Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 477 Simulation! Who is the villain? How to choose between the power of antiquity, space and

Ye Yinchuan put away the crystal core of the Snow Girl, and used Kong Kong and Bao Bao to destroy the other two pets of Yamada Zuomen.

The demon clown had the ability to sneak, but in front of Kong Kong's Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes, there was no place to hide.

With a flash of divine light in his eyes, Kong Kong directly waved the divine iron "Zhen Yue" and smashed the demon clown from the void to the ground with one stick, and then added 9981 sticks before destroying it.

It must be said that the tenacity of the life of platinum-level pets is still difficult to kill.

And the regenerated mammoth, based on the tenacious vitality of the platinum level, is characterized by regeneration ability.

After several attacks, Bao Bao failed to kill it, so he directly turned on the blood-eating seal form, pounced on it, sucked in a gust of leopard wind, and sucked its flesh and blood.

Seeing that the difficult regenerated mammoth gradually shrank, both the Spark Alliance and the Great Ape Family showed a look of shock.

"Who is the villain here?"

"Are you sure he won't be poisoned? This regenerated mammoth is full of poison..."

Ye Yinchuan looked calm.

Who is the villain? Is there any need to ask?

As for poisoning, Baobao has anti-toxic blood. This level of toxins is probably like seasoning to him.

But just as Ye Yinchuan finished his boasting, he found Baobao falling to the ground with his belly turned upside down, his face a little blue.

"No way? Poisoned to death?"

Ye Yinchuan suddenly remembered that Baobao was just a golden chicken now, and the object of the sucking was platinum level. Could it be that he couldn't bear it?

But after Baobao burped for a long time, he patted his belly and choked.


"It's so cheap..."

Ye Yinchuan's eyes were slightly disgusted and doted on.

Next, it was to clean up the battlefield.

The remaining Yingkou, all killed or captured alive.

The three most important targets, Yamada Samon and two big traitors, were all controlled and interrogated by special personnel to obtain more intelligence.

And the Chinese civilians captured by Yingkou were all resettled.

"What are you going to do with those...experimental subjects?"

Taiyang came to Ye Yinchuan and asked meaningfully.

"They are people, Chinese people."

Ye Yinchuan took a deep breath, his eyes filled with worry for the country and the people,

"Those who have lost their rationality and have no hope of recovery should be euthanized directly."

"Those who still have humanity should be treated as human beings, but they are a little special...

Let them choose whether to go home or stay.

For those who stay, I will deal with them properly and send money to their families every once in a while."

Ye Yinchuan said his own way of dealing with it.

After listening to this, Taiyang sighed deeply:

"It seems that there is no better way. You said that you want to integrate the Spark Alliance. Now it seems that you do have the heart and the qualifications."

As he said this, Taiyang stretched out a hand towards Ye Yinchuan:

"Comrade Yinchuan, from now on, we are firm comrades in alliance. Let us drive out the Yingkou and those overseas powers together and revive China!"

The two held their hands tightly together.

At this point, the Beast Taming Scroll also gave some hints.

[The proxy mode has ended...]

[You successfully destroyed the secret experimental base of Yingkou and gained the deep trust of Taiyang of the Spark Alliance. ]

[Unlock the achievement "The Evil Experimental Base"!]

[Because you rescued a considerable number of civilians in this operation, your prestige in China has increased. ]

[You successfully captured Yamada Saemon alive, which is more valuable than assassinating him directly. According to the agreement, you will get the opportunity to exchange ideas with a core member of the Spark Alliance. ]

[You got the crystal core of the platinum-level pet beast, the ghost of the snow girl. ]

[When you were dealing with those Chinese civilians, you saw Lin Lan and the synthetic beast together. What do you plan to do...]

[① Pretend not to see it and don't ask about it]

[② Adopt them by your side]

In the simulated scenario, Ye Yinchuan got more information about Lin Lan. The girl had long been unable to find her biological parents and was sold to Yingkou by human traffickers. Even if she was dealt with, the most she could do was to find a family that could adopt her.

However, Lin Lan seemed unwilling to be separated from the synthetic beast, and seemed to have a deep affection for it.

[You decided to adopt them by your side. You named the girl who was transformed into a synthetic beast by Yingkou Lin Zi. ]

Ye Yinchuan nodded. Lin Lan was smart and clever, and had a talent like "Breaking the Hidden Eye". It would be good to keep her by your side.

As for Lin Zi, she was also an orphan without a father or a mother. Her life was pitiful. Now that she was like this, it would be a bit inhumane to forcibly separate her and Lin Lan.

[The core member of the Spark Alliance you choose to exchange and learn the art of beast control is...]

[① Taiyang]

[② Chen Shuangxiu]

[③ Others]

Looking at the options given by the Beast Control Scroll in front of him, Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved.

Although it is an opportunity to exchange and learn with the core members of the Spark Alliance, it is actually a reward from the Beast Control Scroll. Which one you choose will affect your reward.

It looks like there are only three options, but in fact, if you choose the third one, there are more than ten options after unfolding, including all the core members of the Spark Alliance.

Well... except for Chen Sibo, who has become a human stick and is being tortured.

After thinking about it, Ye Yinchuan decided to choose between Taiyang and Chen Shuangxiu. After all, these two are definitely big guys and have very strong abilities.

The key is that they are a little closer to him, and the probability of gaining something may be greater.

Taiyang's ability is undoubtedly the power of the sun, the talent of beast control: golden sun, and the unique sleeping mechanism of the sunrise sleeping lion, which can obtain different levels of power enhancement according to the awakeness of the pet.

Although Chen Shuangxiu's ability is not well understood, it is roughly known that it is the power of the starry sky and the power of space.

"Hiss, it would be great if I could take them all."

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but shed greedy tears from the corners of his mouth.

But no matter what, he still has to choose one.

"Starry sky power and space power are both very powerful and at a high level."

"And the most important thing is, if Kong Kong gets the power of the starry sky, will he have the opportunity to awaken the ancient bloodline?"

Now among all Ye Yinchuan's pets, only Kong Kong does not have ancient bloodline, which has become a pain point for Ye Yinchuan at present.

If Kong Kong can become an ancient pet, with the blessing of ancient bloodline and his own beast-controlling talent: the passive blessing of ancient memory, then Kong Kong's strength will be improved by at least 30%, which is very amazing and considerable.

"Hiss, this must be a gamble!"

Ye Yinchuan finally decided to choose the second one. He wanted to communicate with Chen Shuangxiu about the way of beast control.

If there is a chance to get the power of the starry sky, then the pain points that have always been there will be solved.

And if you can get the power of space, it will definitely not be a loss!

[You decided to choose Chen Shuangxiu and communicate with him about the way of beast control...]

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