The price of the fourth-level black iron and wind-thunder attribute metals has been raised.

"Brother, you have really raised the price of the fourth-level black iron and wind-thunder attribute metals by your own efforts."

In Quanweizhai, Shang Ren handed the newly acquired fourth-level black magnetic meteorite iron, fourth-level thunder and fire gold, and fourth-level wind-patterned copper to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's tens of millions of spirit stone cards were almost all used here.

"Thanks, it should be enough."

When it reaches the fifth level, Xu Ming plans to go to his own mine to take a look.

"Why are you being polite? If you have any other needs, just let me know. However, I understand why your iron-eating beast is so fierce. With such resource investment, it would be unfair to the spirit stones used if it is not fierce."

Shang Ren sighed.


Xu Ming smiled but said nothing.

Shang Ren had some truth in what he said, but it was just superficial.

With so many resources, it takes enough time and energy to transform them into strength. For any other iron-eating beast, it would have taken more than a hundred years. Which beastmaster could afford it?

Dabai's strength is indeed fierce, but Xu Ming's current investment is not entirely for the pursuit of strength.

On the one hand, he is definitely the most sentimental towards Dabai and tries his best to cultivate it to perfection; on the other hand, Xu Ming is also curious about what Dabai will be like in the end and whether it is really an ancient bloodline.

Besides, Dabai is the only one who needs to consume resources to cultivate.

Like Shi Ling, not only does it not need to consume resources, but it can also help Xu Ming save a lot of resources.

"By the way, you two are going to Dragon Island tomorrow, right? I wish Xu Ming a contract with the real dragon bloodline in advance! Haha..."

Shang Ren raised his glass first.

Xia Feng also toasted Xu Ming. Even if it was the blood of a real dragon, he would not be tempted. Instead, he sincerely hoped that Xu Ming could gain something!

These days, Xu Ming had nothing to do, so he also arranged to "compete" with Xia Feng a few times here, and asked Dabai to teach him how to use the dark power and the transformation power.

Xia Feng will be promoted to the third level soon, and his heavy sword will be promoted to the elite level by then. It will be very good for it to comprehend the dark power and the transformation power in advance.

"Dragon Island? Is it in the sea?"

Xu Ming asked casually.

"Dragon Island is the abbreviation of the Dragon Island Secret Realm."

Xia Feng explained.

"Originally, most of the dragons lived in the Dragon Palace under the sea.

However, due to the pollution of the Forbidden Magic Sea, some dragons were forced to migrate to inland waters. Another part moved the remains of the Dragon Palace to the secret realm.

The Dragon Island Secret Realm can be regarded as the largest habitat of the dragons now.

There are also scattered dragons in other waters, and some of the dragons will send some dragon eggs with thin blood to the Dragon Island Secret Realm for cultivation."

As a relatively powerful force, the dragons will definitely be on guard if they enter the inland.

Obviously, Xia Guo and the dragons have reached some kind of offensive and defensive alliance agreement.

"Forbidden Magic Sea? By the way, is the World-Destroying Demon Dragon related to the dragons? Then the abyss..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Xia Feng choked on a mouthful of wine.

Looking at Xu Ming speechlessly, he doubted whether he could come out intact if he took Xu Ming to Dragon Island.

Last time, Xu Ming directly asked why it was the 'Dragon Selection Conference', not the 'Dragon Selection Conference'.

If these words were heard by the half-god dragon guardian in the secret realm of Dragon Island, it would be good to drive him and others out directly.

"Why, is it a taboo?"

Xu Ming reacted and asked in confusion.

"Well, it's best not to mention it in front of the dragons.

Although the Forbidden Demon Sea was caused by the magic dragon, the abyss was not. The abyss existed before the magic dragon.

Legend has it that the magic dragon was also a victim of the pollution of the abyss.

However, since the connection between the two is too deep, the magic dragon has the greatest influence, so the magic dragon is directly equated with the abyss.

As for the attitude of the dragons, they naturally regard the magic dragon as the greatest shame, and bear the price for it for ten thousand years.

There is a reason why the blood of the dragons is gradually thinning and withering."

Xia Feng said slowly, revealing some secrets that cannot be seen on the Internet.


The power of the dragons is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but no one deliberately combines the magic dragon with the dragons.

If you want to say who hates the magic dragon the most, it must be the dragons.

Originally the overlord of the ocean, they were forced to go ashore.

If you put yourself in the shoes of the dragons, you will inevitably develop a mentality of living under someone else's roof.

"Don't worry, I won't deliberately make you unhappy. We are just talking casually behind closed doors."

"Well. The Dragon Island Secret Realm is in the imperial capital. You can go there tomorrow.

Just follow me."

"By the way, are there any rules for this dragon selection meeting?"

"There are not too many restrictions. Most dragon eggs and baby dragons are placed in different hatching nests according to their attributes. Just take the certificate and go to choose.

However, it should be noted that there may be "miscellaneous dragons" with other demon bloodlines among them. You should carefully identify them and don't make a decision easily.

If it really doesn't work, it's better to give up than to choose casually."

"Where are the dragon eggs?"

Xia Wushang's ancient black dragon is a dragon egg picked up.

"You don't really want to get a bargain, do you? Even the hatching of dragon eggs is calculated in hundreds of years. You can only stay in it for three days at most."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Yeah. "


At night.

Xu Ming let Dabai digest all the metal.

Although the proficiency of the skill did not improve again, there was no waste of resources.

The giant thunder incarnation, plus the diamond incarnation, can play a 100% role.

I don't know if the general king level is enough to slap Dabai.

The next day, Xu Ming, led by Xia Feng, came to a set of ancient courtyards that were strictly guarded.

Just the breath of the seventh-level beastmaster, Xu Ming felt no less than three Different.

After all, Xu Ming is familiar with the seventh-level aura because he often contacts the principal.

Moreover, the aura of these seventh-level beast masters is not concealed at all.

Xia Feng held the token in his hand, but he did not encounter any obstacles and had a smooth journey.

Finally, the two came to a courtyard at the deepest part.

There was only an ancient well inside.


Xu Ming almost blurted out the three words "Lock Dragon Well".

However, under the signal of Xia Feng's eyes, he held it back.

"This small courtyard was given to the dragon clan by our ancestors."

Xia Feng introduced.

However, Xu Ming naturally understood.

The ancestor of the Xia family is the Sword Emperor!

The Sword Emperor killed the demon dragon, and then marked a place for the dragon clan to settle down, which was also supervised by the Xia family.

"Just go down directly. "

Having said that, Xia Feng jumped directly into the well.

The entrance to this secret realm is always open. This shows that the Xia family does not completely control the dragon clan like in other secret realms.

At least, on the surface, they are not supervised like prisoners.

Afterwards, Xu Ming did not hesitate and jumped in directly.

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