Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 58 Simulation! My house was robbed! Frost pine cones can’t be opened! In this river?

[You want to absorb the frost pinecones. 】

[But I found that the shell was difficult to open and the pulp essence inside could not be eaten. 】

[Currently, you have no means to open the Frost Pinecone. 】

in a simulated scenario.

Ye Yinchuan transformed into a hug, smashing and chewing on the frost pine cones.

He even used the power of the tail seal to greet him with various skills.

But that thing is like a diamond, ice and hard.

In the end, there was nothing we could do about it.

There is no other way but to give up for now.

[Maybe you have sharp teeth like a saber-toothed squirrel, or a sharper attack method, to open the frost pine cone. 】

Seeing the prompt on the panel, Ye Yinchuan's heart moved.

Sharp teeth, or sharp means of attack?

This can be done!

[In order to dig out the saber-toothed squirrel's burial, you messed up this white fruit bush. 】

【You decide……】

[① Destroy corpses, eliminate traces, and eliminate evidence]

【②It's a good idea to run away, it's better to go】

Ye Yinchuan glanced at it and simulated the scene.

Doesn't this eliminate the piece of evidence?

Run quickly!

Although not very afraid of the saber-toothed squirrel.

But I feel like, if someone can hide something so brazenly here, there must be something to it.

[You decided to run away. Ginkgo bushes, while nice, provide too little nutrition. 】

[And you have received enough benefits, there is nothing to regret about leaving here. 】

[As soon as you stepped out of the white fruit bush with your front feet, you saw the saber-toothed squirrel coming back with your back feet. 】

in a simulated scenario.

Ye Yinchuan saw from a distance that the saber-toothed squirrel was walking towards the ginkgo tree, holding a fruit in its hand.

But it saw that it had been turned upside down and there were holes everywhere.

He froze on the spot, the fruit in his hand fell down, and he rolled and ran out.

Shushu, my home has been stolen!


Ye Yinchuan heard a saber-toothed squirrel scream like a prairie dog.

The whole ginkgo bush shook.

The falling white snow seemed to shake.

Just when Ye Yinchuan thought that the saber-toothed squirrel was crazy.

A saber-toothed tiger was attracted by its cry.

The hunting gaze is locked on the saber-toothed squirrel.

At this moment, there was a thud and a muffled thud from the ground.

Every time it rang, the whole earth trembled.

[The cry of the saber-toothed squirrel attracts the saber-toothed tiger. 】

[But what the saber-toothed squirrel is really calling for is a big guy!]

[A mammoth like a hill is galloping forward. 】

[The mammoth trampled the saber-toothed tiger to death!]

[The mammoth looks very angry and sweeps away everything around it. 】

[Looks like... he's venting his anger on the saber-toothed squirrel. 】

[The mammoth has discovered you and is running towards you!]


[The eighth-level silver mammoth is very scary!]

【You decide……】

【①Front hard steel!】


【③Kill the sharp-toothed squirrel!】

Ye Yinchuan glanced at the options.

The first option made his blood boil.

The third option made him laugh out loud.

But the frosty pine cones haven’t opened yet.

Ye Yinchuan didn't want to waste a simulation opportunity like this.

So he follows his heart!

[You run as fast as you can, but you can't be faster than a mad mammoth. 】

[The saber-toothed squirrel also screamed because it found the frost pine cone on you!]

[The sixth man who stole Shushu’s house has been found!]

[The mammoth catches up with you and stomps you down. 】

[Fortunately, you used the escape skill and escaped directly into the earth to avoid this wave of damage. 】

[But the mammoth's attack still shocked you for a while. 】

【You decide……】

【①Escape deeper】

【②Escape to the distance】

The situation was critical, and Ye Yinchuan made a choice.

Escape deeper.

Because he couldn't outrun the mammoth even from a distance.

If you go deeper, there might be a glimmer of hope!

[As you escape deeper, the power of the mammoth's trample will be reduced a lot. 】

[But you feel very dizzy and may lose consciousness at any time. 】

[You vaguely hear the sound of water flowing in front of you, but there is mud all around, how can there be the sound of water!]

【You decide……】

【①Don’t be scared, keep going in depth】

[②It’s so weird, just stop here]

Water flow?

Ye Yinchuan was stunned for a moment.

But soon there was a guess.

He decided to dig deeper.

in a simulated scenario.

The surrounding soil is getting wetter and wetter, and the surrounding area is so dark that one can only judge the direction based on the feeling when he escapes.

The sound of water coming from the front became clearer and clearer.

Ye Yinchuan's heart was in his throat

I always feel like there is some unknown danger ahead.

at last.

It's like breaking through a barrier, a membrane.

Out of the water!

Suddenly, water squeezed out from the surrounding soil, surrounding the hug.


Ye Yinchuan felt like he fell into the water all of a sudden.

who I am? where am I? Where is this?

In this river?

This is definitely in the river!

Falling into the water as a seal in the simulation is like coming home.


The water is not cold yet, it is extremely warm.

This underground river? And it’s still warm!

【You discovered an underground river!】

[No wonder there is a white tree fruit bush growing so well in the cold weather. It turns out that

【Not only provides moisture, but also provides a suitable temperature!】

[You move along the river and quickly find a shelter. 】

[You are surprised to find that there are fish and shrimps here, which can provide you with plenty of food. 】

【This is simply your paradise. 】

Feeling comfortable.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

Ye Yinchuan felt a little happy when he thought of the saber-toothed squirrels and mammoths that were chasing him angrily.

Hey~ Do you have the ability to come down and beat me?

If it weren't for the fact that the simulation had no control over options, Ye Yinchuan would have wanted to get back to the ground and skin the enemies.


Although I stole the saber-toothed squirrel's home first and stabbed it in the back~

[Your strength and level are enough, it’s time to consider evolution. 】

[You plan to evolve...]

【① Scale-tailed seal】

【②Twin-tailed seal】

【③Water Blade Seal】

【④Poisonous scorpion seal】

【⑤Heavy Hammer Seal】

Is it finally here?

Perhaps because the foundation is relatively solid, the simulation development is much faster this time.

You must know that the time from birth to now is only about half a day.

Ye Yinchuan’s previous route was scaly-tailed seal.

But this time.

He made a different choice.

[You plan to evolve into a water blade seal. 】

[For some reason, you have a complete evolution method in your mind. According to the above method, you will definitely be able to evolve successfully. 】

The reason why Ye Yinchuan wants to evolve the water blade seal.

There are two reasons.

First, it is because the evolutionary conditions of water blade seals require an environment with a lot of water.

The underground river in front of us met the conditions.


That is the frost pine cone, which requires sharp or razor-sharp means of attack.

There are so many evolutionary branches of tail seals.

Only the waterblade seal fits the bill best.

As long as it is to open the frost pine cones, then this reason is sufficient!

[If you want to evolve into a water blade seal, the water environment requirements have been met. 】

[You start to prepare for other evolutions. 】

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