Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1177 Simulation! An irresistible and uncontrollable event! Not necessarily, it's not an

[The war between the giant snails and the giant fireflies has begun! ]

[Although this is the era of giant insect rule, there are countless insects and different tribes, and they do not live in absolute harmony. ]

[Just like the eternal rule of this world, the law of the jungle also applies to the tribes of giant insects. ]

[The giant snails and the giant fireflies are like enemies of each other. When both sides reach a certain level, if they want to evolve to a deeper level, they need to hunt each other...]

[Now, the giant snails and the giant fireflies have gone to war. You don't know which side started it, but you know that this is an all-round war with a very significant impact! ]

[The winner will be the king and the loser will be the bandit. The winner will enslave the loser, or the loser will never be able to raise his head. ]

[For you, the turtle beasts, this is by no means good news, because whether you are enslaved by the giant snails or the giant fireflies, it is the same for you. ]

[But the damage caused by the war to you is extra! ]

[The giant snails, who are driven into a corner by the war, may send you to the battlefield as cannon fodder, or make you into emergency food, or even destroy you slave tribes themselves when they are defeated and flee, in order to prevent you slave tribes from being used by the giant fireflies...]

[But now, you have only received the news that the giant snails and giant fireflies have started a war. ]

[The shaking earth is just like your uneasy hearts. Some tribesmen have become panic and agitated just by feeling the aftermath and shock brought by the giant insect war. ]

[The task of the giant snail supervisor is to "pacify" you slave tribes, and then wait for the next order from the tribe. ]

[Stay here and don't move! There is something going on over there, I'll go over and take a look! Whoever dares to move will die! ]

[Suddenly, the giant snail supervisor of the slave tribe next to him sent a signal for help. The giant snail supervisor on your side planned to go over to help, so he warned you. 】

【And now, you plan to...】

【①Catch up with and kill the giant snail supervisor! 】

【②Take advantage of the chaos to escape with the tribe! 】

【③Go to the giant snail clan's treasure house to find the time-related treasures! 】

【④Take advantage of the chaos to escape yourself! 】

Looking at the four options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan held his breath slightly.

Although the war between the giant snail clan and the giant firefly clan is an uncontrollable and irresistible major event for him.

But this matter may not necessarily bring opportunities!

Option one is unrealistic because it is impossible to win.

And in Ye Yinchuan's opinion, options two and three do not have the strength. Let's not talk about whether you can escape or not. Even if you can escape, no matter where you run, you will die!

So the answer is three, go to the giant snail clan's treasure house, find the time-related treasures, complete the evolution, and reach the gold level, which is the correct answer!

【You plan to take advantage of the chaos to go to the giant snail clan's treasure house to find the time-related treasures! ]

[You leave a time projection here to ensure that you can come back as soon as possible in any situation.]

[The master-level time projection is enough to support you for a period of time!]

Looking at the display of the beast control scroll, Ye Yinchuan sighed in his heart. In fact, he was giving it a try.

The simulation has developed to this point, ushering in a war between the two giant insect tribes. The turtle tribe will be caught in the cracks and will have no way to survive.

The only hope now is that the turtle is promoted to the gold level.

On the other hand, Ye Yinchuan also knows that even if the turtle is promoted to the gold level, it may not be enough to face such a situation.

But at least, at the gold level, there is a possibility of killing the giant snail supervisor and completing the simulation task.

Whether it is inside or outside the simulation, this matter is worth giving it a try!

[Although you have not been to the treasure house of the giant snail tribe, the older seniors in the turtle tribe have been there. Knowing that you are going to the treasure house of the giant snail tribe, they point out the direction for you. ]

[The giant snail treasury is right in front of you. There are three forks in total. There may be patrolling giant snail guards on each fork. What do you plan to do...]

[① Go left]

[② Go middle]

[③ Go right]

"Men go left, women go right. I'll go left!"

Ye Yinchuan knew that at this time, he had no choice but to take a gamble. Once he met a powerful giant snail guard, he would definitely die.

[You chose the left fork. Your luck seemed good. You didn't see any giant snail guards. ]

[You continued to move forward. ]

[Suddenly, a huge ball of acid fell from the sky, hit you, and wrapped you up. You looked up suddenly and found that there was a giant snail guard perched on it, looking at you with a look of contempt and disdain. ]

[Soon, you couldn't see. Your eyes were corroded. Your shell and your body were almost corroded in an instant...]

[You didn't even have time to use the projection of time to switch positions and return to a safe position. 】

【You are going to die...】

"Ah this..."

Ye Yinchuan felt the pain and unwillingness coming from the simulation. He didn't expect that the turtle's ending would be like this.

The arrival of death and the collapse of fate are completely unexpected, and you won't be given any warning in advance.

Even the so-called back-up plan you prepared in advance has become a ridiculous decoration.

The gold-level sneak attack made the turtle fatal in an instant!

And it was a corroded death, which can be said to be very miserable.

Just when Ye Yinchuan sighed in his heart and was ready to accept this fact, another change occurred in the simulation.

[Don't die...]

[Live, turtle, live! ]

[A somewhat overlapping and vague voice appeared in your ears. Although your consciousness is about to dissipate, you seem to know whose voice it is...]

[It's Grandpa Turtle and Green-haired Turtle! ]

[This is not some metaphysics or ghost talk, but you are carrying a relic on your body, a relic that carries their will and spirit, and combines your own time power. ]

[This relic, when you are about to die, resonates with you very strongly, and the power that has not yet been truly discovered is slowly revealing...]

[Relic special effect·Death backtracking! 】

【The amazing power of time has locked the border between life and death, and everything around you has begun to reverse according to some shocking rules...】

【When you come to your senses, you are standing at the fork in the road again, as if nothing has happened, but your eyes are filled with tears, because you know very well——】

【This is Grandpa Turtle and Green Turtle helping you! 】

【Sensing the relic on your body, it has almost exhausted all its energy. You know that this is your last chance. This time, you plan to...】

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