Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1112 The villain died because he talked too much? Didn't play by the rules? Get out, yo

At this moment, Chen Yinian and Xu Xin both looked at Lao Feng in disbelief. They were not idiots and naturally understood that the current situation was very wrong.

That feeling... was like being betrayed by Lao Feng!

I saw Old Feng standing behind the burnt corpses, his face illuminated by red light, looking eerie and strange.

"Old Feng, what does this mean?"

Chen Yinian asked with fierceness in his eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

Old Feng sneered,

"It's simple. You will die here, and I will be the only one to get out alive."

"If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck. You didn't come earlier and you didn't come later. But at this time... we are about to succeed, and no one can stop us!"

Looking at the situation in front of him and the conversation between Lao Feng and Chen Yinian, Ye Yinchuan had a vague idea, but he was not so clear.

"We are all going to die anyway. Can you let us know clearly? What are these and what are you going to do?"

Ye Yinchuan said calmly.

"Haven't you heard that villains die from talking too much? I won't talk nonsense to you, so go to hell!"

Old Feng looked ferocious. Some red lines began to appear on his face and body. His body also seemed to be burning. He looked like a burning man.

"You're all going to die anyway, why do you know so much!"

Hearing Lao Feng's words, Ye Yinchuan and others were stunned for a moment, OK, OK, you don't play according to the routine, right?

Don’t you usually like to explain the background story clearly before starting a battle with a villain?

Seeing that Old Feng was about to do it, Ye Yinchuan sighed slightly:

"You seem to have a misunderstanding. You are the one who is going to die anyway..."

As he spoke, Ye Yinchuan sent Kong Kong and Ah Fu in his mind to protect him and the other two people, forming a defensive position, and then began to counterattack.


After Ah Fu tore apart a fire trick that rushed towards him, its mouth seemed to be burned by the flames, and it let out a painful wail.

This made Ye Yinchuan's heart sink. Is the other party's strange power so strong that it can actually make Ah Fu suffer?

You must know that only one of them was torn apart, and the number of these fire monsters is really too many...

But it doesn’t matter, if you take action in vain, it will be annihilated by the terrifying thunder method. Under the shock of thunder, no evil spirit can get close. If you forcefully approach, it will be wiped out!

The originally empty thunder and thunder spells have a certain restraint effect on Weirdness. After receiving the blessing of the power of rest, they can directly kill Weirdness in battle, and the restraint effect of Weirdness is directly filled up.

The most important thing is that Kongkong does not need to get close to control the weirdness. In other words, compared to Ah Fu, there is no risk of being counterattacked by the weirdness, and he is more worry-free when fighting.

Old Feng's face was a little ugly. He thought that at this point, he could easily take down Ye Yinchuan and others, but it was obvious that Ye Yinchuan's intensity once again refreshed his seriousness.

"Ye Yinchuan, you are very strong, I can give you a chance, a chance to join us..."

Seeing that Ye Yinchuan would not be killed for a while, Lao Feng suddenly began to change his strategy.

"We are fierce and need talents like you!"

Hearing the word "Huo Ram", Ye Yinchuan's eyes narrowed because he thought of an organization, namely Wu Ram.

The Five Ramps are essentially composed of five evil gods, or evil beasts. The five evil gods have five different attributes...

Obviously, fire is rampant, nine times out of ten, it is one of the five rampant, and represents the fire in the five elements.


Ye Yinchuan's eyes showed murderous intent.

Why didn't he think of it before? Who said Wu Yang's hands couldn't reach into weird areas?

Then everything makes sense.

Everything that happened in Feng's Village was probably a sacrifice organized by Wu Mang. The purpose was unknown, and it was probably not a good thing.

And Old Feng is not only a native of Feng's Village, but also a so-called fire-crazed person, and also a master of tricks...

Obviously, Lao Feng is the one who connects everything.

He was not looking for the cause of the fire, he was the organizer of the fire. The so-called loss of all his relatives was probably just the sacrifice or price he paid!

The trickster in Feng's Village probably didn't run away either, Old Feng!

In addition, Ye Yinchuan thought of Xi.

Is there a possibility that Xi did not commit suicide this time, but was tricked to death by Lao Feng.

After all, Xi's so-called "violation" was just Lao Feng's one-sided statement.

Now that Lao Feng's identity has been revealed and he has rebelled, it means that his accusations against Xi can be completely overturned!

"I have wronged you..."

Ye Yinchuan silently said sorry to Xi, and at the same time thought, if Xi is still alive, he must take her out.

"Go away, you will die today!"

Ye Yinchuan raised his middle finger at Lao Feng.

Ah Fu has activated the wind spirit, turned into a black mist, and rushed towards Old Feng. As long as Old Feng is involved in the black mist of death, forming Ah Fu's home field, everything will be over!

However, in Old Feng's frightened rage, the disheveled female Huo Ren next to him took Ah Fu's attack on his behalf, was sucked into the black mist of death, and was torn into pieces.

Although the strange fire burns Ah Fu, it is not too fatal to Ah Fu!


Old Feng let out a startled roar.

Just because the female fire monster was transformed into a monster by his wife, and now she was torn into pieces by Ah Fu, she was really torn apart.

Originally, the priest of Huochang told him that as long as the fire soul was still preserved, the family could be reunited in the new world when the fire brought a new world.

But now...

Old Feng felt that his dream was shattered!

Although he didn't know if he could be saved, he was panicked and anxious!

"You die, you die!"

Old Feng's body burst into terrifying flames, and those flames seemed to be composed of wronged souls, with dense faces and monstrous resentment.

The surrounding fire ghosts gathered towards Old Feng, and soon formed a huge individual, which looked like a human body, pieced together into a four-legged monster, and on the back of the monster was a hideous monster face.

If you look down, you will find that this monster face is almost exactly the same as the monster face pattern painted in the entire Feng's ancestral hall...

Ye Yinchuan's eyes also revealed the information of this monster.

Its name is Huochang Monster, which is an evil entity formed by Huochang's special sacrificial ritual, combining human wronged souls and various weirdness.

The flames on its body can not only burn matter, but also burn through the soul and melt the weirdness. Anything burned will turn into energy and become part of the fire beast...

At this time, Lao Feng's face, or his entire body, appeared at the heart of the fire beast.

"Die, I want you all to die!"

Under Lao Feng's control, the fire beast roared towards Ye Yinchuan.

And Ye Yinchuan has also noticed that the current Feng's ancestral hall is no longer the original Feng's ancestral hall, but has formed a unique space...

Here is the strange domain of the fire beast!

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