Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 88 A mountain full of tiger breath! I have heard of objects falling from the sky, but I have

Hu Yue leisurely opened a lounge chair with a parasol, and shook the orange juice in her hand. The sunlight poured into the cup, and it became a real sunshine orange juice.

"Ah You, Ah Guang, what happened today?"

Hu Yue noticed something unusual.

Her Shadow Swallowtail Butterfly and Goddess of Light Butterfly have been hovering over a mountain range.

"Is there something special there?"

Hu Yue looked into the distance with her beautiful eyes, called back the Goddess of Light Butterfly, and installed a camera on it.

In this way, the Goddess of Light Butterfly became a drone with a camera.

After a while, Hu Yue looked at the picture sent back by the camera and fell into deep thought.

"Was this mountain range like this before? It feels like a... tiger?"

Although there was no direct evidence, Hu Yue still reported the situation to the school.

Before the battle royale began, there would be a special person responsible for checking it to avoid unexpected situations.

On the other side.

Xu Mu was approaching the mountain, and he raised his eyebrows, with a special feeling.

He touched the head of the Swift White Tiger:

"Bai Jie, do you feel it?"

The Swift White Tiger nodded gently and sniffed the ground with his nose.

Xu Mu, who has the SS-level talent Tiger Roar and Dragon Roar, can stimulate the potential of dragon and tiger blood.

At this time, he actually sensed that there was a very pure tiger blood breath nearby, which was thick and mysterious. In terms of potential, it might be higher than the Swift White Tiger.

After the little white tiger evolved into the Swift White Tiger, he is now a Black Iron Summoner, and it is time to consider the second pet.

Although there is sponsorship from the Chinese official side, the resources given cannot be endless. He has to pay attention to the second pet.

If he can contract a second tiger pet here, it would be great.

As for the dragon you mentioned? That is not something that can be considered now.

And Xu Mu has thought it through long ago. Instead of contracting a sub-dragon pet with thin blood, it is better to contract a tiger with pure blood, which is much stronger.

"Look for the source."

Xu Mu followed the white tiger and wanted to see the source of the tiger blood breath.

If he could make a contract, then this time he would definitely make a lot of money!

"How could this happen..."

Xu Mu stood on the top of the mountain, a little at a loss.

Because he could feel that the area was full of the breath of tiger blood, but he didn't see a tiger.

Could it be that a tiger pet urinated and defecated everywhere here?

"What is this? Chinese thin dog?"

Xu Mu was slightly stunned when he saw a black Chinese thin dog covered with wounds.

He took out some food and some small wound medicine and placed them in front of the Chinese thin dog, then raised his hand and stepped back to show that he had no hostility.

The Chinese thin dog sniffed the food, and its clear eyes reflected the reflection of a man and a tiger, as if it wanted to remember this favor.

"Are you still following?"

Xu Mu was a little helpless.

The Chinese thin dog is a very good hunting dog among canine pets.

This one is still a juvenile, so it should be called a small thin dog.

He provided food and medicine for minor injuries simply because he couldn't bear to see the other party limping with wounds all over his body.

He Xu Mu wanted to contract a tiger, not a dog.

So, even if the other party wanted to contract, it would be useless.

"Bai Jie, drive it away."

Xu Mu didn't want the injured little dog to continue wasting energy, so he gave an order to the Swift White Tiger directly.

The Swift White Tiger bared its teeth at the little dog, releasing the tiger's momentum.

Unexpectedly, the little dog was not afraid at all.

But its dark eyes also saw that Xu Mu and the Swift White Tiger did not welcome it.

It turned and left, disappearing in the forest.

Watching the little dog gradually go away, Xu Mu was relieved.

Continue to look for the smell of tigers.

The little dog moved forward in the forest, running faster and faster, and its destination was the top of the mountain.

In a trance.

Its black figure changed, its muscles became more agile, its body became more streamlined, and its tail was like lightning.

The originally pure black fur even had some faint spots.

The overall appearance was like a black panther!

But this form didn't seem to last long, and the little dog quickly became weak.

But its eyes were firm, and it continued to run towards the top of the mountain.

The injuries on its body had no effect on it at all.


A tusk boar appeared in front of it.

The tusk boar panted, regarded the little dog as prey, and rushed from the front.

In front of the tusk boar's tank-like charge, the little dog looked pitiful and helpless.

But its eyes did not waver, and it kept staring at the top of the mountain, as if nothing could stop it.

The two sides were about to collide, and the little dog was about to be bloody and die tragically under the tusks of the tusk boar.

But I didn't expect it.

The little dog jumped up, and the muscles all over his body swelled, and he turned into a black tiger.

The two white spots on the back suddenly spread out and turned into a tattoo like wings.

At the same time, tiger spots appeared on the body, and a ferocious word "king" appeared on the top of the head.

The tiger roared in the forest.

A fight.

The tiger claws slapped the top of the head of the tusk boar.

The tusk boar's mouth and nose were bleeding, and it hit the tree headfirst, fell to the ground, and its limbs twitched.

The tusk boar of the first level of black iron was killed by the bronze level little dog in one blow!

No, to be precise.

The little dog, which turned into a black tiger, had soared to the black iron level at that moment!

"Just now...a tiger roared!"

Xu Mu heard the noise, glanced at the Gale White Tiger, and turned to chase after him.

After killing the tusk boar, the little thin dog returned to its normal canine form and ran towards the top of the mountain without stopping.

What is it going to do?

It has such a weird ability to transform, so where did its injuries come from?

I saw the little dog running up to the top of the mountain and jumping down from the top of the mountain several hundred meters high.

It closed its eyes and enjoyed it very much.

Below is a mountain forest with branches everywhere. Even if it can act as a buffer, it will still cause serious injuries.

This is exactly the reason for its injury!

"Hug! Come on, take that chicken mimic berry!"

In the mountains and forests, Ye Yinchuan directed the hunt for chicken mimic berries.

The Chicken Mimic Berry is a plant pet beast. It is a strawberry the size of a basin and looks like a cartoon chicken. It is very cute.

Chicken, mimicry, raspberry.

It means a strawberry that can mimic the shape of a chicken. This strange pet beast is not only amazing to people.

At the same time, it is also an extremely delicious ingredient.

It's sweet and juicy, and when you take one bite, it's crispy and delicious, and the pulp is juicy!

at this time.

Hug Ruyi activated his tail, grabbed the trunk of the tree, and climbed up the branch like a slingshot.

As for your question about why you didn't hold on to the branch, it was because the hug was too heavy and the branch would break as soon as you pulled it.

So the trunk is fine, but the branches don't exist.

Just as Huhuhu rushed towards the chicken Mimicberry, a small black... shadow fell from the sky.

A bang.

Hit Hua Huo on the head.

You must know that Hui Hui is now a silver pet, and his round head is as hard as a stone in a latrine.

It was the little thin dog that fell from a height of several hundred meters and hit Hua Bao on the head.

The little dog, who originally had a look of enjoyment, now rolled his eyes, stuck out his tongue, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the ground.

"Where does this thin dog come from?"

Su Xiaoxiao was shocked.

How could a little thin dog fall from the sky?

"Xigou! Can you do it? Don't die!"

Su Xiaoxiao was extremely nervous as she checked the little dog on the ground.

Ye Yinchuan also had a question mark on his face.

I’ve heard of objects falling from high altitudes, but I’ve never heard of tiny dogs falling from the sky!

"Is it okay to hug?"

Ye Yinchuan still cares more about his eldest son than the wild pet beast that he doesn't know where it came from.

However, there was nothing wrong with the hug. At this time, he had already grabbed the chicken mimicberry, smelling the aroma of the strawberry, and tears of dissatisfaction flowed from his mouth.

_(:3 ⌒?)_

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