Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 564 Simulation! Exploring the interior of the volcano! Gold and platinum crystal cores? So m

After Ah Sheng completed his evolution, Ye Yinchuan's team in the simulation has been completely renewed.

The current average combat power of the beasts is gold level.

The strongest one should be the Sandstorm King Dragon, Ah Bao, gold level, dragon blood.

The second is Ye Yinchuan himself, the Wind Burning Shield Thin Dog, and because he has the Dragon Killer and the Dragon Slayer Fang, which are special abilities for the dragon clan, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose in a fight with Ah Bao.

Of course, Ah Bao also has a powerful relic left by his mother.

Then there are Ah Sheng and the Thin Dog's mother, one is the Magic Sword Thin Dog, and the other is the Flame Fist Thin Dog. The former focuses on a very explosive attack with great lethality, while the latter is good at fighting and protracted warfare. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as both offensive and defensive.

Finally, there is the Golden Flame Sand Rat, who is responsible for intelligence reconnaissance and transmission in the team, is good at various life-saving skills, and is also a mascot-like existence.

[After repelling the Sigma Thin Dog, what are your plans next...]

[① Enter the interior of the volcanic crater to explore! 】

【②Leave the volcanic area and attack the Sigma tribe's base camp! 】

【③Leave the volcanic area and avoid the subsequent revenge of the Sigma tribe! 】

Looking at the three options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan decisively chose one.

【You decided to explore the inside of the volcanic crater. The reason why you determined that this is a resource point is because the magma crystal that Ah Sheng got before was found nearby! 】

【Just wanting to pass through the crater and enter the inside of the volcano requires extremely high fire resistance. 】

【Among you, only you have this qualification. Do you want to explore alone? 】

Ye Yinchuan decisively chose yes.

Just standing at the crater of this volcano, you can feel the extremely rich breath of fire energy, but strangely, you can actually smell a hint of death.

After all, it is a volcano, and it is easy to understand that there is a breath of fire, but what is the breath of death?

Ye Yinchuan can't help but look forward to the situation inside the volcano and the next harvest.

[You decide to explore the interior of the volcano alone, while the other four beasts stay nearby to pick you up. ]

In the simulated scenario.

Ye Yinchuan stands at the crater of the volcano, which is full of magma and scorching flames. Fortunately, after he evolved into a dead wind burning shield dog, he already has the super fire resistance of magma bathing, and the more magma bathing, the stronger his shield armor is.

What others can't bear is a great tonic for him.

Ye Yinchuan looked back at the dog mother and others, and jumped directly into the crater of the volcano. The surrounding magma directly covered his body, making him feel warm and comfortable.

[You enter the crater of the volcano and start to move forward along the internal passage towards the interior of the volcano. ]

[The surrounding scorching magma and high temperature temper your shield armor, and your shield armor strength has increased! ]

[Soon, two forks appeared in front of you. One fork revealed a strong smell of death and a sour smell. The other fork could vaguely hear the sound of drums and even hotter flames. You decide...]

[① Choose the road of death and sour burning! ]

[② Choose the road of drums and burning! ]

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan's eyes flickered. Although the descriptions of the beast control scrolls were sometimes a bit outrageous, they always made sense.

But what is the situation now?

Death and sour burning? Drums and burning?

Although Ye Yinchuan didn't quite understand it, he closed his eyes and chose it!

The front is related to death, and the back should be related to fire!

[You decide to go to the road full of death and sour smell! ]

[You start to move forward continuously, and the indescribable smell around you becomes more and more intense. ]

[Suddenly, the originally narrow passage suddenly became open, but the space in front of it obviously had a downward trend. ]

[Do you want to continue moving forward? 】

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan decisively chose yes.

Now that he was here, he didn't move forward. Would he poop here?

However, the breath around him gradually made Ye Yinchuan feel uncomfortable. He felt that the shield on his body had an inexplicable sour and numb feeling.

[You continued to move forward and slid directly into the space in front of you. Below you was a water area. To be precise, it was full of an unknown liquid. The breath of death and burning was emitted from here! 】

In a simulated scenario.

Ye Yinchuan felt like he had fallen into a pool of boiling water. Logically, magma would not make him feel pain or burning, but as soon as he touched these liquids, he felt like there were countless drills drilling into his body. The pain and burning sensation made people unbearable.

And Ye Yinchuan also saw some coke-like substances floating on the liquid, and some things floating in these substances were slightly flashing...

"Crystal core?"

Ye Yinchuan suddenly felt hairy all over.

How could there be so many crystal cores floating here?

A possible logical closed loop instantly formed in Ye Yinchuan's mind.

The crystal core must come from a living thing, and each crystal core here means a life form that once existed.

Those charcoals are likely the remains of a life form.

In other words.

The creatures that came here definitely didn't know him, but judging from the current situation, this place is so dangerous that so many life forms have ended up being turned into charcoal.

The worst of these crystal cores in front of him is gold, and the strongest is even platinum. After all, weaker creatures can't even pass through the passage full of magma, let alone come here.

Logically speaking, so many gold and platinum crystal cores are rare treasures for any creature.

But now, even Ye Yinchuan, who has always been greedy for money, has no intention.

Because the problem now is whether he can get out alive. If he can't get out alive, no matter how many crystal cores there are here, they are all phantom bubbles, meaningless, and will break with a poke.

Ye Yinchuan can feel that the liquids around him are corroding his shield armor, and even his eyes. After touching those liquids, his vision began to be affected, and he began to see unclearly.

It is estimated that it won't take long before he will go blind first, and then slowly turn into charcoal in this corrosive liquid.

"What the hell is this place? You told me this is the inside of a volcano?"

Ye Yinchuan now had a big question mark in his mind.

[The current environment is very unfavorable to you, what are you going to do...]

[①Absorb the surrounding crystal cores to improve your strength! ]

[②Dive underwater and find an exit! ]

[③Climb back along the route you came in! ]

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