Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 86 Hunting! Dongbai Mountain! Hu Yue's other platinum pet! Ah You, what are you doing!

Hu Yue arranged a big school bus.

"Are we really going to sit on this?"

"Teacher, can I take a taxi myself?"

Some students looked embarrassed.

Because these two major buses and school buses are really too boring!

Advertisements with large fonts in yellow and black colors, with plump and proud smiling female models, are also spliced ​​everywhere.

Simply a leopard!

"I can't help it, they gave me too much."

Hu Yue said disapprovingly, "There's no time to explain, get in the car quickly!"

Ye Yinchuan was the first to get in the car without even frowning.

Maintaining such a large school also requires funds. It makes sense to accept some advertising for a small amount of money!

Understand and support!

After all, if the school doesn’t make any money, what resources will it provide them with to control the beasts?

Su Xiaoxiao followed closely behind.

Then there is the small team of Hu Huanjing, Chen Yejia, the number one male fan, and Zhao Mingquan.

Recently, these four people have become famous in the class, and they are collectively known as the Four King Kongs of the second class of beast control.

The mouth breaks the Vajra, and the illusion is lost.

Yan Dog King Kong, Zhao Ming Dog.

Flatter King Kong, Chen Ye's family.

Trumpet King Kong, the number one male fan.

What? You ask your number one male fan what his name is, and after a month of getting to know each other, everyone knows each other.

His name is Yan Qihang.

As for why it is called Trumpet King Kong.

The main reason is that this guy is Ye Yinchuan's number one male fan. He cheers loudly during the game. He can kill a cheerleading team by himself. The volume is comparable to a loudspeaker...


Yan Qihang's pet animal is a small yellow dog, whose scientific name is Chinese Pastoral Dog.

Chinese Garden Dog is actually a general term for native Chinese canine pets. In addition to small yellow dogs, there are also small black dogs, small white dogs, etc.

This is also the reason why Yan Qihang and Zhao Mingquan can get together. They are both dog lovers.

A famous saying of Zhao Mingquan is: "If you like dogs, then we will be friends from now on!"

This guy also often encourages people around him, including Ye Yinchuan:

"How nice dogs are, how loyal dogs are. If you don't know what kind of pets to raise, then all of you should raise dogs!"

In the King Kong small group, except for Zhao Mingquan, whose family is suspected to be rich, the others are all ordinary people.

So like Ye Yinchuan, they don't have to pay much attention to anything. It's good to have a car!

The other students actually just complained, without any pretense, and got on the school bus one by one.

"Classmate Li Mu, give everyone a warning!"

Hu Yue was sitting in the cab, feeling very good.

The Li Mu she mentioned was a student in the class.

His pet beast is a transformation ball, a very special mechanical pet beast that can transform into various weapons. Of course, it can also transform into a speaker and play some music.

I heard that his parents both work at Petkes Company. Although they are small employees, there are still employee benefits like this, getting a special pet beast for their children.

The advantage of mechanical pets is that they are not easy to die.

It's similar to an elemental beast. As long as the core is not destroyed, it can be saved.

Even high-end mechanical beasts are more perverted. As long as the data inside is not lost, they can be transferred to other devices and resurrected again.

It will just lose some of its strength.

As for the origin of the mechanical pet beasts, there are currently several known channels.

The second generation is conceived, artificially created, and born naturally.

It is worth mentioning that the mechanical transformation of flesh and blood beasts can also be regarded as mechanical life, but as long as the transformation does not exceed 66%, it can only be regarded as semi-mechanical life. is against the alliance regulations in China to modify pet beasts privately and mechanize them.

"Okay! Transformation ball! I order you to become the person everyone hopes you will be, and let the voice of nature bloom!"

Morphing ball: (?_? )?

"Qiuqiu didn't understand what Masta meant. Please ask Masta to repeat it again."

The classmates also cast strange looks, what kind of chuunibyou is this? Sudden illness?

"Ahem... I mean, play some music."

Li Mu lowered his voice and said.

Metamorphosis Ball: "Qiuqiu understands. The latest hit song "Clouds Follow the Dragon, Wind Follows the Tiger" is being played for Masta!"

"Yun Conglong ~ Feng Conghu ~ Yuan Gong taught me how to learn magic!"

"The gates of heaven are open, the gates of earth are open, and the immortal lady is coming to earth today!"

"Dad! There are so many dads! Why is there no dad left!"

"You all turn into birds for me! Turn into many, many birds! Turn into all kinds of birds! I like it, show me how you turn it into a bird!"

"Birds, birds, come out quickly~ Birds, birds, don't come out~"

Hearing this magical music, the corners of Ye Yinchuan's mouth twitched twice.

But I have to say that the atmosphere in the car suddenly became cheerful.

In particular, the pet beasts summoned by everyone began to move their heads to the rhythm of the music, which was very cute and made people laugh.

"Huh? Teacher, is he driving himself..."

The students were all amazed when they noticed Hu Yue starting the car. Who would have thought that their class teacher would drive a bus?

I have to say that the teachers and classmates in the beast control class are all talented people and they speak well...

Especially the head teacher, reading culture and other teachers. Except for some special courses, one person leads the whole class in the beast control class!

Only Hu Huanjing frowned and adjusted his glasses:

"I just saw Teacher Hu looking for a gear shifter there. I have every reason to suspect that she doesn't have a driver's license!"

Hearing Hu Huanjing's words, and watching Hu Yue, who was driving and shaking her head to the music, the students silently fastened their seat belts and grabbed everything they could hold.


Everyone arrived at Dongbai Mountain.

"This is the outskirts of Dongbai Mountain, and most of them are bronze-level pets."

Hu Yue greeted the Dongbai Mountain security guards and led the students in.

"Am I seeing right? The two guards just now are gold-level?"

"555 Is this a beastmaster? I have already imagined my way out after graduation..."

Hu Yue did not react much to the students' surprise.

Well... beastmaster security guards, and bodyguards.

They are different from the security guards and bodyguards defined by ordinary people.

After all, you need to have some strength to play a role in guarding and protecting, otherwise why do you need them?

In addition, the gold level is not considered a strong person, it can only be regarded as a beastmaster with just enough strength, that's all.

"Our hunting will start from here."

"We have three principles for hunting."

"First, do not hunt young animals, and you must leave roots when gathering resources."

"Second, do not provoke group pets unless you have enough helpers, or ensure that you will not be beaten by the group, or can survive the group fight."

"Third, try not to stay too far away from the crowd. Especially when entering the depths of Dongbai Mountain. Don't take chances when you are injured or in danger, call for help as soon as possible."

"Although Dongbai Mountain is a relatively friendly wild area, it is hunting after all, and it is impossible to have no danger at all."

As he said, Hu Yue summoned two pets.

One is the Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly.

A platinum-level, shadow-attributed semi-elemental insect pet, everyone is already familiar with it.

The other one was shown by Hu Yue for the first time.

A platinum-level pet, the Goddess of Light Butterfly!

It is also a butterfly among insect pets, with a light attribute that is completely opposite to the Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly!

However, the Goddess of Light Butterfly is not an elemental life, not even a semi-element, but only has a light attribute.

In this respect, it is inferior to the Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly.

After all, elemental life, even semi-elemental life, is rarer and more advantageous than flesh and blood life.

Of course, flesh and blood life also has its own advantages.

Take Zhao Huaizhen's innate Qi and blood battle suit for example. If it is not a flesh and blood life, it cannot be activated.

Similarly, Qi and blood skills can only be learned and mastered by flesh and blood pets.

The shape of the Goddess of Light Butterfly is extremely gorgeous. As soon as it appeared, it amazed everyone.

It is a bright and dark contrast with the Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly, which hovers around Hu Yue and becomes her gorgeous background wall.

Hu Yue once again reminded the students of her powerful strength as a platinum summoner!

"Ah You and Xiao Guang will follow you on patrol. Once they find the situation, they will take action..."

"Ah You, what are you doing!"

Hu Yue saw the Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly flapping its wings to flutter the Goddess of Light Butterfly, causing a strong wind that blew the students to the ground, and couldn't help but scolding slightly.

Everyone was in a mess in the wind: Who are we? Where are we?

Even Chen Xueer, who has a cool temperament, had her hair blown against her face. She couldn't use her hands to brush it away because she had to hold down her skirt first.

The Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly immediately quieted down when she heard Hu Yue's call.

This is the Platinum Pet!

Even if it moves casually, it can cause a big commotion! Not to mention using skills!

(I will read the information of the extras that everyone leaves a message, but if some are swallowed up or missed in the background, I won't be able to see it. Two extras have been arranged: Li Mu and Qihang, and the settings will be slightly changed.

I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, we will arrange it for you 乁( ˙ω˙ )factory)

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