Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 718 Hug Kong Kong Ah Fu, sprouting boom! Great force makes miracles happen!

The fire and sea that engulfed everything, the frost and the splitting blow.

Cut apart countless demonic cracking flames!

The eternal dark frost flame!

Burn it out and destroy everything!

The Tail of Dragon's Fury·The Raging Sea and Waves Slash!

The thunder that destroys evil, the mountains that suppress all things, the currents that soothe the angry sea...

It’s all in this stick!

Thousands of thunders crashed down the mountain, a stick that tore the sky apart!

The light of the moonlight flickers and flickers, the power of the wind winds and cuts, the breath of death follows like a shadow, and the flames dance and rise...

In the shape of a tiger and a leopard, they are elusive and unparalleled in attack and defense!

Death Flame Sandstorm·Moon Wheel Sword Dance!

The interior of the windy whirlpool water area is already filled with turbulent waves and huge waves.

Now Ye Yinchuan's three platinum-level pet beasts all burst out with terrifying power. Every time their respective abilities are used, they are earth-shattering and destructive.

And all this ferocious firepower is frantically bombarding a target...

That is Chen Guanxi, a member of Wuyang!

All fear comes from insufficient firepower!

Seeing such a young beastmaster controlling three such powerful platinum-level beasts, Zhou Shanming was so frightened that he summoned all the beasts, only to find himself in a situation where he could only defend himself.

"Am I dreaming?"

Zhou Shanming, as the master invited by Qin Shou, only used money to do things. Who knew that such a change would happen.

What frightened him was not only Ye Yinchuan's firepower, but also Chen Guanxi who was fatally injured and showed a terrifying posture.

Therefore, one of his platinum-level pet beasts was surrounding him to prevent Chen Guanxi's attack.

What? You said they are teammates?

Come on, those things don't even look like normal humans, and Zhou Shanming, as a platinum beast master, how could he not know that Wu Yang is a group of crazy villains who kill without blinking an eye!

Ye Yinchuan noticed Zhou Shanming's condition through the wind, waves and ferocious attacks. He could probably guess that Zhou Shanming might not have such a close relationship with the five rampant members.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

First, in order to kill Chen Guanxi and eliminate unnecessary risks, he had no room to hold back.

Second, even if Chen Guanxi is not a member of the Five Rampant Groups, their purpose of following him is to kill people and seize treasures.

In other words, Zhou Shanming himself wanted his own life, even if he was just a thug who was hired by others, the specific reasons were no longer important.

If you kill someone who has murderous intent towards you, you will kill him!

What's more, Ye Yinchuan's original intention was to kill Chen Guanxi. Zhou Shanming was not even his target. It was just that under such firepower, Zhou Shanming was not immune.

This is called killing the rise, and by the way, kill him too!

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Blood Burning Sky Seal, Lei Xiao Zhen Yue Xin Yue, Zhu Yue Xin Dog, and three platinum-level pet beasts.

Zhou Shanming's platinum-level pet beasts were retreating steadily, and all of them were injured and passed out. In the end, only the one protecting him and the broad-nosed dragon at his feet were left.

"Where have you gone?"

Ye Yinchuan's true eyes have been locked on Chen Guanxi. Under the violent bombardment just now, he clearly saw that Chen Guanxi had been entangled in the embrace of dark frost flames, bombarded by the empty purple sky thunder, and was... Fu's death entanglement hit him, and he was no longer human, like a ball of charred material falling there.

But in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The main reason was that Zhou Shanming's pet beast interfered, which affected his vision during the collision.

"Ah blessing!"

Ye Yinchuan gave an order, and Fu's black fog of the dead opened in time, trying to search for and imprison Chen Guanxi's soul.


Ah Fu suddenly barked in the direction of Zhou Shanming, and his meaning was obvious, Chen Guanxi was there!


Zhou Shanming also discovered at this time that Chen Guanxi's "wreck" had disappeared without a trace.

"At your feet!"

Ye Yinchuan's pupils shrank, and he suddenly discovered that where Chen Guanxi's remains were originally located, on the back of the Bottlenose Dragon, he had been beaten to a bloody pulp, but if he looked carefully, there was a wound deep inside.

In an instant, Ye Yinchuan thought of it.

Chen Guanxi may have gotten into the body of a broad-nosed dragon!

As for why it is in Zhou Shanming's position, Ye Yinchuan's experience and intuition tell it that nothing can have the power of infinite regeneration for no reason.

Either energy is stored in some way, or energy is obtained in some way...

Perhaps Chen Guanxi, who was seriously injured and beaten out of his human form, now needs to replenish his energy in some way?


Only a heartbreaking scream was heard, and a heartbreaking pain came from Zhou Shanming's feet. Something grew out of the flesh and blood of the Bottlenose Dragon and pierced the soles of his feet. It was a living thing. , even drilling into his own body!


Ye Yinchuan shouted loudly and told his three eldest sons not to hesitate.

However, before the third pet's attack could land, a terrifying change occurred in Zhou Shanming's body. Something quickly filled his body, stretched out his skin, and squirmed continuously, as if it was coming at any time. To break his skin and break out.

The next moment, a large number of sharp tentacles actually broke through Chen Guanxi's skin, and after coming out, they clung to his skin tightly.

How to describe it?

The current situation is that Zhou Shanming has countless blood holes on his body, and tentacles extend from the blood holes, holding him down.

Not only that, his eyeballs, mouth, and ear holes are all forcibly broken out by tentacles. Those small holes are instantly horrible, torn wounds.

Especially the eyeballs... The eyeballs were pushed out directly, and the scene was simply the horror in a horror movie, both disgusting and terrifying!

At that moment, Zhou Shanming was even conscious and alive, and his body was still twitching.

But the next moment, there seemed to be a strong dragging force, directly pulling him down and drilling into the flesh of the broad-snouted dragon...

At this time, the broad-snouted dragon was obviously attacked from the inside, and the whole thing was violently rolling. It might also be the backlash caused by the serious injury or death of the beastmaster.

In short, the nearly ten-meter-long body of the broad-snouted dragon turned the nearby waters upside down.

Ye Yinchuan's face was a little heavy, and the current situation was obviously beyond his expectations.

"Baobao Kongkong Ah Fu, sprouting boom!"

In the current situation, the only way is to continue to increase the firepower!

Great power can make miracles happen!

At this time, Kongkong directly communicated with Ye Yinchuan and Baobao Ah Fu with the voice of the heart:

"I will use the mountain space to completely block it, you all follow my full output to ensure peace of mind!"

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