Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 349: It’s fun to read Beast Tamer! Choose one of three real relics? No comparison, no harm!

"Props master, this is also a popular sub-profession."

Hu Yue explained with a smile,

"First of all, prop masters can also have several branches. The first one we are familiar with is about the Petx rings and relics we use."

“Generally speaking, relics are naturally formed.

But in fact, there are also man-made relics, and they have reached a certain level of development.

It’s just that the cost and cost are very high, so it’s impossible to popularize it.

In addition, artificial relics, to be precise, should be artificial carrying props.

Generally it is just called carrying props.

By the way, relics are also portable props, but we generally don’t call them that. "

"The responsibility of the prop master is to study various props including relics, pet rings, evolution machines, and skill learning machines."

“For example, an excellent prop master can explore the potential of relics, study the hidden special effects of relics, and even transform and upgrade relics.

Or make an artificial carrying prop as a substitute based on a powerful relic.

There are even a group of prop masters who have been researching pet beasts or human-specific mechas based on the characteristics of some armored beasts...

By the way, among the prop masters, there are also those who specialize in various machines, including large machines for transportation and combat.

That kind also belongs to the prop master, and also has a special title, called a mechanic. "

“In addition to these four popular sub-professions, there are also some less popular sub-professions.

For example, a beautician specializes in beautifying and styling pet animals to make them beautiful.

There are also chefs who specialize in preparing food for pet animals.

I heard that the food produced by high-level cooks can improve the combat power of pet beasts, and can even directly evolve pet beasts, achieving effects similar to secret medicine.

There are all kinds of others, so I won’t introduce them in detail. "

After listening to Hu Yue's teaching content, every student was thoughtful and completely immersed in the fantasy of a secondary career.

"Okay, let's assign today's homework. Everyone must choose a sub-profession that they want to develop in the future, and complete a "work" based on the sub-profession.

For example, as a breeder, you can record the results of your cultivation.

For example, as a pharmacist, you can show the potions you made.

Alchemist, you can show a crystal nucleus you purified.

For example, as a prop master, you can show off the props you made.

If you have any questions about sub-careers, you can ask the teacher directly.

The school also has dedicated associate vocational teachers who will provide elective courses to everyone on a regular basis.

When the time comes, everyone can just choose their favorite sub-career and major in it. "

"By the way, starting from the second year of high school, there will be ranking activities related to sub-professionals. Mainly to assess the four major sub-professionals.

If you have the ability, it is best to choose two sub-professions to study.

As for the third or even fourth subject, the teacher does not recommend it. Ordinary students do not have the energy and resources to do so. It is a pure waste.

I believe everyone understands the principle of biting off more than one can chew.

However, in the early stage, it is still recommended that everyone try more and find a sub-career that they like. "

"Old rule, students who are in the top three in homework will get special rewards!"

After saying that, Hu Yue directly announced that get out of class was over and asked the students who had received the awards to follow her.

Ye Yinchuan stretched and chased after Su Xiaoxiao.

It’s great to read about beast control. At this point, those who study culture may still be writing furiously or listening to the teacher’s lectures.

In the beast control class, there is never any sloppiness. The get out of class will end immediately after the lecture, and you can move around freely!

Ye Yinchuan followed Hu Yue to her office.

At this time, all the teachers in the office looked at Ye Yinchuan and cast envious glances at Hu Yue. With such an awesome student in the class, Hu Yue simply found a treasure.

Bringing out such a student, if there are no problems with subsequent development, can be praised for a lifetime, and can add an extremely strong touch of color to the teaching career!

After getting the key, Hu Yue took Ye Yinchuan to a small independent room.

Three relics have been placed inside.

Before Hu Yue could speak, Ye Yinchuan glanced at him and got all the information about the three relics.

All three pieces are permanent and have good carrying and special effects. For a freshman, such a reward is already quite good.

But in order not to reveal that he had an eye for insight, Ye Yinchuan still asked Hu Yue to introduce him.

"First of all, these three relics are all permanent relics rated B. They are different from the mysterious scales I gave you last time. The school also tried its best to get the best for you."

Ye Yinchuan nodded. He had long seen the school's attitude towards him. It was called special care, and he had nothing to say if it was good.

"The first is this offensive relic: it paralyzes the fingers. After the pet carries it, its affinity for thunder and lightning will increase. It also comes with a special effect. When it attacks, it will add a weak electric current, causing a paralysis effect to hinder the opponent's actions."

Although he had known the properties of this relic for a long time, Ye Yinchuan still felt very embarrassed when Hu Yue told it.

Paralyzed fingers... Compared to the thunder claws in Kong Kong's hands, this relic is somewhat shabby.

I have two claws here, and you have just one finger over there. I'll shoot out electric arcs and chain lightning here, and you'll have a paralysis effect on your side.

Don’t let the gap be too big…

Because of the attributes and carrying position, it looks like a super low-profile version of Thunder Claws, so Ye Yinchuan will not consider it for the time being.

"Then there is this defensive relic: heavy scales, which can increase defense after carrying.

It also comes with a relic special effect, which can sacrifice flexibility and open a defensive stance, and the effect is still very good.

The teacher recommends that you choose this, which can replace the original mysterious scales."

Hu Yue introduced that it was a scale that looked like a tile.

At the same time, she also explained the shortcomings of this relic, that is, even if the special effects are not turned on, it will lose the mobility of the pet because it is too heavy when carried at ordinary times.

Ye Yinchuan nodded on the surface, but shook his head repeatedly in his heart.

He understood that the school and the teacher were both painstaking, but he already had the mysterious thunder scale in his hand.

Compared with the mysterious thunder scale, this heavy scale is completely weak. Even if there is no side effect, he will not consider it.

The key is that he has only one pet with scales at present, and the relic position is repeated, so he should not consider it for the time being.

"The last one is called the Friendship Vine. It is a special relic and also an auxiliary relic suitable for plant pets.

After carrying it, it can increase the speed of energy recovery and has special effects.

Actively open it to establish a special link with teammates. In a short period of time, half of the energy consumed and injuries suffered by teammates will be shared with you."

Hearing the introduction of this relic, Ye Yinchuan's eyes lit up. The auxiliary effect of this relic is very powerful!

"It's a pity that I don't have a plant pet now. I have to contract a pterosaur later. There is not enough space, not enough at all..."

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

And Hu Yue also gave advice:

"This relic is quite good. It is suitable for plant pets. If you plan to cultivate a plant pet in the future, you can also consider this one."

Soon, Ye Yinchuan made his choice.

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