Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1660 The Legend of the Ruined Spring!

"To be honest, we can feel that there is something wrong with this river. But the problem now is that we can't touch this river, nor can we find the source of this river. This is an ancient river that existed before the birth of our ghost wolf tribe..."

The Ghost Flame Wolf King said helplessly.

Ye Yinchuan nodded to show his approval. Of course, he knew that this river was dangerous and should not be easily involved. Investigating and tracing it was not an easy task.

"Since I have intervened in this matter, you can worry about it."


"I said it wrong, but I am relieved."

Ye Yinchuan patted his chest and said that he had a rough idea in his mind.

"Do you know the Ruined Spring? I suspect this river is related to the Ruined Spring."

Ye Yinchuan mentioned a rumor he had heard.

That is, the Ruined Spring will be transformed into the Fuguangsheng Spring under certain special conditions. If this river is based on the Ruined Spring, is it possible that the Ruined Spring has undergone some changes, thus affecting this downstream?

The mutations that appeared on the ghost wolf looked terrible, just like human tumors and cancer, and they were the kind that rapidly became malignant in a short period of time.

But Ye Yinchuan caught something different.

That is, under the seemingly sinister surface, there is a kind of "life" power hidden.

Yes, the newborn ghost wolf died because of this mutation, but the essence of this power is life.

Although it sounds a bit complicated, it is probably true in truth.

Just like human cancer and tumors, they are essentially infinitely proliferating cells that cannot be restricted, causing the host's nutrition to not keep up and be sucked dry and die. It is precisely because the vitality of cancer cells is too strong that it leads to the death of the host.

For creatures like ghost wolves, they themselves rely on death and souls, and are born. Life and death in human cognition are not suitable for them.

Or to put it abstractly, the death of ordinary creatures is life for them, and vice versa.

In addition, Ye Yinchuan has always believed that some rumors and legends are not groundless, but have factual basis. When they are connected with each other, such associations come into being.

It is the Ruined Nether Spring that has changed, which has transformed the power of death into life, and this power of life, for creatures like the Ghost Wolf, means death!

Therefore, if you want to change the bad luck that the Ghost Wolf tribe is suffering now, the idea is also very simple, that is, to reverse it, reverse the situation of the Ruined Nether Spring, and restore it to its original state, and the situation will naturally be solved.

"It sounds a bit complicated, but you said so much in a gibberish, I think you make a lot of sense."

After listening, the Ghost Flame Wolf King nodded.

"Then the question is, we don't even know where the Ruined Nether Spring is now, and what happened. How can we talk about reversal?"

Ye Yinchuan said that it was time for his pet to show its magical powers.

"Afu, this wave is your time to show it, so you can do it."

Ye Yinchuan reminded Afu.

Ah Fu nodded, and he used the power of death to condense an avatar, which looked almost the same as his original body.

This is Ah Fu's ability, death follows.

"It's useless. I also tried to clone myself, but this river is too dangerous. Even if it's a clone..."

Before the Ghost Flame Wolf King finished speaking, he saw Ah Fu's clone jump up and jump into the river.

There was no change, but it swam in it, giving a sense of being like a fish in water.

"Uh... It seems that foreign species are not the same as us."

The Ghost Flame Wolf King grinned awkwardly.

Under Ah Fu's control, the clone transformed by the power of death began to swim upstream along the direction of the river flow, looking for the source of the river.

And through the soul contract, Ye Yinchuan also received feedback from Ah Fu.

"That's right. The power contained in this river is very strange. It has both life and death. It is definitely the Ruined Spring, and it is the Ruined Spring that is transforming into the Fu Guang Shengquan!"

What is the situation of this water? For Ah Fu, who is familiar with the power of life and death and controls the power of life and death, he will know it after a try!

It is a professional match.


Hearing this, the Ghost Flame Wolf King leaned back tactically, vaguely feeling that this wave is promising.

It couldn't help but secretly look forward to and get excited. If it can really solve the crisis of their ghost wolf tribe, then even if it gives up the position of tribe king, it can be regarded as a successful retirement!

After about a few hours, Ah Fu, who had been keeping his eyes closed and sensing the situation of his clone, suddenly barked twice.

"Found it! The source of the Ruined Spring!"

Ye Yinchuan, who was in sync with him, also became happy because things were progressing.


After confirming the upstream of the Ruined Spring, Ah Fu led the way, leading Ye Yinchuan and the other animals to the location of the Ruined Spring.

Although the road was long, the animals were moving at full speed, and the speed was amazing.

"This is... where that adult lives!"

When seeing Ah Fu leading them to a deep valley, the Ghost Flame Wolf King hesitated and dared not move forward.

"Who is that person?"

Ye Yinchuan could feel that the Ghost Flame Wolf King seemed to be quite afraid of the person it mentioned.

"We all call it Lord Dryad. It is the most powerful and ancient existence in Death Canyon. I didn't expect that the source of the river where our ghost wolf clan breeds is actually within its territory, the Ruined Youquan. Yeah……"

Ye Yinchuan heard this and thought for a moment:

"What do you mean, this is about the fate of your clan. No matter whether it is Lord Dryad or Dryad Emperor, you have to go in."

The Ghost Flame Wolf King swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded, and his eyes became determined:

"It's okay, I'm here to investigate the situation. Although the tree spirit has not appeared for a hundred years, it will not be polite to those who trespass on its territory."

With that said, the Ghost Flame Wolf King came to the edge of Lord Dryad's territory and saw sections of huge dry vines on the ground, which was the dividing line.

"Master Dryad! I am the king of the ghost wolf group. I am here to visit today because of something related to the fate of my family. I hope you will let me go!"

Accompanied by the roar of the Phantom Flame Wolf King, the dry vines on the ground actually began to twist and separate to both sides, just like a door opening.

"Let's go."

The Ghost Flame Wolf King turned around, shook his neck, and signaled everyone to move on!

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