Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1166 Simulation! Turtle, I am not a vegetarian!

"I thought the giant insects were just big and had no intelligence, but now it seems... they are very smart."

Ye Yinchuan has become a little numb to the miserable start of the turtle in this simulation.

Although the first simulation was so difficult, it was a bit miserable, but everything is difficult at the beginning, and it should be more comfortable later, right?

[The reason why the giant snails are so cautious is that their tribe has suffered a backlash from a mutant dragon beast, resulting in heavy losses within the tribe. In the confrontation with other giant insect tribes, they also lost a lot of territory and resources. ]

[Although the strength of the dragon beast tribe is obviously stronger than your dragon turtle tribe, the giant snail tribe has since then been based on the principle of killing the wrong person rather than letting him go, and maximizing the potential of the tribe to be enslaved. ]

[Your brother is a mutant turtle beast that has awakened the power of fire. Because the insect race is very afraid of the power of fire, your brother was eaten alive by the giant snail tribe as soon as he accidentally showed the power of fire. ]

[Your parents risked their lives to save your brother, but they died tragically, leaving only you, a turtle egg.]

[Grandpa Turtle told you all these things.]

[Grandpa Turtle is not your real grandfather, but an old senior in the turtle beast tribe. When your brother was in trouble, your parents entrusted you, who was still a turtle egg, to Grandpa Turtle...]

[Later, Grandpa Turtle mixed you with the turtle beast tribe and secretly raised you to grow up into a little turtle.]

[You are now very weak. Only when you reach a certain age and complete the coming-of-age ceremony can you have the strength of the silver level.]

[And when you were born, you showed the characteristics of mutation, and this rule and power is clearly - time!]

[How high is the level of time, how powerful is the power?]

[When Grandpa Turtle discovered your potential, he was almost trembling with excitement, but then he was even more frightened. ]

[Because once the giant snails discover your time potential, you will definitely be executed. ]

[Grandpa Turtle laments that you were born at the wrong time. If it weren't for the era of giant insects, if the turtles were strong enough... No, even if the turtles had some room to breathe, your time potential would be brought into play, and maybe it would change the fate of the turtles! ]

[So, Grandpa Turtle has been warning you to hide your time ability and never expose it, otherwise you will definitely be killed! ]

[Now, you have to take care of the eggs of the giant snails with your tribe. ]

In a simulated scenario.

As a turtle, Ye Yinchuan was awakened by his tribe just after dawn, and then he followed his tribe in a daze to a place full of giant snail eggs.

Although the giant snails are 20 meters in size after adulthood and have gold-level strength,

But when they were still eggs, they were actually only a circle smaller than a football, that is, one size smaller than the size of a turtle, just the size that a turtle can hug.

This is a valley similar to a natural semi-open cave, which is filled with densely packed giant snail eggs. These eggs secrete a lot of mucus on the surface, so that the surrounding environment feels very sticky and humid.

The care task of the turtle beast tribe is to clean up some bacteria and plants near the eggs to prevent these things from harming the eggs and absorbing the nutrients of the eggs.

Grandpa Turtle is old and still has to clean up with the tribe members, but because he is highly respected, he doesn't have to do much, just paddle.

Because the turtle beast tribe is basically vegetarian, in the process of taking care of the eggs and removing bacteria and plants, they will directly eat the cleaned plants and bacteria as food.

"Delicious, delicious, really delicious."

A little turtle of the same age as the turtle sighed while eating.

It is the grandson of Grandpa Turtle. Because it was born with a tuft of green hair on its head, it is also called the Green-haired Turtle by the tribe.

"If I can take care of these eggs every day, I don't have to do other work, I am willing!"

The Green-haired Turtle kept chattering.

"No future..."

While disdaining the Green-haired Turtle, the Turtle stuffed a piece of fungus into his mouth. The delicious taste spread in his mouth, which was really addictive.

Especially for the enslaved turtle beasts, they usually don't have any good food to eat. These fungi and plants are the most delicious and nutritious things.

[Soon, you found a necrotic egg. According to the rules, if you find a necrotic egg, you need to report it in time and clean it up. ]

[You plan to...]

[① Eat it secretly]

[② Report it in time]

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan's expression moved.

Since this simulation has basically been explaining the background and obtaining various information, the formal options in front of him are the first time.

"Isn't the chance to become stronger here?"

The eggs of the giant snails are fragrant, even if they are spoiled, let alone necrotic, and are extremely nutritious.

With the current foundation of the turtle beast, if you eat it, you might get some surprise improvement.

With his heart moved, Ye Yinchuan decisively chose the second one.

[In this valley, adult giant snails often come to patrol, so you dare not act recklessly. ]

[Plus, Grandpa Turtle often teaches you that turtles have to bow their heads under the eaves. As a slave tribe, you can only be as cautious as possible. Staying alive as much as possible is your first pursuit. ]

[You report in time and send a signal to attract an adult giant snail tribe. This giant snail tribe is responsible for supervising your dragon turtle tribe. ]

[The giant snail supervisor's huge body, just by coming over, its shadow almost covers the entire insect egg valley. Two tentacle-like eyes probed in and finally came to your side. After confirming that the insect eggs were naturally necrotic, he issued an order. ]

[Clean it up as soon as possible. If there are other necrotic insect eggs, kill a turtle beast if you find one! ]

[Countless turtle beasts died at the hands of the giant snail supervisor. It can be said that your brother and your parents all died at the hands of the giant snail supervisor. 】

【As a member of the giant snail family, with powerful strength and a huge body, the giant snail supervisor never took the lives and dignity of you turtle beasts seriously. To it, you are just tools, even worse than tools! 】

【You are full of hatred for the giant snail supervisor, but you dare not show it. 】

【After the giant snail supervisor left, you picked up the necrotic eggs and ate them in big mouthfuls, as if to vent your anger! 】

【The nutrients in the eggs turned into a hot stream, flowing through your body, stimulating your potential! 】

【After eating the necrotic eggs, some obvious changes occurred in you! 】

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