Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 226 Simulation! Little Pigeon vs. Parasitic Skeleton Pigeon! How could the Pigeon lie to you

[A creature covered with worms, worms

[Parasitic skeleton pigeon? No! This parasitic skeleton pigeon seems to have been improved. Eight spider-like long arthropod legs grew out from behind. It opened its teeth and claws and made a terrifying sound. 】

【You decide……】

[① Frontal combat, protect Gurvi]

[②Abandon Gurvi and leave first as a sign of respect]

In the simulated scenario, Gurvi showed a desperate look.

She had already regretted just now, how could she trust a wild pigeon. She had not been able to save her before. Now that a terrible enemy had appeared, she had no hope.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but sigh, how could Pigeon lie to you? You must believe Pigeon!

[You decide to fight head-on to protect Gurvi. 】

[Please choose your tactics...]

【① Directly kill by force】

[②Go and move]

【③Take off the kite】

【④Private printing mode】

Looking at the four options, Ye Yinchuan smiled slightly, "Gegege, of course I want to have fun!"

[The proxy mode is on...]

With Ye Yinchuan's choice, he has been able to control the actions of the little color pigeon in the simulation.

Ye Yinchuan sighed in his heart when he saw the parasitic skeleton pigeon in front of him that was full of hostility and revealed evil and weirdness all over his body.

He is dead, so why is his ghost still lingering?

With a thought in his mind, Ye Yinchuan flapped his wings and took off.

However, he immediately noticed that the blood flowing from Guerwei's body seemed to attract the parasitic skeleton pigeon, so that the parasitic skeleton pigeon did not target him immediately.


Ye Yinchuan flew over the head of the parasitic skeleton pigeon, and at the same time dropped some nutritious local products, bringing with him the starry sky.


A lump of shit hit the parasitic skeleton pigeon on the head, but it didn't matter. It was just a piece of shit. For the parasitic skeleton pigeon, it was actually a kind of enjoyment.

After all, the body of the parasitic skeleton pigeon is a worm and aquatic plant.

However, don't forget that the little color pigeon has just awakened a new talent, starlight toxin. The starlight produced by it comes with toxins, even a piece of shit.

To put it simply, pigeon poop is poisonous!

So when Ye Yinchuan's shit landed on the head of the parasitic skeleton pigeon, bursts of white smoke rose up, which looked very poisonous.

The parasitic skeleton pigeon was attacked and naturally fought back at Ye Yinchuan who was above. The worm-like waterweed tentacles were seen violently rolling towards Ye Yinchuan in the air.

Ye Yinchuan sped up and dived, avoiding directly and flying towards the outside of the nest. His purpose was to lure away the parasitic skeleton pigeon and prevent Gurwei from suffering more damage.

Currently, there are two attack methods for Little Colorful Pigeon. One is Meteor Peck, which is an upgrade from Peck Attack, and the other is a long-range attack method, Star Glory Lianyu.

Ye Yinchuan used his advantage in the air to easily avoid the attack of the parasitic skeleton pigeon, and used the Star Feathers to scatter a series of feathers.

The feathers were strengthened by starlight and contained toxins, which frequently and continuously caused damage to the parasitic skeleton pigeons, which gave Ye Yinchuan the pleasure of shooting at a target.

It's a pity that it's not a game, otherwise we should still see a series of continuous damage and a falling health bar.

It feels like flying, so cool!


Suddenly, the speed of the parasitic skeleton pigeon exploded, and a worm tentacle stabbed Ye Yinchuan's wing like a bullet, causing him to feel a sharp pain.

What frightened Ye Yinchuan even more was that the dense roots exploded and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were going to eat him up.

"Fuck you!"

With a thought in his mind, Ye Yinchuan decisively used the radiance of the stars. Starlight emerged and surrounded himself, forcibly expelling the roots of the parasitic skeleton pigeon.

Those roots seemed to be afraid of the starlight, and were even affected by the toxins of the starlight, becoming withered and fragile.

Meteor peck!

Ye Yinchuan seized the opportunity and probed the dove's head. The starlight power gathered on the beak and stabbed those roots with rapid force.

The basis that was originally withered and fragile collapsed and shattered directly at this peck, and scattered in the wind.

The parasitic skeletal pigeon makes a shrill scream and sends out circles of sound waves. This monster has no vocal cords and relies on the vibrations of the worms to make sounds to attack.

The sound wave was fast and had a wide range. Ye Yinchuan wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Being hit by the sound wave, he immediately lost his balance and fell down.

The appearance of two heads!

Star Glory!

Ye Yinchuan hurriedly used the double-headed phase, and saw the power of the stars gathered together, forming a somewhat illusory second head on the neck of the little color pigeon.

The head was raised upwards, and the radiance of the stars that had not been able to be mobilized once again came into play.

Ye Yinchuan flew into the sky again, avoiding the rapid attack of the parasitic skeleton pigeon.

After a quick glance, I saw that the entire body of the parasitic skeleton pigeon was split open, and the worms were leaning out and rushing toward Ye Yinchuan.

This is the all-out attack of the Parasitic Skeleton Pigeon, Plundering Embrace. This skill will release the entire body of the Parasitic Skeleton Pigeon, which is the worm and water plant.

In order to restrain and attack the enemy, once the release is successful, the enemy cannot escape and can only be slaughtered.

You can imagine what it will be like once those worms, water plants and plants mutated by the doomsday curse come into contact with living creatures. There are still so many of them...

Ye Yinchuan was only afraid that he would be sucked to the point where nothing was left, and then be parasitized by worms and water plants, transforming him into a part of it.

This skill also has its side effects, that is, once the attack fails, the cracked body will take some time to recover, and the most vulnerable part of the body will be exposed.


Ye Yinchuan, who has always been very delicate, naturally discovered the changes in the body of the parasitic skeleton pigeon after the attack failed.

In its body, there is obviously a heart-like flesh core, and all the roots are connected to this heart.

"It's now!"

Ye Yinchuan used his flying ability to constantly switch angles, and used long-distance star feathers to continuously stab the heart of the parasitic skeleton pigeon.

The result is an outstanding effect!

Each feather stabbed into the heart of the parasitic skeleton pigeon, and all the worms and water plants would tremble and twist crazily, obviously suffering great pain.

And the flesh core that was suspected to be the heart was also bleeding dark purple blood from the wound.

Following Ye Yinchuan's attack, the worms and plants parasitic on the skeleton pigeon withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye until they fell to the ground, motionless.

[The parasitic skeleton pigeon has fallen, you decide...]

【①Continue to attack its heart】

【②Quietly wait and observe】

[③Step forward to harvest the spoils]

"Haha, this little trap, will I fall for it?"

Ye Yinchuan chooses two and waits to see what happens.

[You don’t dare to approach rashly. I don’t know how long it took, and the heart of the parasitic skeleton pigeon gradually withered. However, just when you thought it was almost over, a flesh thorn suddenly shot out and came straight to your forehead. 】

[The speed is so fast, there is no warning. 】

[Fortunately, you didn't approach rashly, leaving room for you to escape. You were able to avoid the terrifying blow of the parasitic skeleton pigeon. 】

[Looking back, I found that the flesh thorn was formed by a special worm and aquatic plant. It hit the wall behind you and began to take root and grow rapidly...]

"Damn, this life force!"

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but curse secretly.

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