Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1626 They are coming! The back is full!

"Damn it, there's really no one?"

"Then how does this car drive?"

Everyone was also dumbfounded.

Such a strange situation suddenly made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their hearts grew hairy.

But he saw the driver laughing, which made the originally weird atmosphere even more suffocating.

"What, what's going on?"

At this time, everyone almost wanted to use their pet beasts to attack the driver, or blow up the red car in front of them.

"What are you afraid of? Don't you know that driverless driving is very popular recently? The car in front is probably testing driverless driving on the highway!"

The driver said with a smile, and at the same time opened his mobile phone and pulled up a piece of news from this morning,

"You beast masters, you are so startled that you almost scared me!"

Hearing this, everyone looked embarrassed. They thought the driver was possessed by a ghost just now, but they didn't expect that he was actually laughing at them.

However, what the news said is indeed that driverless cars will be deployed on this highway section, so that drivers can see it and don't panic, just keep a safe distance while driving.

"I'm sorry, we beast masters don't understand this..."

"It's okay. We are long-distance passenger transporters and have received professional training. We generally don't laugh unless we can't help it."

The driver's humor made everyone feel relaxed.

But there was one person at the scene who did not relax his vigilance, and that was Ye Yinchuan. His eyes were cold and he had completely entered the alert mode. The Gou Zi Jue in his heart had been running one hundred and eight times, one hundred and eight times!

"This is confirmed to be artificial intelligence driving, maybe it's not artificially retarded driving!"

Not long after, the driver began to curse again.

It turned out to be the red car in front. After overtaking it, it suddenly slowed down, as if it was deliberately blocking them.

Ye Yinchuan narrowed his eyes, and he, who was as careful as a needle, also noticed something wrong. Although the car in front slowed down, its brake light did not come on.

Although it is driverless, the brake lights should at least be on when slowing down, right?

Could it be that something went wrong?

Ye Yinchuan suddenly felt as if someone had caught him, because he saw clearly the license plate of the car in front of him.

I saw that the last few digits above were...404.

This number, coupled with a series of unusual and strange things that happened from the beginning, reminded Ye Yinchuan of some memories.

Weird, 404 convenience store!

In an instant, Ye Yinchuan thought of a possibility.

That is the haunting 404 convenience store, which has come to visit again.

Although I wanted to take the initiative to solve it last time and wanted to ask Yang Jian to borrow the key that could lead to various spaces, but Yang Jian happened to be busy and was delayed.

There was no strange active attack later, so Ye Yinchuan didn't take it to heart.

But now, it’s finally here again?

Of course, this is just Ye Yinchuan's speculation and has not been confirmed yet.

After all, it's possible that it really was a coincidence, right?

Ye Yinchuan looked at Kong Kong and Ah Fu beside him. Both of them were extremely sensitive to strange powers. They had no reaction or movement yet, so there was no need to panic.

If something really weird happened, it would be impossible for Kong Kong and Ah Fu to not notice it at all.

To put it bluntly, if this kind of thing really happens, then I'm afraid this weirdness is also the top weirdness, and things will be really troublesome.

At this time, the car in front suddenly came to a sudden stop.

The special car that Ye Yinchuan and the others were in also stopped immediately.

"I blanch it!"

The driver was so angry that he stopped suddenly on the highway. It would be fatal. "These bastards are not technically good enough. What kind of test are they doing? And even if they are doing the test, they don't even know who is sitting in the car?"

Just when he was cursing and preparing to go around.

Hu Huanjing's voice sounded with a slight tremor:

"I just watched the news carefully. Those vehicles for self-driving tests are all silver-white, there are no red ones... What the hell is this car?"

There was disbelief and obvious fear in Hu Huanjing's tone.

Especially the last word ghost makes people's scalp numb instantly.

Everyone who had already sat down and breathed a sigh of relief could no longer sit still.

The driver, who was originally cursing, became silent for a moment and sweated slightly on his forehead:

"Young man, this is not a joke."

Ye Yinchuan believed that Hu Huanjing would not joke about this kind of thing, but at this moment, Ah Fu suddenly barked at the front.

Kongkong also had a look on his face, and told Ye Yinchuan through telepathy that there was a situation.

Really hammered!

Ye Yinchuan's eyes darkened. At this time, the speed of the sun's setting seemed to have suddenly become faster. The ray of light was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a thick fog was forming around him.

"Oh my god, what's going on!"

The driver was instantly frightened, but out of professionalism, he turned on his double flashers and planned to overtake the red car in front of him.

But at this moment, he discovered an even weirder situation.

In the thick fog ahead, a large number of figures actually appeared. These figures looked different in height and shape. They were like men, women, old and young, crossing the road together in a group, just crossing the road. .

You know, this is on a highway, surrounded by steep mountains. Where are the people coming from?


The driver suddenly remembered that he seemed to see graves on the mountain on the road he just drove over...

So are these figures...

Are they human figures or ghosts?

The driver was so scared that he collapsed on his seat and didn't dare to drive at all.

Everyone was also stunned by the weird scene in front of them. So many figures walked past, but no sound was heard. This was beyond weird and could be called horror!

"Isn't there someone in that car..."

I don't know who said this out of the blue. Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that the car was already full of people at some point!

"I'm so scared!"

The driver was so scared that his blood seemed to freeze at this moment.

Because he saw it most clearly, in the car in front of him just now, let alone people, there was really no ghost, but now it was full?

This kind of horror and terror, family members, who understands!

"Wan La!"

The driver slapped his thigh and knew that he had really encountered something today.

The fog around them became thicker and thicker, and the next moment, Chen Lihua said with a trembling voice:

"They are coming!"

Everyone was also extremely shocked.

Looking out the window vigilantly, they found that there was no movement, and they were immediately suspicious.

But the driver was sweating, looking at the rearview mirror, his eyes wide open:

"The back, the back, is full!"

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