I don't eat beef" in his chest.


The evil young man shot out his spear, using the human finger bones as bullets, and he shot the gun right between Chegui's eyebrows.

Follow Chegui's eyes flickered, and the strange rules had turned into an invisible attack, attacking Ye Yinchuan along his line of sight.

Ye Yinchuan, who had activated the Fiery Eyes and Golden Eyes technique, could see the route of this strange attack. He directly activated the evil young man's strange spear in his hand, and used the gauntlet of the evil young man's strange spear to block the strange attack.

The follower screamed and fell from the car, falling onto the road behind.

Ye Yinchuan, however, was unharmed. He turned around and shot the follower on the road again.

The figure of Che Gui had begun to decompose and dissipate.

"How can it be?!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Xin and others' pupils shrank, feeling extremely incredible.

Weirds are generally almost unkillable.

But Ye Yinchuan, just relying on the weird props in his hand, killed the car until it disintegrated. It looked like it was annihilated into ashes!

Ye Yinchuan was moved in his heart.

It is worthy of the power of rest, which allows me to kill Weird easily...

And this also further verified Ye Yinchuan's previous thoughts.

The weirdness itself is most likely a creation of the gods, or the rules of the gods!

Therefore, all methods used against gods can be used to deal with weirdness!

But Ye Yinchuan is still a little distressed. It is better to use the power of rest to kill him directly. It is better to use the Python Divine Furnace to refine the elixir. It is more cost-effective to recycle it!

Everyone continued to move forward, but the three teammates all had a substantial impression of Ye Yinchuan's strength.

In one sentence, it’s absolutely outrageous!

Regardless of anything else, the fact that Ye Yinchuan could kill a weirdo on his own and remain unscathed was enough to prove his strength.

Even Chen Yinian, who didn't take Ye Yinchuan seriously at first, could not help but be in awe of Ye Yinchuan at this time.

As for why Ye Yinchuan was able to kill Weiyi easily, they all speculated that it might have something to do with the weird props in his hands, but they couldn't ask more questions.

"Is it because we are too close to Feng's Village? We encountered a strange attack before we even arrived."

Ye Yinchuan murmured.

There is no record of this kind of weirdness in the documents, so it should be a new one.

"It should be related to the weird rampage of Feng's Village last time. The weird power inside is getting stronger and stronger, so it attracts more weirdness..."

"If this goes on, Feng's Village will become more and more incredible."

Old Feng showed a worried look on his face. After all, Feng's Village is his hometown. He hasn't got the information he wants yet, but the water in Feng's Village is becoming more and more turbid...

Ye Yinchuan didn't say anything, but summoned Kongkong and Baobao.

Baobao is better. He appears in the image of a little seal and looks harmless.

But Kongkong is a little low-key when he appears.

With the power of mountains and seas, the dragon-suppressing divine thunder, various regular patterns on his body, and the manifestation of super energy and thunder power, Kongkong looks like a divine beast...

After thinking about it, Ye Yinchuan felt that it was still not safe enough, so he summoned Ah Fu again.

Ah Fu in the form of the Black Sky Dog of the Slaughtering Moon is also full of style, not much inferior to Kongkong.

Seeing the pets summoned by Ye Yinchuan, Xu Xin couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She was a little nervous and showed a fearful look.

Ye Yinchuan noticed it and comforted her a little:

"Don't be nervous, they won't hurt people. This Feng Village is too dangerous. It's reasonable to summon pets to protect it early, right?"

Xu Xin smiled and nodded in embarrassment:

"It's reasonable, of course it's reasonable!"

In her heart, she was saying, you are strong and awesome, whatever you say is reasonable!

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