Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 46 Simulation! I will never regret coming to China in this life, and I will still be a Chine

[Please select the simulation era]

[①Prehistory ②Dynasty ③New Generation]

Looking at the three eras, Ye Yinchuan was stunned.

But are the simulated eras different?

It’s okay for the dynasty, at least it’s hundreds of years ago.

There’s also a new generation?

You know, it’s the new generation now!

Ye Yinchuan focused his attention and saw a line of instructions appear on the board.

[The chapter of the new generation has just begun, and the Beast Taming Scroll cannot simulate the future for the time being. ]

Ye Yinchuan understood.

It’s just that the era that has not been experienced cannot be simulated.

But this one for the time being... has something!

Can the future be simulated in the future?

The past and the future are all in my scroll... Against the sky!

At the same time.

The Beast Taming Scroll also thoughtfully explains the difficulty of these eras.


The dynasty is the most dangerous, followed by the prehistoric, and finally the new generation.


The degree of danger in each era fluctuates, and there will be the most dangerous time point.

Ye Yinchuan nodded.

"For example, the new generation I live in is peaceful now."

"But take the Huaxia region for example. When the dynasty was overthrown and the Eight-Nation invasion was faced, it was not like this..."

"Some history needs to be remembered."

Although there is only the Huaxia Alliance now.


I am a Chinese in life and a Chinese soul in death.

This will never change.

"Don't forget the national humiliation!"

Speaking of which, I am still a Chinese after traveling through time.

It really fulfilled that sentence.

I will never regret entering Huaxia in this life, and I will still be a Chinese in the next life!

The atmosphere is set to this point.

Ye Yinchuan decided to choose the new generation to see what kind of simulation will be.

[Please choose your origin camp]



Ye Yinchuan did not hesitate.

Choose Huaxia first.

As for overseas, I can only say that I will try it when I have the opportunity in the future.

[Simulation in progress...]

[You are a civilian beastmaster. ]

[Male, 18 years old. ]

[Contracted the initial pet, the little grass rabbit. ]

Simulation begins.

Ye Yinchuan was immersed in it.

I didn't expect that this simulation would not turn into a pet.

But as a beastmaster, but the pet is a little grass rabbit.

It seems to be related to the times.

After all, at the end of prehistoric times, primitive people had just appeared, let alone beastmasters.

But the new generation is different, there are as many beastmasters as dogs!

[You live in a turbulent era and have just witnessed the fall of the old Qing Dynasty. ]

[The promoter is the Great Ape Family. ]

[Sun Yue, Yuanhe. ]

Great Ape Family?

Sun Yue? Yuanhe?

Ye Yinchuan understood.

This is indeed the history of the new generation.

Sun Yue should have been the chief of Huaxia.

But Yuanhe deceived Sun Yue.

On the surface, he agreed with Sun Yue's idea of ​​overthrowing the old dynasty, but in fact, he won over overseas imperial forces behind the scenes.


He wanted to restore the old dynasty and become the emperor himself!

With his powerful military force and the means of deception and winning over, he became the temporary chief of Huaxia and intended to become emperor!


Isn't this kind of simulation a bit too much for a little grass rabbit?

Little grass rabbit: Haven't you heard of the flower-growing family?

[Just a few days after the contract with the little grass rabbit, you awakened your talent for beast control. ]

[B-level: Light Blessing]

Ye Yinchuan was not too surprised.

The medium of simulation is Su Xiaoxiao's pet.

So, it is reasonable to inherit the same talent as hers.

[Now Sun Yue, Yuanhe, and overseas powers are recruiting young beast masters and intend to cultivate their own beast masters. ]

[What are you going to do? ]

[① Follow Sun Shan]

[② Follow Yuanhe]

[③ Join overseas forces]

[④ Become a savage]

Ye Yinchuan was entangled.

At this time, the forces he wanted to follow the most have not appeared yet.


There is an advantage of simulating the new generation.

That is, he knows a lot of history and will be more confident in his choice.

[You choose to follow Sun Yue. ]

[At this time, Sun Yue already knew Yuanhe's true purpose. 】

【After the dissuasion failed, he could only secretly plan on his own and planned to overthrow Yuanhe again! 】

【You joined Sun Yue's team. 】

【As a young beastmaster, you received guidance from your mentor, Teacher Sun. 】

【A year passed quickly. 】

【Under Teacher Sun's guidance, you improved quickly. 】

【Your little grass rabbit has reached the ninth level of bronze and meets the conditions for evolution. 】

【Please choose the evolution route. 】

【①Little flower rabbit】

【②Little vine rabbit】

【③Little leaf rabbit】

【④Little seed rabbit】

【⑤Little wild rabbit】

Ye Yinchuan has done his homework.

He also learned from the simulated scenario.

The regular evolution routes of the little grass rabbit are the first three.

They are little flower rabbit, little vine rabbit, and little leaf rabbit.

Little flower rabbit is good at scent attack or assistance, little vine rabbit is good at medium-range vine attack and entanglement, and little leaf rabbit is good at long-range flying leaf attack and slashing.

As for the little wild rabbit.

It was mentioned by the class teacher Hu Yue.

One of her old classmates spent ten years evolving into Usagi Tsukino.

It is considered a hidden route.

Her old classmate should have evolved into Usagi Tsukino from other branches.

But if she chooses Usagi Tsukino, the evolution route will be smoother and purer.


The remaining hidden route is the Seed Rabbit.

Good at using seeds to fight.

Seeds with different characteristics have different effects.

Can attack, assist, and restrict, very balanced and comprehensive.

If there is a hidden route, you are a fool not to choose it.

In addition, Su Xiaoxiao's Little Grass Rabbit has already mastered the skill of parasitic seeds.

The route of the Seed Rabbit is very suitable.

[With the help of your mentor Sun Jiaoren, you easily gathered the materials needed for evolution. ]

[Your Little Grass Rabbit evolved into a Seed Rabbit. ]

[Level increased to: Black Iron. ]

After evolving into a Seed Rabbit.

There have been great changes in all aspects.

The body size has become a little bigger.

The position of the ears and tail.

The original grass has become a more special plant.

It is a bit like a morning glory and a bit like a turret.

It can breed seeds of different forms and launch them.

Attributes and qualifications are needless to say.

It has been greatly improved.

More importantly, talents and skills.

There are two more seed-type skills, namely slow seeds and confusion seeds.

The former can slow down the enemy's movement speed, and the latter can make the enemy fall into chaos.

The chaos here.

Ye Yinchuan observed in the scenario simulation.

The pet beast that is confused will attack and use skills randomly.

It does not distinguish between enemies and friends, and does not care whether there is a target or not.

Sometimes, it even hits itself...

A very powerful skill, not only a restriction, but also a control.

The slow seed is relatively ordinary in comparison.

The effect is to slow down the enemy's movement, but it is also disgusting in battle.

After all.

A little speed difference may determine the outcome.

Talent aspect.

The original herbivorous talent has an additional effect.

Not only can it speed up the recovery of physical strength and energy, but it can also speed up the breeding of seeds.

In addition.

You can also eat your own seeds directly, which reduces the impact of the environment.

In an environment without grass, this talent can also play a certain role.

After evolution, you also get a talent.

It is called seed control.

It can control the effect of seeds, including enhancement and weakening.

It is a bit similar to Hu Huanjing's toxin control.

But what's even more buggy is that seeds are considered living things, and this talent allows seeds to move!

Although the speed of movement is very slow.

But in battle, with certain tactics, it can be very effective!

Ye Yinchuan has thought of 999 ways to ambush people.

Just wait for a chance to try it out in the future!

[This year. Yuanhe invited Sun Yue to attend the meeting. ]

[Your mentor Sun Jiaoren will also go as an important person. ]

[This trip is extremely dangerous, you decide... ]

[① I'm not feeling well and can't go! ]

[② There's an emergency at home, so I'll leave! ]

[③ Follow my mentor, it's my duty! ]

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