Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1168 Simulation! Mine disaster! Green-haired turtle, unexpected death!

In the simulated scenario.

With the help of the turtle, Grandpa Turtle had a good harvest, and his mouth was full of ore.

It had a message on its face. Next, it only needed to get one or two from each of the tribesmen, which would be enough for the green-haired turtle to complete the task.

"My useless grandson, at the critical moment, you still have to rely on my old bones!"

Although Grandpa Turtle was old, he was still very energetic. Although he had no will to resist and had long been numb to the life of slavery, he was still full of hope for life, and he was in high spirits.

In this era when the turtle beasts were destined to be slaves, its eyes saw too much.

But the real warriors dared to face the bloody and bleak turtle life!

Suddenly, the mine shook violently, and the unexpected change made all the turtle beasts flee in panic.

And the stone wall above began to collapse, and large pieces of soil and rocks fell on the turtle beasts like rain.

The unlucky turtle beast was hit by the boulder directly. It didn't even have time to scream, and was buried alive in an instant, without any sound!

This is the change in the simulation!

[The sudden vibration and collapse of the mine put you in danger. Seeing many of your fellow tribesmen being swallowed up in an instant, there is no life. You and Grandpa Turtle ran forward in embarrassment. ]

[It's just that the current danger is dangerous, you plan to... ]

[① Give up Grandpa Turtle and escape alone ]

[② You must take Grandpa Turtle out ]

Ye Yinchuan chose two.

[Grandpa Turtle is your only relative in this world, even if there is no direct blood relationship, so you will not give up Grandpa Turtle and escape alone. ]

[Seeing that a boulder was about to hit Grandpa Turtle, you decisively used the time-related ability "Time Shield" on Grandpa Turtle, allowing Grandpa Turtle to escape. ]

[Your ability is limited, not to mention that you can't expose your ability too much, so you can only protect yourself and Grandpa Turtle, and have no time to protect other tribesmen. ]

[You are unfortunate, but at the same time lucky. Like a small part of the tribe, you escaped before the mine cave collapsed completely! ]

[Grandpa Turtle looked at the cave behind him that was completely buried, and the injured and frightened tribesmen around him. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at you with some resentment. ]

[How could you...if the giant snails knew about it, you would be finished! ]

[Although Grandpa Turtle was grateful to you, he was still more worried about your safety. ]

[At this time, your response was...]

[①Where is the green-haired turtle?]

[②Grandpa Turtle, don't worry, I know what to do. ]

Choose one, Ye Yinchuan.

[Where is the green-haired turtle?]

[You don't want to be nagged by Grandpa Turtle, so you change the subject. At the same time, you remember that the green-haired turtle that was supposed to be waiting for you to come out of the cave entrance has disappeared. 】

【At this time, Grandpa Turtle was reminded by you and suddenly became nervous. Yes, where did the green-haired turtle go?】

【Logically speaking, the place where the green-haired turtle is should be very safe, and there is no danger of being buried. Could it be...

【① It was afraid of landslides and ran out by itself! 】

【② It still knew that you were in danger, so it entered the cave again and wanted to rescue you! 】

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan would rather believe that the green-haired turtle was afraid of landslides, so it ran out.

Because they finally escaped from death, but the green-haired turtle ran in and gave himself up. Isn't this a joke.

Choose one!

【You said that the green-haired turtle was greedy for life and fear of death, and was greedy for pleasure. He must have escaped. The stupid turtle has a good fortune. 】

【Grandpa Turtle listened and said worriedly that if the green-haired turtle died, then it would not live either. It would be best if the green-haired turtle was safe and sound as you said. 】

【Boom! ]

[Another huge earthquake, as if something huge was hitting the ground outside, and another wave of earth and rocks fell. ]

[It is impossible that the giant snail supervisor has not made any movement yet. Is there really something going on outside?]

[At this time, all of you turtles are talking about it, and you are full of questions about what happened outside. ]

[You decide...]

[① Pop your head out to see]

[② Let other tribesmen see]

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan decisively chose the second one.

The first bird to stick out gets shot. Although you are the protagonist, the protagonist does not have to stand up, right?

Sometimes protecting everyone in front of you is also a kind of... uh, virtue?

[You decide not to say anything first, and sure enough, other tribesmen stick their turtle heads out to see what is going on. ]

[They... ah! ]

[This tribesman only had time to make two turtle calls before his head was chopped off by some energy, leaving only a headless body falling down, with his limbs still twitching and struggling! ]

[Sure enough, those who stick their heads out don’t have a good ending…]

[You sighed secretly, and retracted your turtle head, feeling a chill on your neck.]

[It seems very dangerous outside, but you don’t know what happened.]

[Grandpa Turtle was very anxious. It was so dangerous outside. The green-haired turtle would have nine lives to die. Now there is no turtle alive, and no corpse. Grandpa Turtle is really anxious!]

[What’s that smell? It’s so stinky?]

[At this moment, I don’t know which tribe member shouted, and you all noticed that this place was filled with a strange stench. It was as if the feces of your turtle tribe and the mucus of the giant snail tribe’s eggs were mixed together and fully fermented for three days and three nights to release this strange stench!]

[You tried to suppress your nausea and search for the source of the stench, only to find that in the corner of the mine entrance, behind a piece of ore, there was a young turtle beast lying, and this turtle beast had a tuft of green hair on its head, which was a very easy-to-identify feature...]

[Isn't this a green-haired turtle?]

[You and Grandpa Turtle were stunned.]

[Grandpa Turtle thought that the scene of his reunion with the green-haired turtle would be so touching, or that the white-haired turtle would send the green-haired turtle off, which was desolate and miserable...]

[But it never expected that it would be such a smelly scene...]

[After your research, you found that the green-haired turtle should have run to this corner because of a stomachache, but as for why it fainted, it should be due to diarrhea! ]

"Good fellow..."

Ye Yinchuan had also thought of several ways for the green-haired turtle to die, but he didn't expect it to be such a social death scene!

[What should we do now?]

[You and Grandpa Turtle looked at each other, neither of you wanted to step forward to help the green-haired turtle, because it was too smelly, and it was all over the turtle...]

[Finally, you and Grandpa Turtle got some mud and sprinkled it on the green-haired turtle. This not only buried the stench, but also made the feces on the green-haired turtle clump together and absorb the filth...]

Looking at this scene, Ye Yinchuan was thoughtful and thought of something.

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