Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1114 It's coming! The power is enough to shake the space! Xi, open the door quickly, ti

Hearing this, Old Feng was shocked, with surprise and anger of being deceived on his face.

"You are such a big man, and you are still a Trickster, do you believe this? What a bullshit new world, are those people really so great, do they need to do these fancy things?"

Ye Yinchuan's mouth cannon output made Old Feng feel ashamed.

He admitted that he was a little obsessed.

When he learned that the whole village, as well as all his relatives, wife and daughter, were infected with blood diseases and had no cure, he was like a drowning man, even if it was a straw, he would want to grab it!

He thought he was a righteous messenger who saved the village and took on everything, but he didn't realize that he became an accomplice of all the culprits!

"Remove all resistance, I will hand you over to the Trickster Organization."

Ye Yinchuan sighed slightly, this was his last persuasion.

Just when Old Feng's eyes softened, he suddenly widened his eyes in horror, and his body began to be out of control, as if an external spiritual force took over everything he had.

Old Feng used up his last bit of strength and shook his head at Ye Yinchuan.

After a long time, he lowered his head, and when he raised it again, his face was expressionless.

When it spoke again, it was like another voice, and what was even more bizarre was that the fire ghost who was suspected to be his daughter spoke at the same time as him.

"I wanted to see if you would attack regardless of everything, but I didn't expect that this fool was almost turned by you..."

Hearing this arrogant and somewhat condescending voice, Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows and showed dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me the fire priest, Ajie. Poor old Feng, thought everything was under his control and he could decide his own destiny, but he didn't know that he was just my plaything. An experiment..."

The voice that claimed to be the fire priest Ah Jie revealed a lot of information in what he said.

"I don't want to do reading comprehension, you can go to hell!"

Ye Yinchuan's eyes were cold, and he controlled Kong Kong and Ah Fu to launch a fierce attack.

The Fire Priest Ajie grinned, and under his control, the Fire Beast burst out with strong energy fluctuations and light...

"In the flames, the world is reborn!"


The terrifying flames and strange power spread outward with the Fire Beast as the center, sweeping over.

This is obviously a self-explosion.

And its power is so terrifying that even Ye Yinchuan dare not guarantee that he can escape unscathed.

At this moment, he made a decisive decision.

Kongkong nodded, and a space rune appeared in his hand. This item can force it to control and exert the magical power of the space system when it has not mastered the rules of space enough!


The blue-purple light burst out, and Kongkong burst at a speed that wrapped Ye Yinchuan, Baobao Ahfu, Chen Yinian and Xu Xin in it.

The layers of space were opened, forming an independent space, which involved everyone.

The former mountain space should now be called the mountain and sea space. Under the catalysis of the space rune, Kong Kong led everyone to transfer space and take emergency shelter!


Ye Yinchuan's heart sank, because he noticed that the energy brought by the self-explosion of the fire beast was too terrible, so it penetrated this layer of space, and the power of the explosion swept in...

Just when it was almost impossible to avoid it and could only face this wave of damage head-on, a click came from behind Ye Yinchuan, like the sound of a door opening...

"Come on!"

I saw that a door really opened behind Ye Yinchuan, and the woman behind them was the missing Xi. What she held in her hand was Yang Jian's weird prop--

the old key!

Ye Yinchuan didn't expect Xi to show up at this critical moment. He didn't waste words and asked Kong Kong to hug Ah Fu and take Chen Yinian and Xu Xin, and rushed into the door.

It's just that the python god furnace he released was still outside, but there was no time to take care of it.

Under the explosion of the fire beast, the entire Feng Village was completely transformed into a huge incinerator, not only burning materials, but also destroying souls. The power was so terrifying that it could even penetrate space...

If Xi hadn't opened a door in time, allowing Ye Yinchuan and others to rush into a deeper space, I don't know what the result would be!

Ye Yinchuan then looked around the space and found that this space was like an old hotel room, and the strange thing was that the walls of this space were covered with doors of all sizes, as if each door led to a place.

"Why are you here?"

The first thing Xi said was this, but she looked at Ye Yinchuan and quickly thought of her emergency contact.

"Thank you for coming to me."

Xi thanked him.

Ye Yinchuan was a little embarrassed, because he didn't come to save Xi, but for Yang Jian's weird prop, and he even misunderstood Xi's own death.

And now it seems that Xi should have discovered Lao Feng's secret, and in order to avoid danger, he used the old key to enter the independent space here.

However, Ye Yinchuan did not give any special explanation. He just told Xi that they could go out and leave after the explosion outside was over.

Ye Yinchuan also confirmed the situation with Xi. It was indeed Xi who followed Old Feng to check the Feng's ancestral hall. As a result, they found a sacrificial ceremony that seemed to be a fire. Old Feng directly opened the strange domain to kill Xi, but Xi used the ancient key to open a door in the strange domain and hid in this space.

But Old Feng also blocked the outside with the strange domain. As long as Xi went out, he would be attacked by strange things.

As for leaving through other doors, Xi could only say that she would not do so unless it was absolutely necessary, because the doors here led to extremely dangerous and strange places, and the degree of danger was not necessarily inferior to the Feng's ancestral hall. Hiding here was the safest.

"It's almost done."

Ye Yinchuan estimated that the self-destruction time could not be too long. In addition, according to his induction with the Python God Furnace, there was no energy outside to absorb, and it could also be judged that the self-destruction had ended.

They opened the door and returned to the place where the Feng Clan Ancestral Hall was originally located. They found that it had completely become a scorched earth, like a huge meteorite crater. The Feng Clan Village and the trees had all turned into a charred piece.

Among the charred pieces, only the Python God Furnace was intact and even full of energy.

Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved. When the fire beast exploded, the Python God Furnace had been absorbing energy. All of this energy would be refined into pills by the Python God Furnace...

I don't know what it can refine.

Ye Yinchuan went forward to check. When he opened the furnace, a medicinal fragrance came to his face. He saw two identical fiery red pills inside!

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