Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 2 Simulating the prehistoric era! Choose your pet's skills


Ye Yinchuan had come across simulator-themed games and novels.

He decisively chose simulation.

[Please select the simulation era. ]

Looking at the words on the panel.

Relevant memories emerged in Ye Yinchuan's mind.

Dragon Age, Ice Age, Prehistory.

They are three eras in the history of Blue Star.

Dragon Age, as the name suggests, is an era dominated by dragon-type pets.

Ice Age is the coldest period of Blue Star, an era dominated by ice-type pets.

Prehistory is an era after the retreat of the glaciers, an era when humans and a large number of pets multiplied.

Just as Ye Yinchuan was thinking.

The panel showed——

[For the first simulation, it is recommended to choose the prehistoric era with a lower overall difficulty. ]

Okay, then the prehistoric era!

There is a saying that goes, "Listen to others' advice and eat your fill."

There are only 3 simulations, so don't waste them casually.

[You chose the prehistoric era, which is an era when the glaciers retreat, everything revives, and is full of opportunities and challenges. ]

[As a little seal, you were born in an unknown inland freshwater lake. ]

[In prehistoric times, years were not recorded, but this is the first year of your birth. ]

[Your situation is as follows:]

[Little seal: Baobao♦]

[Age: 0 years old] (Remaining life span 20 years)

[Level: Bronze Level 2]

[Attributes: Ordinary/Water/Ground]

[Personality: Lazy and gluttonous]

[Qualifications: Strength F, Body F+, Speed ​​F-, Mind F, Endurance F+]

[Talent: ① Easy to gain weight (fast food absorption, easier to store fat)]

[Skills: ① Impact (Use body strength to impact the enemy)]

Ye Yinchuan was silenced.

This familiar waste panel, isn't it from a certain pet?

Glancing at Baobao next to him.

Although it's cute, it's really hard not to want to kick it.

Baobao: (。`ω′)?

[Because the severe cold has not completely subsided, you felt the biting cold as soon as you were born. 】

【Fortunately, your fat-prone physique has allowed you to store enough fat in your mother's belly. 】

As the simulation began.

Ye Yinchuan was immersed in the scene.

It was as if he had really come to an inland freshwater lake in prehistoric times and was born as a baby seal.

The cold made him shiver.

【You are just born and you need to replenish your energy urgently】

【Your seal mother has prepared water plants and shellfish for you in advance. You will choose one as your first meal】

【① Water plants】

【② Shellfish】

【③ Ask for milk】

【④ I don't like any of them】

Ye Yinchuan looked at the four options and fell into deep thought.

There are only three simulation opportunities, but there are four options?

Too much.

This is too fun and exciting!

Ye Yinchuan looked around. (Simulation perspective)

The water plants look wet and have little nutrition.

There is only one piece of shellfish, which is not enough to fill the gap between teeth.

The seal mother looks kind and amiable, looking at him tiredly and expectantly.

The surrounding coast is bare, and some ice and snow have not melted, shining in the sunlight.

How to choose?

Ye Yinchuan decided to follow common sense.

[You choose to ask the seal mother for milk. ]

[Although the seal mother looks a little embarrassed, she still feeds you milk. ]

[As the pure natural breast milk with a seafood flavor enters your mouth, you feel warm. ]

[Natural milk, or colostrum, has magical power and nourishes your body...]

[Physical fitness has improved. ]

[Life expectancy increased by 1 year. ]

Only mothers are good in the world!

Ye Yinchuan was delighted.

[After you are full of milk and food, the seal mother begins to teach you survival skills. If you want to survive in this chaotic prehistoric era, you can't relax every day. ]

[The seal mother's skills are better than yours. The skill you want to learn most is...]

[① Impact]

[② Water storage]

[③ Iron tail]

[④ Biting]

Learn skills!

Ye Yinchuan got excited.

You know, in the real pet breeding.

Learning new skills is not easy.

If you can learn it in the simulation and take it out...

Believe in the golden finger!

The little seal already has the collision.

Water storage is a bit useless.

Biting and steel tail are offensive skills worth considering.

But the learning difficulty of steel tail is obviously higher.

Don't choose the right one, just choose the expensive one!

[You are eager to learn steel tail, but the mother seal looks at your bald tail and shakes her head. ]

[You are not suitable for learning steel tail, you plan to...]

[① Insist on learning]

[② Change to other]

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

The steel tail is obviously a higher-level skill than other skills. If the power of biting is 30, then the power of steel tail is at least 60.

[You insist on learning steel tail, the mother seal looks at you lovingly and has to start teaching you. ]

[1 year passed quickly, and you are 1 year old. (Remaining life span 20 years)]

[Level is Bronze Level 3.]

[You insisted on learning the Iron Tail from the seal mother, but the Iron Tail was too difficult and you were not born with enough conditions, so your learning progress was very slow.]

[You failed to learn the Iron Tail. Fortunately, your endurance improved through continuous butt shaking training.]

[Endurance improved slightly.]

[Seeing that other seal cubs have learned all kinds of survival skills, while you have achieved nothing, what do you plan to do...]

[①Persevere to the end]

[②Change to something else]

Ye Yinchuan's eyes twitched.

Since it's like this, let's go all the way!

If you must ask why.

I can only say that you don't understand the value of the steel tail!

Any pet with a steel tail is definitely a hot commodity, because it can greatly enhance combat effectiveness.

This skill is completely incomparable to the other options, so as long as there is a chance to get it, even if the probability is small, you have to try it!

[You decide to continue learning the steel tail. But because there is almost no progress, plus your lazy personality. You can't help but be lazy during training. ]

[No matter how patient and encouraging the seal mother is, she will still be a little worried. ]

[After a training session, she gave you a long and earnest advice, which probably meant that you should learn from other seal cubs and master a skill first. Otherwise, your leopard life will be ruined. 】

【You decide...】

【①Listen to mom and change to something else】

【②Insist on learning Iron Tail】

【③Run away in anger】

Ye Yinchuan then remembered that the little seal was lazy and gluttonous...

Good guy, you are so useless~

You are useless except for being cute, right? If it weren't your natal pet, I would definitely find a way to change it for you!

But there is no way. There are ten natal pets and ten natal rings. One carrot and one pit. The contract cannot be changed.

But this can't be blamed on Baobao. Born by mom, at least as a pet, he is very loyal. He doesn't fight back when he is beaten or scolded. He is very shameless.

Just for this reason, it is worth cultivating.

Just be a startup partner. With a golden finger like simulation, it will be hard at the beginning. It is impossible to be useless from beginning to end, right?

The little seal on the side sneezed:

Who is scolding me (。`ω′)?

Forget about running away in anger...

【You decide to continue learning Iron Tail. The seal mother heard what you said, shook her head and left disappointedly. ]

[You can only practice silently by yourself...]

[Unlock the achievement "Shameless\

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