Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1617 Simulation! Don’t ascend! Don’t ascend!

[As the speed gets faster and faster, you can no longer see everything around you. Time, space, and all perceptions become blurred here. At this moment, an inexplicable thought pops up in your mind, that is, can you still go back? This distance spans countless light years. Even if you are the Dragon King, you may not be able to find the original path! ]

[Finally, it seems to have reached a certain node, and the speed of the golden light column began to slow down...]

As a first-person perspective experience, Ye Yinchuan held his breath slightly at this moment, and his eyes widened involuntarily. Everything in front of him was unknown to him.

It can be said that this so-called upper world, the so-called place of ascension, is also his first contact.

What can be confirmed at present is that the upper world after ascension is not on Earth, or even in the Milky Way, and may be in a more distant place.

[At this time, you can no longer see the Dragon King in front of you, except for the one in front of you, the Great Light Dragon King, but the next moment, the figure of the Great Light Dragon King disappeared in the black vortex in front of you along with the golden light column in front of him. It looked back at you, as if saying hello. ]

[You followed quickly. Obviously, the golden beam of light led to the black vortex in front of you. After entering the black vortex, everything seemed to disappear. You swallowed subconsciously and approached the black vortex in a blink of an eye. After getting close, you could see clearly. It was an extreme black, a black you had never seen before. Although you couldn't see anything clearly, you could feel its flow. It was somewhat similar to the death power that Ah Fu was familiar with. ]

[You entered it and fell into infinite darkness at the same time. ]

[But not long after, you saw pairs of eyes opening in the darkness. These eyes had different shapes, different colors, and different expressions. Their eyes were either greedy or observing, but more of them were indifferent. You had a sense of déjà vu about their existence. These eyes... came from the gods! ]

[What a pity...]

[When you waited for the last one, it was already in someone else's pocket...]

[These voices were very obscure, but you tried hard to distinguish them and still gained some information. What a pity? The last one? Someone else's possession? ]

[You suddenly remembered the mark that Norton, the god of gravity, had left on you! ]

[You continued forward, and these eyes did not disappear. Instead, they became more and more numerous. Mouths and hands appeared one after another. Some opened their mouths and bit you, while others stretched out their hands as if to grab you...]

[However, the mark of God on you suddenly began to become scorching hot, and a barrier rose up above you, blocking these hands and mouths...]

[You soon saw the Great Light Dragon King, who seemed not as lucky as you. ]

[It was caught in the air by countless hands without substance but full of power, like a roast chicken about to be eaten. There were also restless mouths of the void that fell directly on it and gnawed it bloodily. What powerful energy, what tyrannical flesh, in front of these beings, was simply vulnerable. It took tens of millions of years to evolve to resist predators, but it seemed to only make you more delicious! ]

[Hahahaha! Ascension? ! This is ascension! Damn God, I fuck your mother! ]

[The Great Light Dragon King roared with anger, unwillingness, despair, and madness. It struggled hard, and its energy was surging, but it couldn't hurt any enemy. When it saw your figure and saw that you were well protected, its eyes seemed to be dead in an instant, and it simply stopped struggling...]

[You, why, you... Have you been different from us from the beginning? Why are we food, but you are protected?]

[The Great Light Dragon King's desperate eyes were filled with a hint of pleading. It hoped that you could tell it the answer, but before you could open your mouth, an invisible hand of God twisted its head off. On its holy and ferocious dragon head, the complex expression seemed to be frozen forever...]

[Crunch, crunch... You heard the sound of chewing everything with bones, and even heard the subconscious sound of approval of the deliciousness.]

[Actually, you don't have much to say. Your only explanation is probably that you have been recognized by the God of Gravity in advance, so... you have escaped the fate of becoming food? 】

【At this moment, your mind is very confused. The scene in front of you is very sudden for you. It is enough to make you mentally collapse and your previous ideas are shaky...】

【The so-called ascension is just becoming food for God? 】

Ye Yinchuan pursed his lips tightly. His expression could not tell whether he was sad or angry. He was not too surprised, because Gege's simulation had already given the answer. The earth is just a breeding ground for gods. Whether it is the doomsday monster tide or the Dragon King War, it seems that there is no difference in essence. It is nothing more than a way for gods to select food...

Perhaps he already knew this answer, but he needed to see it with his own eyes to verify it.

Just like some feelings, even if you know it clearly, you have to hear the other party say it before you can stop!

【No! No! Go back! Go back! Don't ascend! Don't ascend! I want to go back! 】

【Suddenly, you heard the roar of the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King, and saw trillions of thunderbolts, as if at that moment, they were about to tear apart the darkness in front of you, and tear apart the countless hands and mouths of gods in front of you...】

"Is it so fierce?"

Ye Yinchuan was secretly surprised, and inexplicably a little excited. Could it be that the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King was going to tear apart the darkness with thunder today and perform a show, using the body of a dragon king to fight against the gods?

As the first dragon king to enter, he has not been eaten up like the Great Light Dragon King, and he can even survive until now and escape here, which is simply a miracle!

It seems that this can also show some clues, that is, there is a gap between dragon kings!

Facts have proved that the old ones are still the best. Look at the Great Light Dragon King, although he also screamed, he was immediately torn into pieces. If anyone has the strength of the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King, he might really be able to escape...

Well, maybe?

[When you see the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King clearly, your pupils shrink and you can't help but be a little shocked. Its huge body is also covered with wounds. One of its arms seems to have been torn off, bloody and fleshy, revealing the layers of flesh and bones. Its body is covered with teeth marks, and even the neck to the shoulder area is empty. For ordinary creatures, this is enough to be fatal! ]

[The moment the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King saw you, he was also stunned, and then turned into a kind of anger. ]

[Why! Why! Why did I go through the nine reincarnation prisons and become the supreme ascended dragon king step by step, but I became a meal on the plate! And you are just a newly promoted dragon king, but you can get the favor of the gods and walk a completely different destiny! ]

[Facing the anger of the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison Dragon King, you plan to...]

[① Help it escape! ]

[② Attack it! ]

[③ Do nothing! 】

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan choked slightly!

Isn't it going to end soon? Why are there still options!

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