Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 9 Beast Taming Simulation! The most beautiful creature in the tribe is actually my pet’s tal

[Ruanruan brought you dried fish. ]

[Ruanruan brought you shellfish. ]

[Ruanruan brought you seaweed woven into a heart shape. ]

[What do you plan to do...]

[① Accept it all]

[② Reject the kindness]

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

The most beautiful girl in the tribe turned out to be my dog!

Oh... it should be a leopard.


You're welcome, brother.

When the simulated memory is loaded later, enjoy it!

[You accept Ruanruan's kindness. ]

[The rich food brings you sufficient nutrition, and your physique is getting better and better. ]

[Your physical fitness has improved. ]

[Ruanruan invites you to bask in the sun together, saying that it is good for your body. What do you plan to do...]

[① Go there happily]

[② Reject coldly]

[You happily accept Ruanruan's invitation, and you bask in the sun with the most beautiful girl in the tribe, which attracts the envy and jealousy of other male seals. ]

[Ruanruan's favorability has improved. ]

[Another 2 years, you are 7 years old. The remaining life span is 18 years. ]

[Under the guidance of Chief Dada, your strength has improved by leaps and bounds. ]

[The proficiency of all skills has improved. ]

[Your strength has been raised to Bronze 9. ]

[Ruanruan's pursuit of you is getting more and more intense. ]

[Finally on this day, in front of many seals, Ruanruan took out her treasured crystal stone as a dowry and officially confessed to you. ]

Ye Yinchuan's eyes were moved.

Crystal stone, like ice crystal stone, is the crystallization of natural energy and has great benefits for pets.

[You plan to...]

[① Agree happily and pair up with Ruanruan. ]

[② You are a good leopard, but we are not suitable. ]

[③ Express your attitude and make a break. ]

Good guy.

Ye Yinchuan was entangled.

This Ruanruan just admires the strong.

It can be him hugging, or it can be another little seal.

Although it is quite reasonable.

But pairing like this is too superficial!

Baobao: (^ω^)?

It seems that the only way is to make it clear and end it.

But that crystal stone.

It looks very tempting...

There is no other way.

There is no way to have both in the world, the only way is to let the scumbag leopard go for once!

Baobao: (^ω^)? ? ?

[You said that classic saying to Ruanruan in front of all the seals]

[I'm sorry, you are a good leopard, but we are not suitable! ]

[All the seals understand that you are rejecting in a tactful way. ]

[Ruanruan's tears are rolling in her eyes. She asks you if all the interactions between you are lies? ]

[I just treat you as a friend, I didn't expect you to misunderstand so deeply...]

[Ruanruan left angrily and sadly after hearing this. ]

[① Chased after to comfort]

[② Ignored]

[You chased after to comfort Ruanruan, and explained that your feelings for it have always been friendship. ]

[I didn't expect Ruanruan to hand the crystal stone to you. ]

[You are surprised. ]

[Ruanruan said that only the strongest seal in the tribe can be worthy of it, and that is you. ]

[Since you only treat Ruanruan as a friend, Ruanruan decides to be alone for the rest of her life and be your friend for life. ]

[This crystal stone will be a token of your friendship. ]

[You got the crystal stone. ]

Ye Yinchuan opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

Although he had made plans to be a scumbag.

But he didn't expect that Ruanruan would do this.

[How do you decide to deal with the crystal stone? ]

[① Keep it, it's a token]

[② Absorb it and enhance your strength]

It's all scum.

Then let's be scum to the end.

Right, hug!

Hug: (.`ω′)?

[You absorbed the crystal stone and gained the talent "Water Affinity". ]

[Water Affinity, your own water attribute talents and skills will be strengthened, the damage received by water attributes will be reduced, and contact with water will restore injuries and energy. 】

"It's worth it for me to be such a scumbag!"

Ye Yinchuan was touched.

This talent is too strong!

It's impossible for me to be such a scumbag. I'll pay you more!

【Ruanruan knew that you absorbed the crystal stone. She was not angry but very happy. 】

【She said that if the crystal stone is not absorbed, it may be lost. But if it is absorbed by you, it will become a part of your body forever. 】

【The proof of your friendship will exist forever until the day you die. 】


What's going on with this strong yandere smell.

If this goes on, won't it be too much?

【Nienie was traumatized by you at the coming-of-age ceremony and would avoid you whenever he saw you. 】

【I heard that after he knew that Ruanruan confessed to you and was rejected by you, he felt that the opportunity had come and often tried to get close to Ruanruan. 】

【As a result, he learned that Ruanruan would live alone for you. Knowing that Ruanruan loved you to this extent, he couldn't bear the blow and fell seriously ill. 】

【The originally strong Nienie became weak and depressed. They all said that Nie Nie was a useless leopard. 】

The leopard was useless.

Ye Yinchuan was calm and even wanted to laugh.

I let you bully others in the last simulation!

[Another year, you are 8 years old. The remaining life span is 17 years. 】

[Your strength has not increased significantly this year. 】

[Some baby seals born in the same batch have begun to evolve. As a seal genius, you cannot fall behind. 】

[Who do you plan to ask for the evolution method? 】

[① Seal mother]

[② Dada tribe leader]

[③ Tail seal swaying]

[④ Asking others is better than asking yourself]

Is it finally going to evolve!

Ye Yinchuan was slightly excited.

Since he was going to evolve into a tail seal, of course he had to find the tail seal swaying.

[You decided to ask swaying the tail seal for the evolution method. ]

[Swaying was very happy about your arrival. ]

[It turned out that he had noticed you a long time ago. Seeing that you have been following the Dada tribe leader, he thought you were going to take the evolution route of the big seal. ]

[Swaying believes that you will be able to go further on the evolution path of the tail seal, and perhaps you can find out the evolution route behind the tail seal. ]

[Swaying told you the evolution method of the tail seal without reservation. ]

[The evolution method that swaying gave you mentioned that if you want to evolve into a tail seal, you must eat a lot and use large tail shrimp as the main food source. ]

[And constantly practice the steel tail to promote the development and growth of the tail, and complete the evolution in hibernation. ]


Ye Yinchuan found something wrong.

Damn it.

The evolution method is different from the last simulation!

But Ye Yinchuan understood it quickly.

"So, during the last simulation, Shuai Shuai knew that Bao Bao didn't have the talent of a tail seal, so he deliberately gave the wrong evolution method."

Damn, I've cheated you!

I was the one who got the most wrong!

I gave away the food for the winter.

The evolution method I got was wrong!

I worked so hard to evolve, but it was wrong from the beginning!


Ye Yinchuan had the urge to cut off Shuai Shuai's tail and slice it to eat with wine.

[After telling you the evolution method, Shuai Shuai sighed. ]

[It said that every year there would be a few ignorant little seals who would come to him to ask for the evolution method of the tail seal. ]

[It would give the appropriate evolution method based on their own conditions. Of course, it was not the tail seal. ]

[As a result, it caused trouble, and a few deceived seals agreed to settle accounts with him. ]

[Shuai Shuai said that it was also for their own good. Because an inappropriate evolutionary route is a complete waste of time and may even ruin a leopard's life. ]

[Shuaishuai asks you to help him persuade those deceived leopards to quit after you evolve into a tail seal. ]

[As a reward, it will also tell you the subsequent evolution method of the tail seal. Although it is just an incomplete test product. ]



Ye Yinchuan has a sentence that he doesn't know whether to say.

Forget it.

Because you are so proactive this time.

And for the sake of the subsequent evolution method.

Forgive the past!

[You agreed to Shuaishuai's request, Shuaishuai was very happy and decided to give you some benefits first. ]

[Shuaishuai gave you a bunch of big-tailed shrimps. ]

[Shuaishuai tells you the best time and place to hunt big-tailed shrimps. ]

[With Shuaishuai's help, evolution will go more smoothly! ]

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