The first time I saw a young man was when he was about to die.

(A new book is about to start, please give me a good review~~)

My head hurts.

It doesn't feel like a brain is about to grow out, but rather like it's about to explode.

Then, a head full of unfamiliar memories came flooding in like a tide.


Xu Ming almost cried out in pain.

However, he held back, because he quickly realized the current situation:

His body was not in good condition, at least a few bones were broken, and his nose was full of blood.

The place where he was seemed to be in a half-collapsed house.

More importantly, screams and roars of animals were heard from time to time outside...

In his previous life, he was a surgeon who worked day and night.

Friends who often die suddenly know that this profession is a high-risk profession.

And he, unfortunately, also caught up.

Now, the owner of this body is just an ordinary otaku high school student. Both his parents died, leaving only an old house.

This world is a beast taming world with a supernatural system, and everyone has the opportunity to awaken and become a beast tamer.

However, power always coexists with crisis.

Outside the city, it is the world of monsters and demons; inside the city, unstable secret realms appear from time to time, causing monsters and demons to wreak havoc in the city.

Not long ago, the unstable secret realm broke out and the monster rushed out.

After the owner of this body heard someone yelling "If you are a man, come on!", he became hot-blooded and didn't care that he was just a first-level cute pet beast tamer with F-level talent.

The combat power is almost zero.

A man is a teenager until death!

So, he died...

Thinking of this, Xu Ming reacted:

"Hey, where is my beast?"


At this time, Xu Ming suddenly heard a crying sound from under him.

What kind of crying monster is that?

Xu Ming turned over with difficulty, letting his 'back-up' take a breath.

The familiar black and white stripes, and the most distinctive dark circles under the eyes, were exactly Xu Ming's beast:

The iron-eating beast - Dabai.

At this moment, it was breathing in less than breathing out, and looked like it was about to die.

If it weren't for Dabai's back-up, Xu Ming's body would probably have been smashed into a meat pie, and he wouldn't even have the chance to be reborn.

"Dabai, go back and rest first!"

Xu Ming tried to recall the iron-eating beast to the beast-controlling space according to the way he remembered to recall the beast.

In there, at least it can get better recovery.

Fortunately, for the beastmaster, summoning and recalling are simple operations like eating and drinking water, and Xu Ming succeeded in one go.

The iron-eating beast Dabai turned into a white light and instantly sank into Xu Ming's brow.

At the same time, Xu Ming also took the opportunity to check Dabai's attributes:

Beast Tamer: Iron-eating beast--Dabai (can be accelerated)

Level: 5-star awakening


Cuteness-mastery: including a series of combination skills such as clapping hands, rolling and squatting.

Loyalty: 85%

The awakening level is the lowest level of beast tamer, which is a little higher in intelligence than ordinary beast ingredients.

The iron-eating beast, as a cute pet beast tamer, is really worthy of its reputation.

To be honest, Xu Ming also had a heart to become the king of beast tamers, but the reality was too cruel, and Xu Ming's talent level was only F level.

In addition, the beast tamer egg of this iron-eating beast was obtained by Xu Ming's deceased father at a high price before his death, saying that it was some ancient bloodline.

After Xu Ming signed the contract, it was too late to regret.

What's more, since he has low talent, he can find a stable job by becoming a cute pet tamer.

He was originally going to look for a job, but he didn't expect that the entrance to the unstable secret realm would appear near his home community...

Thinking of this, Xu Ming checked his attribute information again:

Temple: Xu Ming

Level: First-order 7 stars (can be accelerated)


F-Primary cultivation: Cultivation efficiency of taming beasts is increased by 10% (can be accelerated)

[Hidden talent: God-Unlimited plunder: Killing aliens can plunder life span, skills, etc.]

Alien life span: 0

(Alien life span can be consumed to accelerate the growth of pets or tamers. When the alien life span is insufficient, it can be replaced by one's own life span!

Currently, the remaining life span is 21 years. When it is less than 1 year, it can no longer be replaced.)

Hidden talent? Isn't this my own cheat code?

At this time, Xu Ming remembered that there were also three words "can be accelerated" on Dabai's panel before, which was not there before, and he didn't pay attention to it at first.

It seems that no matter one's level, original talent, or beast control,

's cultivation can consume lifespan to speed up.


I only have 21 years left to live? So short?

This body is only 18 years old at most, and it's still a beastmaster. Under normal circumstances, how could it not even live past 40?

Then, Xu Ming reacted: This is about my lifespan!

Even if I don't die suddenly, I can only live another 21 years?

Xu Ming over there has just turned 30.

In this way, staying up late is really overdrawing life...

However, it's useless to think about these now. Since it's here, make the best of it.

If I don't get through the current crisis, let alone the remaining 21 years, Xu Ming feels that he can't get through today.

Faintly, Xu Ming can already hear the rustling footsteps and the roars of monsters.

Logically speaking, the city guards or some civilian beastmasters should come to support at this time.

If not, it only means that the situation in other places is also very serious.

It is better to rely on yourself than on others!

"Let's try the water for ten years first, be more powerful, this is half of my remaining life!"

First get through this level, and then find a way to improve your beastmaster level to increase your life.

[Use ten years of life to accelerate the growth of the iron-eating beast!

No additional resources can be consumed for this acceleration. Accelerating...]

[In the first year, the iron-eating beast gradually recovered from its injuries under your careful care.

You spend every day with the baby iron-eating beast, trying to guide it to learn some attacking moves, but it doesn't seem to understand what you want to do except being cute. ]

[In the fifth year, the iron-eating beast understands your good intentions under your care, and its loyalty is increased to 95%, and it comprehends the skills of strong slap (entry level) and iron head skill (entry level). ]

[In the ninth year, the level of the iron-eating beast reaches the peak of the nine stars of ordinary beasts. Due to the lack of necessary advanced resources, it can only continue to hone its skills... The skills of strong slap and iron head skill have reached the mastery level. 】

【In the tenth year, the loyalty of the Iron-eating Beast reaches 100%. 】

After the acceleration, Xu Ming instantly felt a warm energy feedback to his whole body.

This is because after the strength of the beast is improved, part of it will be fed back to the beastmaster.

However, it is still far from the point of curing Xu Ming.

There is no way, Xu Ming has to spend his life to heal himself first, so as not to die if he is touched.

【Spend a year to accelerate your own cultivation. Accelerating...】

【During this year, all your energy is on recovering from injuries. Fortunately, the injuries are gradually recovering, but the cultivation has not improved at all. 】

The acceleration ends, and the remaining life span is ten years.

There are at most 9 years left to consume, either for healing or for improving strength, just in case.

Next, it depends on Xu Ming himself to get through the crisis.

To be precise, it depends on his own beast-the Iron-eating Beast.

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