Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 720 Compared to Qin Shou, you are the real beast! Dad! Look! What is that!

[Insidious Madman·Second Form]

[Use the blood of the Five Divine Beasts and inject it into the human body to stimulate the "insidious" malice in human nature, forming a transition in the level of life energy. The creatures born have the special ability to drill into other creatures, even dead things, to obtain energy, plunder flesh and blood, and control the body!]


The information displayed on the panel is quite detailed.

However, what caught Ye Yinchuan's attention was that there was a suffix of "Second Form" after the name of this insidious madman.

Does that mean that there will be a third form, or even a fourth form?

Considering the information obtained before, the madman needs to complete his obsession before he can evolve, which seems to be mutually verified with this point.

"Catch him alive, or kill him?"

Ye Yinchuan hesitated for a moment, but decided to kill him.

After all, the empty mountain space cannot be maintained forever, and there is currently nothing that can restrain this insidious madman.

Unlike the hypocritical madman, the biggest characteristic of the insidious madman is that he can penetrate everywhere, whether it is a living thing or a dead thing.

Only Kong Kong's spatial ability can block it!

"Destroy it."

Information, with his own true eye and Ah Fu's soul torture, can get a lot.

After getting Ye Yinchuan's confirmation, Kong Kong directly locked the vital point of the sinister maniac with a thunder method, which was exposed, a maggot-like thing covered with black keratin in the brain, which was the "crystal core" of the sinister maniac.


The core of the sinister maniac was pierced by thunder, accompanied by a puff of black smoke, and his weird body began to weather in an instant.

"Ah Fu!"

Ye Yinchuan called out, and Ah Fu's black fog of the dead had been waiting for a long time. After spreading, it actually pulled out a sinister villain from the void.


Ye Yinchuan never expected that the soul of the sinister maniac was the appearance of its own body, not the soul of the original host.

If you think about it carefully, it is reasonable. This thing itself is a self-born creature, a parasite on the host, not a mutation of the host.

The situation in front of him reminded Ye Yinchuan again of the characteristics of the madman created by Wu Changsui.

However, what made Ye Yinchuan even more speechless was that there was no valuable information in the soul memory of the insidious madman, but it was very chaotic, composed of the memories of the hosts it had parasitized and killed.

And there were some insidious memories in it.

For example, Chen Guanxi and Qin Shou joined forces to design Wang Baichi...


In Chen Guanxi's memory, he actually took advantage of Wang Baichi's drunkenness when he went out to play and secretly injected Wang Baichi with madness liquid!

Is this to turn Wang Baichi into a living culture dish for the madman? What a good brother!

And the source of Chen Guanxi's madness liquid was that he joined a mysterious organization by chance. This organization would provide various resources and conveniences, and among them there was a kind of treasured...spiritual liquid, which was actually madness liquid.

After injecting the stalker liquid, Chen Guanxi's personality changed drastically. He did many things that he didn't dare to do before. He also went from being an unknown junior to being able to mix with young masters from aristocratic families like Wang Baichi.

Until the later calculations.

The reason why Chen Guanxi did this was purely because he wanted to do this.

"So, the stalker liquid can stimulate the dark side of people, and it will also bring pleasure and addiction, and even quietly transform people's thinking, so that people will spread the stalker liquid on their own!"


Ye Yinchuan thought of something that made his scalp tingle, that is, is there a possibility that Wang Baichi himself is not so bad, nor so brainless, and the reason why he behaves like this is because he is affected by the stalker liquid!


As Ye Yinchuan learned more about the five stalkers, the madman, and the stalker liquid, he felt like he had found a scabby wound, but after peeling off the scab on it, he found that

Ye Yinchuan asked Ah Fu to control the soul of the sinister madman first, and he will temporarily call it the "sinister villain soul" in the future.

This sinister villain soul doesn't look like a harmless product.

Ah Fu howled, and the black and white souls in shackles appeared. One of them stretched out his two hands and clamped the limbs of the sinister villain soul tightly, making it unable to move.

And Ah Fu slapped the ground with his claws, and the black air lingered, turning into new chains and shackles, controlling the sinister villain soul and imprisoning it somewhere in the black fog of the dead.

Although it cannot be transformed into a ghost for the time being and used by oneself like the black and white souls, this thing is quite special. Keep it, maybe it will come in handy one day.

After doing all this, Ye Yinchuan carefully collected the crystal core fragments of the sinister maniac.

This process was all operated by Kong Kong with telekinesis to avoid any accidents. At that time, it was sent directly to the research institute of the Huaxia Alliance for professional research.

Everything was done, and Ye Yinchuan was slightly relieved.

However, his expression was a little solemn. That bastard Chen Guanxi, before he was completely transformed into a madman, injected many people around him with the drug, even his own father. He was really filial.

Compared with Qin Shou, you are the real beast!

These situations should be reported to the alliance later. If these people are left alone, they may be slowly transformed into madmen in the future.

I have to compile a list later. Thinking of this, Ye Yinchuan rubbed his temples and felt a headache.

Just when Ye Yinchuan was fighting the sinister madman.

Wang Bozhong and Wang Wu, father and son, were in the wind vortex waters, searching blindly like headless flies.

In addition to them, there were some platinum-level masters who were relatively strong or had face, who passed Wang Baichi's "test" and entered here to look for the golden dragon fish.

"Why do I feel that the wind vortex waters are not as dangerous as before."

Wang Bozhong and Wang Wu have come here more than once. Since the last time a handsome guy came here, it seems that it has been peaceful here...

It's nothing, just a little bit strong, like to take the initiative to attack, many of them have been killed.

A few days later.

"Why can't I contact Chen Guanxi and the others?"

"Will there be any accidents?"

Wang Baichi and Qin Shou, who were responsible for intercepting everyone outside with "tests", felt something was wrong.

Now the situation has almost stabilized, those who should go in have already gone in, and those who are not strong have also retreated.

"Let's go in too."

They finally couldn't sit still and decided to enter the wind vortex waters to try.

Although it would be more difficult without Zhou Shanming, a powerful water beastmaster, to lead the way, their group of people were not weak, and they were not completely helpless.

"Son, we should go back for supplies."

Wang Bozhong sighed helplessly as he looked at Wang Wu who had been searching.

"Dad, we can still hold on for two days. What if, what if someone finds us in these two days?"

"We have come here so many times. If we could find it, we would have found it long ago. It doesn't matter if we find it now. Your dad is old and can't stand it..."

"Dad, please, hold on a little longer. Maybe my sincerity will move God, and the golden dragon fish will appear?"

Looking at Wang Wu's dedication to the search, Wang Bozhong was somewhat convinced. With such faith and determination, what can't be done in the world?

But his son fell in love with a woman he shouldn't love!

"Dad! Look! What is that!"

Suddenly, Wang Wu was so excited that he danced and almost screamed.

There was a golden fish shadow in the waves ahead!

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