Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 341 Simulated ending! The Great Snowball Era! Mass Extinction! Stop using the knife, stop us

"If I remember correctly, when I met the Ice Crystal Phantom Beast in the last simulation, it said that the sea will eventually turn into ice, and many creatures in the sea will migrate, and the beast tide will break out!"

"The Ice Crystal Phantom Beast just didn't want to get involved, so it left the sea and migrated inland!"


"It's connected, it's all connected!"

At this moment, Ye Yinchuan felt a shocking feeling with goosebumps all over his body, as if countless electric currents were passing through him.

In the last simulation, the ice crystal phantom beast did not mention the mass extinction and the killing battlefield. Perhaps it was too lazy to mention it to the dying self who only had platinum level strength at the time.

But in fact, a lot of information is already hidden in it!

For various reasons, I forgot about it, and I only think about it now, and I don’t know if it will affect the final outcome.

"If we knew what was about to happen in the East China Sea at that time and chose to go inland directly, would there be a better result?"

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but think, but he immediately shook his head,

"That's not right. If you are inland, you will be even more unprepared when the tide of beasts from the sea hits.

Moreover, without the resources of the sea, not only the Blood Flame Shura seals, but also the four seal elites, as well as the overall strength of the seal group, would be inferior to what they are now. "

"Not necessarily, it's just a better choice."

At this point, the scenario in the simulation continues.

The Blood Flame Shura Seal, with the four seal elites, escorted the seal group and shuttled through the almost non-stop killing battlefield. They also encountered other migrating groups, and a lot of bloodshed and battles occurred.

Although there must have been damage, the Blood Flame Shura Seal and the four seal elites, with their excellent strength, still allowed most of the tribe to migrate from the East China Sea to the inland safely and without worry.

Other ethnic groups may not be so lucky. Along the way, whether they are ethnic groups in the sea or inland, there have been countless casualties and corpses everywhere.

In addition, the temperature is dropping faster and faster, and some people are even unable to adapt to the new environment and are frozen to death.

The same goes for the seal group. A considerable number of the people have begun to be unable to adapt to the extreme cold and are freezing to death. The cruel choice of the laws of nature is clearly revealed at this moment.

Even if the Blood Flame Shura Seal controls the flame and temperature, it cannot protect all the clan members.

What's more, it can be protected for a while, but not for a lifetime.

On the occasion of such cruel changes and mass extinction, even if it is as powerful as a diamond, it will not be able to shake the tide.

[You took the seal group to a relatively safe place deep inland.

When you look around, it's no longer snowing outside, but hail is falling... The temperature is so cold that it can't even snow, it's already starting to fall...]

[After settling the clan members, you left behind a mass of the origin of the dream-devouring cold flame. The dream-devouring cold flame will absorb the surrounding extreme cold and prevent the temperature from dropping so fast. With your current strength, the only thing you can do is These. 】

[Then, you left and headed to the East China Sea alone. 】

[If the mass extinction really comes, if the prophecy is true, then only if you break through the shackles of diamond level and become a master level or even more powerful creature can you have a chance to survive and allow the tribe to continue. 】

[You have no force or order, you just let the seal elites choose whether to stay or follow you. 】

[This is a dilemma. 】

[In the end, the four seal elites drew lots and left Seal Tutu to protect the group for you and protect the origin of the dream-devouring cold flame. 】

[And the rest, Seal Bingbing, Seal Mother, Seal Ruanruan, all go with you. 】

After experiencing this simulated plot, Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but reveal a warm smile.

Family, always family.

Going to the East China Sea again, this journey of life and death is uncertain, with family accompanying me, no matter how the temperature drops, it is always warm.

Seal Tutu: You won’t take me to play, right? Okay, then I'll go back to the Bucket Garden.

[After fighting side by side for a long time, Seal Ruanruan, who has always loved you, has already developed feelings for you. The mass extinction is coming, and when life and death are at stake, she also expressed her feelings to you. 】

[As a leader, you have never had a spouse or offspring. With the help of the seal mother, you and the seal became soft partners.

On your wedding night, Seal Ruanruan will make a love contract with you. If you fight side by side, both of you will become stronger. 】

[You embark on a journey and head towards the East China Sea again...]

[This trip is dangerous. Although you have been prepared for it, you did not expect that in the killing battlefield, your family and friends will die one after another. 】

[You did not let their sacrifices be in vain, nor did you live up to their expectations. You completed the final evolution in the mad killings again and again...]

[But when you look back, is there any family behind you? You hold the fat fish that the seal mother left for you, gnaw at it, and cry loudly! 】

[The Great Extinction is coming, the seal family is completely wiped out, and you are protecting the seal family until the last moment. 】

[On your deathbed, you seem to see a few familiar figures waiting for you to come. 】

[Mother seal, sister seal, soft seal...]

"Stop the knife, stop the knife... forget about it!"

The scenarios in the simulation, including the successive sacrifices of seal elites and the final mass extinction, are very tragic.

For the first time, Ye Yinchuan hoped that he could forget this simulated memory as soon as possible.

When the simulation ended, Ye Yinchuan couldn't recall it for a long time.

[Simulation ended...]

[Ending: Snowball Era! Mass Extinction! ]

[Simulation rewards are being settled...]

Looking at the prompt of the Beast Taming Scroll, Ye Yinchuan silently turned on his mobile phone and played a song.

"Forget~ Forget~ All forgotten..."

Listening to the magical music, Ye Yinchuan quickly adjusted his mood and prepared to count the simulated rewards.

Fortunately, the accelerated simulation scene was like a dream. Ye Yinchuan deliberately didn't remember it, so the speed of forgetting was even faster.

Just like the knowledge taught by the teacher in class, it passed through his bare head.

"Damn, I can't remember the evolution form of the Blood Flame Shura Seal at the end. I only remember that it was blackened."

Ye Yinchuan touched his chin. He still had some aftertaste for the master-level evolution form of the hug. Although the taste of blackening was not pleasant, the evolved form was really handsome.

"By the way, there seems to be a clear condition for evolving to the master level. I'll have to check the information later."

Because he was so far away from the master level before and had hardly touched it, the knowledge in this area was still relatively barren in Ye Yinchuan's mind.

The most urgent thing now was to confirm his reward.

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