Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 640 Simulation! Complex instructions can also be simple? This is a paradox!

The ability to transform the Star Puppet.

Ye Yinchuan speculated that it should be to make the Star Puppet stronger or something like that.

And the ability to conceal oneself is a means of saving life.

If you hide well enough, you can let the Star Puppet work, and you are absolutely safe.

One is strength, and the other is life-saving.

In addition to the quality of the Star Puppet that has been determined before.

Ye Yinchuan needs to make a choice.

"I already have the form of a Starfire Pigeon. As a means of saving life, continuing to increase life-saving means seems very good, but in fact it sacrifices strength."

"If the strength is enough and you can beat the opponent, why do you deliberately hide yourself?"

Therefore, Ye Yinchuan's choice at this time must be to rely on strength.

The two choices at the moment are nothing more than.

Increase control over the puppet and strengthen the puppet itself.

"I can now transform other creatures into Star Puppet, but I can't exert their full strength. Maybe it's better not to lose sight of the main goal."

Ye Yinchuan decided to play it safe and choose one.

The others can be followed up later.

[You think that your subsequent evolution direction is to further improve the quality of the puppet control! ]

[To this end, you constantly practice puppet control to manipulate the star puppet to make more movements according to your instructions...]

[You hope that the specific improvement will be reflected in...]

[①Be able to use more abilities of the star puppet! ]

[②Be able to make the star puppet more agile! ]

[③Be able to issue more complex operations to the star puppet! ]

[④I want them all! ]

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan directly chose four.

He thought that since it was an improvement brought by evolution, he could be greedy.

In the simulation scenario, as a pigeon, he also began to focus on these three aspects and conduct specialized exercises.

[When you tried to use more abilities of the star puppet, you encountered an obstacle. Your star puppet can only use one ability at present. When using the second ability, your puppet control thread will break. What do you think the solution is...]

[①You should control the rhythm of the ability to use! ]

[②You should continue to improve the strength of the thread! ]

[③You should increase the number of threads invested! ]

Ye Yinchuan looked at the scene in the simulation.

When he was a pigeon, controlling the split-headed turtle and using two different abilities, the silk thread would break, so that the split-headed turtle would break free and run away directly. If he hadn't transformed the star puppet in time, it would have almost been free.

Split-headed turtle: Can't you let me do it for free?

Ye Yinchuan vaguely realized that the silk thread of the puppet-controlling pigeon was somewhat similar to a circuit, controlling the star puppet through energy, that is, electric current.

He could feel that when issuing instructions to the star puppet to use abilities, it was obviously more consuming than ordinary action instructions.

"Controlling the rhythm of using abilities will definitely have an effect, but this is not the effect I want."

"It's like I want the cooling effect of the air conditioner, but the load of the circuit can't bear it. As a result, I have to reduce the cooling requirements of the air conditioner, which is putting the cart before the horse."

"As for increasing the number of silk threads, I'm afraid that those that should break will still break, and it will also increase the energy burden."

Ye Yinchuan decided to choose the second one.

[You continue to improve the strength of the silk thread, and finally you can control the star puppet to use two abilities without breaking. Your direction and strategy are correct. 】

【And the difficulties you encounter are not limited to this. In the process of improving the agility of the Star Puppet, you find that sometimes you want to be faster, but the Star Puppet's movements become conflicting and distorted. 】

Ye Yinchuan felt the situation in the simulation, his eyes flickering slightly.

The description of the Beast Taming Scroll is a bit abstract, but Ye Yinchuan's feelings are very clear. He wants to speed up the Star Puppet's movements, but the Star Puppet is like a patient with imbalance, twisting there.

【You think you should...】

【① Increase the strength of the silk thread】

【② Increase the number of silk threads】

【③ Slow down the speed of command transmission】

Looking at the three options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan directly chose two.

Perhaps, increasing the number of silk threads can make the manipulation more precise, thereby making the Star Puppet more agile.

【You tried to increase the number of silk threads, but your control of the Star Puppet became more chaotic...】


Ye Yinchuan was a little confused. It didn't make sense. His choice was wrong.

Is it correct to increase the strength of the silk thread? One force can defeat ten skills?

Seeing that the Beast Taming Scroll gave options again, Ye Yinchuan chose one in confusion.

After all, the answer can't be three, right? Slow down the speed of command transmission?

Isn't this completely in conflict with your purpose of making the Star Puppet more agile?

[You tried to increase the strength of the silk thread, but it seems to have no effect except increasing your energy consumption...]

[The successive failed attempts have wasted a lot of time, and your morale to improve your strength has also been affected. ]


Now that both options have been ruled out, Ye Yinchuan naturally knows what the real answer is.

Looking at the problem again with the answer, Ye Yinchuan suddenly has some new understanding, but it seems that there is still a layer of window paper. If he can't break it, he will always be a little confused.

[But you didn't give up. Your laziness slowed down the output of commands and energy, but you found that the Star Puppet's movements became faster!]

Ye Yinchuan was moved. This was the key opportunity, but he still didn't quite understand the principle. Why slowing down the output would make the Star Puppet move faster?

[What do you think is the reason for this situation?]

[① Redundant instructions cause redundancy]

[② Complex instructions cause action conflicts]

[③ All of the above]

Ye Yinchuan directly chose three.

Seeing this option, he suddenly understood.

It's just like people. Sometimes the more you think and the more you want to do, the less you can act quickly and the lower your efficiency.

As the saying goes, the simpler the instructions, the faster the Star Puppet moves.

But... there is a problem.

[You think that redundant and complex instructions will actually slow down the Star Puppet's actions.]

[This idea seems to be correct, but how can simple instructions deal with complex battles?]

[① Delegate the power of the Star Puppet and let the Star Puppet fight autonomously]

[② Complex instructions can also be simple]

Looking at the two options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan felt that the first one was easy for him to understand. Isn't it just automatic combat?

But the second one was a bit abstract.

"Automatic combat is too unreliable, at least not at this stage. I gave up the number for the strength of the Star Puppet. Is automatic combat really strong?"

"But think about it from another angle. If the Star Puppet can fight automatically, can I take out more space to fight left and right?"

Ye Yinchuan was wavering.

But he finally made a decision and chose the second one.

Complex instructions can also be simple.

Ye Yinchuan smelled a hint of something unusual in this abstract option.

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