Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 4 Rewards for the Beast Taming Simulation! Talents of the Ship's New Pet

Kneeling is impossible.

I will never kneel in this life.

Threaten with force?

Ye Yinchuan looked at the simulated scene and swung the thick and long tail of a muscular dragon.

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Threaten with force?

Seeking death with force!

As the soul of a twenty-something social person.

Ye Yinchuan still understands the basic etiquette of the world!

What does it mean to show your appreciation?

After understanding the meaning, Ye Yinchuan decided to show his appreciation.

[You decide to show your appreciation and let Senior Shuai Shuai tell you how to evolve the tail seal. What do you plan to use...]

[① The remains of the mother seal]

[② A pile of shellfish on hand]

[③ Whatever you catch in the river is good]

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

The first option is pass, no explanation.

The third option is too casual, I'm afraid it's a scam.

[You take out a pile of shellfish you prepared for the winter and try to impress Shuai Shuai.]

[Shuai Shuai took the shellfish and told you how to evolve. And he tells you that the Tail Seal has strength and speed. You must not publicize the evolution method everywhere. 】

【You write down the evolution method and agree to it. 】

【Ruanruan accidentally sees you entering and leaving the Tail Seal's residence and asks if you want to evolve into a Tail Seal. 】

【① Deny it】

【② Tell the truth】

【③ Make up a story】

【You don't want to have too much contact with Ruanruan, so you deny it and leave in a hurry. Take the Tail Seal evolution method given to you by Shuaishuai and start preparing. 】

【Winter is coming soon. 】

【The evolution method given to you by Shuaishuai mentions that if you want to evolve into a Tail Seal, you must eat quickly and in large quantities, and practice the Iron Tail before hibernation, and complete the evolution during hibernation. ]

[You have no one to rely on, and you just gave away a bunch of shellfish. What are you going to do...]

[① Steal the food stored in Nienie's house]

[② Beg for food from Ruanruan]

[③ Ask for help from the tribe leader Dada]

[④ Hunt on your own]

Even if it's a simulation, Ye Yinchuan still doesn't plan to choose one or two.

Stealing the food stored in Nienie's house is not only a risk of being caught, but also a petty theft that is not in line with the style of a good young man.

Beg for Ruanruan? That's too spineless...

As for three and four, Ye Yinchuan hesitated for a moment and decided to be more cautious.

[You tried to ask the tribe leader Dada for help. The tribe leader Dada gave you some food, but you still need a lot to evolve. ]

[After replenishing your physical strength, you still need to hunt on your own. ]

[Because if you can't complete the evolution this winter, you will use up your last lifespan and die. ]

[The cold wave is coming, the lake is freezing cold, and prey is harder to find than usual. You have some gains, but it is far from enough to meet the conditions required for evolution. ]

[You decide...]

[① Continue to go deeper and look for prey]

[② Give up and give up evolution]

Ye Yinchuan made a choice without hesitation.

Give up?

I have fought so hard to get here, how can I give up!

If I give up, my life will soon end, so I might as well give it a try.

So choose one.

[You have the Iron Tail by your side, and you are determined to succeed in evolution, so you step into the depths. ]

[You encounter a bronze 9th level little cuttlefish and fight. ]

[You use the Iron Tail to cross the level and severely injure it. ]

[But the little cuttlefish sprays ink and interferes with your vision. ]

[And it uses poison needles to poison you. ]

[You die of poison! ]

[Mother seal, I miss you...]

[You die in despair in the cold lake water and become food for the little cuttlefish. ]

[You failed to complete the evolution in the end. ]

[The simulation ends. ]

[The reward is being calculated...]

Looking at this ending, Ye Yinchuan is disappointed.

Die just like that?

Thinking carefully, I am somewhat obsessed.

If it weren't for the hidden evolutionary route of the steel tail and the tail seal, I might have gone further by taking the conventional route.

But Ye Yinchuan didn't regret it.

You choose it yourself, and you bear it yourself.

Although there are only three simulations, since it says that you can get extra, how can the golden finger deceive you? It will only feel sorry for you.

For the first simulation, just treat it as an attempt and a gamble.

The key is to look at the rewards.

If you can really get the evolutionary route of the tail seal and the steel tail.

Then this wave is not a loss! Even a huge profit!

[Ending: Cold Lake Water]

[Unlocked achievements: ① Shameless ② Hug without crying ③ Single leopard ④ Iron head baby]

[Corresponding rewards for the first unlock of achievements: ① Slightly increase endurance; ② Slightly increase endurance qualification; ③ Slightly increase charm and illusion resistance; ④ Slightly increase defense. ]

[Reward 1: You can choose one of the following talents]

[The selected talent can be brought into the next simulation and activated on the pet. 】

【①Seal Charm】

【②Toxin Resistance】

【③Strong Tail】

【Reward 2: Unlock the skill "Steel Tail", the level is beginner. 】

【This skill will be carried over to the next simulation and activated on the corresponding pet. 】

【Reward 3: The level is increased by 3 levels and activated on the corresponding pet. 】

See the reward.

Ye Yinchuan's mood of being immersed in the sad ending was slightly relieved.

After all the hardships, there is a sweet after sweet.

Although there is no evolutionary route of the tail seal, there is a talent of strong tail to choose from, which has the opportunity to make up for the lack of innate conditions.


Steel tail! That's a steel tail!

This skill alone is priceless!

How could we have achieved such gains if we had not taken an unusual path in the simulation?

If the rewards are always so awesome, let the storm come even more violently!

Hug: There is No. 6, I won’t tell who it is.


There is no way, the animal control scrolls give too much!

You may suffer a little in the simulation, but it will be prosperous in reality. It’s still acceptable~


Rewards can not only be reflected in real hugs.

It can even be brought into the next simulation.

This means that as long as there are enough simulations.

Sooner or later, we will be able to achieve a perfect ending and make up for our regrets.

When the time comes, even if you are happy, don’t you say that you are soft on the rewards?

He glanced at the hug next to him who was resting with his eyes narrowed.

Ye Yinchuan's heart was racing.

Just wait, I will take you flying!

As long as I, Ye Yinchuan, have a mouthful of food, you can hug me and wash the dishes!

Hug:_(:3 ⌒?)_

Now the most important thing is.

Choose one of three talents.

Seal Charm is the same talent as Ruanruan. The thought of putting it on Huohua makes her a little bit crazy.

Toxin resistance is actually quite good.

But in front of the thick tail, it is not attractive at all.

During the simulation, it was very difficult to learn how to use the Steel Tail because the tail was too short, almost like a butt.

If you have a thick tail and a steel tail learned from birth...

That was a completely different start.

[You chose the talent "Strong Tail". 】

[The reward has been delivered, should it be activated directly on the corresponding pet? 】

【yes. 】

Accompanied by Ye Yinchuan's confirmation.

Hug suddenly shuddered.

He sat up straight, opened his round, doggy eyes, and opened his mouth slightly.

Some are shocked, some are confused.

"Could it be that the scenes that happen in the simulation are also input to Hug?"

Ye Yinchuan thought.

I saw bronze light emitting from Hua Hua's body, flickering on and off, and his aura was rising.

The pet ring on his hand also echoed it.

I saw the second-level bronze on the hugging panel changed to the fifth-level bronze.

Talents and skills have been increased.

【Baby Seal: Hug ♦】

[Age: 1 year old] (remaining life span 20 years)

[Level: Bronze Level 5]

[Attribute: Normal/Water/Ground]

[Character: Good to eat and lazy to cook]

[Qualifications: Strength F, Body F+, Speed ​​F- Thoughts F, Endurance F+]

[Talent: ① Body prone to obesity (fast absorption of food, easier to store fat); ② Strong tail (prominent tail development)]

[Skills: ① Impact (hit the enemy with body force); ② Steel Tail (mobilize power to harden the tail and use it as a weapon)]

"Are you okay? Hug?"

Ye Yinchuan looked at Hug Hui's dazed look and fiddled with its head.

The hugging fists were clenched, the expression was ferocious, and he looked like he was constipated.

It stuck its butt out.

The originally short and almost invisible tail grew in the wind and became very thick, long and powerful.


When the tail stopped growing, Huo Hui screamed excitedly.

Clearly excited about the changes.


Ye Yinchuan suddenly found that he could understand the meaning of hugging and talking.

The meaning of that sentence just now is that it feels great.

Could it be that during the simulation process, I have mastered the language of the pet beast!

"The tail is so thick, it's not as cute as before."

Ye Yinchuan said deliberately.

Hugo's beard moved slightly, and he actually crossed his hands with a disdainful expression:

"Hug, hug!"

I mean, what do you know? This uncle is handsome.

"Okay, you're out of dinner."

After discovering that he could actually communicate with Hua Bao, Ye Yinchuan was upset by Hua Bao's arrogance.

It seems this little seal hasn't figured it out yet.

Who is the master!

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