Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 181 The exam is over~Sudden illness! Ah uh uh uh~uh uh uh uh~ahhhhhhhh

[Yuanyuan's Diary]

My name is Wang Luyuan. Today is the first important exam in school. The sanitary napkin was not attached properly. It felt a little bit on my butt, so I kept adjusting the position with my hands.

Then the invigilator saw it and asked me to take it out...

"Teacher, are you sure?"

Wang Luyuan pulled a corner of the unknown object and looked at the teacher awkwardly. If this matter is not handled well today, I am afraid that blood will be seen.

The male teacher frowned and wanted to say what tricks this student played. Fortunately, another female invigilator saw the clues and hurried over to stop him.

After whispering a few times, the male teacher suddenly realized and looked embarrassed.

Among the students taking the exam, some smiled knowingly, some looked weird, and some were very puzzled-

What happened? What happened?

Ye Yinchuan looked at this farce and felt a little amused. This Wang Luyuan was the 38th student in their class, which was really funny.

Her big-mouthed ape Chunchun is just a bystander, at the same level as Chen Ye's little stone monkey.

But he did comprehend a new talent, shouting loudly, which can increase the volume of the sound.

After the episode.

As meticulous as Ye Yinchuan, he has found some clues. Every time Li Ziming finishes a few questions, he seems to be waiting for something. He obviously has a small thing in his hand.

What could it be?

Ye Yinchuan activated the Eye of Insight, and after staring and scanning several times, he finally captured a pet beast panel.

Chameleon, bronze level, the skill is stealth, can change its own color according to the ambient light and temperature, and has a nearly invisible effect.

Although I don't know how Li Ziming uses this pet beast to cheat, the key to his cheating has been discovered by Ye Yinchuan.

But how to interfere with his cheating?

Now although I have captured the pet beast panel, if I want to interfere with or even stop Li Ziming from cheating, I have to at least catch the chameleon.

Ye Yinchuan pondered for a while and quietly summoned Kong Kong.

Advanced Thunder Method·Thunder Snake Earth Binding is already in place.

As long as the chameleon falls into Li Ziming's hands next time, just give it electric shock treatment. Don't worry about it, just shock Li Ziming and it's done!

Moreover, who can find out that Kong Kong did it with Thunder Method?

After receiving Ye Yinchuan's order, Kong Kong nodded and smiled kindly.

It is said that pets follow their masters. If Baobao and Ye Yinchuan have the common attribute of playing mean, then Kong Kong and Ye Yinchuan have the common attribute of being black-bellied...

Even Ye Yinchuan didn't realize that the reason why Kong Kong showed his black-bellied side was not only because of the strange mask, but also because of his good father.

A pure little monkey was led astray to have the sixth attribute...

As for why Ye Yinchuan, who has mastered the full set of Lei Xiao Sect's Thunder Method, didn't go into battle himself.

One is that he is easily caught by the invigilator. The other is that although Ye Yinchuan has thunder magic in his mind and even knows how to use it, his current level is that he can only perform the elementary level and at most the intermediate level.

Kong Kong is different. When the two Taoist priests Zi Jin and Jing Lei pass by, they have to bow before leaving.

After Zhao Mingquan and Wang Luyuan were "caught" by the invigilator, the examination room was peaceful.

But Li Ziming is using his own arrangement to cheat.

First of all, as Ye Yinchuan expected, Li Ziming used his money ability and family background to facilitate such an examination room. Hu Huanjing and Chen Xueer, who have outstanding theoretical scores, are ahead of him.

And this chameleon is a candidate from another class. This candidate has a special talent for controlling beasts and is a natural intelligence talent.

B-level talent, vision sharing.

This beast-controlling talent can record the content seen by the pet in a short period of time, and then transfer it to other people or beasts through skin contact.

Chameleon used his stealth skills to copy the answers in stealth mode, and then sent them back to Li Ziming. Li Ziming didn't have to do anything to easily get the answers of Hu Huanjing and Chen Xueer.

In order to ensure the accuracy, he even had to compare the answers of the two people, and choose the one that was most likely to score in different situations.

This operation can only be said to be 666.

As for why this student wanted to help and why Li Ziming could contact him, it can only be explained as money ability. Money can make the devil push the mill, so why can't you let others cheat by using beasts to help you?

In short.

In the silent examination room, only Li Ziming cheated in an imperceptible way.

Although his cheating action was slight, it was also seen by Ye Yinchuan.

After all, our Chuanchuan is a very meticulous man.

"Now, do it!"

Grab the opportunity when the chameleon fell into Li Ziming's hand, and his hand drooped slightly because of the weight.

Ye Yinchuan gave Kong Kong an instruction.

Kong Kong directly struck a thunder spell into the ground, and the thunder and lightning elements were gathered by the Taoist method and passed along the ground to Li Ziming.


"Ah uh uh uh ~ uh uh uh ~ ah ah ah ah ah"

Li Ziming was happily copying the answers to the questions there, and suddenly he twitched violently and made a very foul sound.

Hmm... the sound wave trembled, the kind of gentle and long.

There were several thunder snakes entangled under his feet. Although the thunder snake ground binding was a thunder spell that tended to control, it was still a kind of thunder spell after all, and it was a high-level thunder spell, with a little electric therapy effect.

Then Li Ziming's hair turned into an afro, and his whole body was black and smoking. The chameleon in his hand also became visible due to the electric shock, and fell on the table with foam at the mouth.

It should be said that the test paper was burnt black.

"Is it a bit cruel?"

Ye Yinchuan looked at Li Ziming's miserable state and muttered in his heart.

Fortunately, Kong Kong's attack was moderate, and neither Li Ziming nor the chameleon would be in danger of life.

"Sudden illness?"

All the classmates and invigilators were frightened by Li Ziming's "big move".

"Classmate, shall I send you to the infirmary?"

"Someone is playing tricks on me!"

How could Li Ziming, a scheming man, not think that he was tricked by someone? He looked around, looking for a beastmaster with a pet with lightning attributes.

But one by one denied it.

Finally, his eyes fell on Ye Yinchuan.

"It's you?!"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are all classmates, why would I mess with you?"

"It's because..."

Li Ziming stopped talking again.

Yes, if Ye Yinchuan wanted to mess with him, wouldn't the motive be that I had done him a disservice? Or maybe he had knocked down his cousin Su Xiaoxiao's ranking in the last credit ranking...

Anyway, I was the one who messed with him first.

Although Ye Yinchuan's monkey pet has lightning attributes, there is no evidence, no matter how much I suspect, it's useless, saying more is useless, and it's annoying, and it looks very stupid.

"Classmate, you go to the infirmary first."

"No need, teacher, I can still take the exam!"

Li Ziming sat back in his seat, his trouser legs were blown apart by lightning, his afro and bell-bottom pants were torn, his style was very hip-hop and beggarly, which made his classmates laugh.


Ye Yinchuan looked at Li Ziming who could still sit back and take the exam, and couldn't help but look at him with admiration. Although he was a bourgeois scheming bitch, his balls were still something.

Li Ziming looked at the two burnt handprints on the test paper, and he wanted to cry but had no tears. These are all scores!

The scores are roughly equal to the ranking, and the ranking is roughly equal to the resources...

This wave, a big loss!

Soon the beast control theory test ended, and the students were passionately checking answers and estimating their scores. Some were happy and some were worried.

"Guess what, I spent more than ten minutes calculating that calculation question, and the answer I calculated, among the four options... I can't match any one!"

Chen Yejia said proudly, "In the end, I chose the closest one, and I guessed it right! Hahahaha!"

Little Stone Monkey: Shame on you. [-`ェ′-Angry]

Others were concerned about the test results, but Ye Yinchuan didn't care at all. Now he was thinking about the next simulation.

Once the simulation is cooled down, if Baobao evolves first, simulate Baobao.

If Baobao hasn't evolved yet, simulate Ah Fu.

At night, Ye Yinchuan lay on the bed, holding his mobile phone, looking up the information and evolution plan of the Chinese fine dog, that is, our little fine dog Ah Fu.

Baobao was floating and spinning in the washing machine... oh, no, it was a tidal simulator.

Kongkong was sitting cross-legged, meditating.

After the time travel, everything was peaceful in the beastmaster's life.

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