The light faded, and Xu Ming returned to reality.

Time had indeed only passed in a flash, and everything he had just seen seemed like a dream.

The prosperity of the past is now only ruins.

"Shi Ling, 9,000 years ago, it was still ten minutes."


However, the scene in front of Xu Ming did not change at all.

Xu Ming did not doubt that it was a problem with Shi Ling's skills, which only meant that this place had already looked like this 9,000 years ago.

Xu Ming gradually raised his perspective and did not see the dragon eggs, but he could occasionally glimpse the figures of some young dragons, which meant that 9,000 years ago, there were still some dragon eggs left here to hatch.

After the dragons collected the remains of the dragon breeding pool, they did not move the dragon eggs to another place, and continued to let them develop naturally.

As for whether there are any so-called ancient dragon eggs here at this moment, it is estimated that the high-level dragons can't say for sure.

Whether there are or not, it is not very important.

In the current situation, an ancient true dragon bloodline can't change anything.

Unless it has the ability to be promoted to the god level.

However, the last dragon who was promoted to the god level was the world-destroying demon dragon...

The two time anchor points let Xu Ming know that this place went from prosperity to decline within 1,000 years, or even shorter.

However, it seems that there is no big effect.

Even if you know that there are dragon eggs somewhere 9,000 years ago, there is a high probability that they have hatched after so many years.

The only effect is to slowly locate the moment of destruction here and see what happened.

"Shi Ling, continue, 9,500 years ago."

It was a ruin, but at this time, there were still many adult dragons busy in the air.

Xu Ming could even see a huge dragon head crashing towards him, but he didn't feel anything because he was an observer.


"9750 years ago..."

It hasn't been affected, but the defense has been strengthened.

"9625 years ago..."

It's a ruin.

"9700 years ago..."

It's still intact, but the defense has been withdrawn.

"Time Spirit, from 9700 years ago to 9625 years ago, check every year for ten seconds..."

In the constant attempts, Xu Ming gradually became more and more proficient in using this skill of Time Spirit.

Now his perspective is like checking a surveillance camera.

After becoming proficient, you can skip it directly without opening and closing it frequently.

If he were to investigate a case, he would definitely find the answer accurately without any mistakes.

However, this is the world of beast control, and there are many ways to investigate a case, and there is no need to use such high-end technology as time travel.

"Stop, go back to 9659...

It seems that something is added..."

Xu Ming compared his own memories.

After the mental power was improved, the speed of receiving and processing information also increased sharply.

Xu Ming had never thought that there would be such an additional benefit.

Afterwards, Xu Ming carefully compared the memories of two different years in his mind. Indeed, in 9658, there was a touch of black in a corner.

It seems that an extra dragon egg appeared out of thin air.

And there is still an egg that has not been hatched in the original place.

The collapse of the Dragon Palace is imminent, and no dragon should be in the mood to lay eggs at this time...

Even if there is, there are so many empty stone chambers, why do two dragon eggs have to be next to each other?

"Keep moving forward!..."

Finally, the time in front of Xu Ming moved forward at a speed of one day per second.

Until, Xu Ming finally saw:

One day, a black figure suddenly appeared above the dragon pond.

The other party sneaked in here with a black dragon egg in his hand.

Then, carefully put the dragon egg next to a light blue dragon egg.

Because the defense here is already very weak and the location is relatively remote, it is almost impossible to be discovered.

Moreover, it is hard to say whether he came in openly or sneaked in...

Xu Ming did not pay attention to the dragon egg, but planned to see the other party's appearance.


At this moment, the other party suddenly raised his head, and a pair of eyes like black holes looked straight at Xu Ming.

The moment he met the other party's sight, Xu Ming was struck by lightning and directly withdrew from the observer's perspective.


Xu Ming kept panting

Heavy breathing.

"Shi Ling, what's going on? Did the other party discover me?"

Thinking back a little, it feels very scary!

Ignoring those eyes, under the black hood, it seems to be a woman.

"The other party... should have reached the realm of God, transcending the rules to a certain extent.

However, it should not have any impact on you."

Shi Ling explained.

"It should be... okay..."

Xu Ming then felt that he was a little reckless.

Although there is no danger to life, the feeling of horror is always there, and mental attacks belong to it.

The realm of God?

Ten thousand years ago, those who could reach this stage only heard of the Sword Emperor, the Sword of Immortal Execution and the World-Destroying Demon Dragon.

In this case, the identity of the other party is not difficult to guess.

The demon dragon sneaked in here after the transformation and left a dragon egg?

Damn, it can't be the blood of the demon dragon itself?

If such news is released, it will definitely cause a storm!

The key is the attitude of the dragon clan.

At present, it seems that they don't know.

Or, the dragon egg deceived the high-level of the dragon clan.

But, if they knew, what would their attitude be?

Kill directly, or cultivate secretly...

Finally, what should I do?

If I miss such an opportunity, won't I regret it for the rest of my life?

Xu Ming doesn't care whether it's a magic dragon or not. As long as the contract is made, it's mine.

Even if the magic dragon comes, I'll crawl!

Now, the only problem is the whereabouts of the dragon egg.

If it hasn't hatched yet, it should be left in a corner.

Then, Xu Ming directly skipped the part where the magic dragon appeared and followed the shot of the dragon egg closely.

After observing for a while, Xu Ming also found a clue.

I saw that the light blue dragon egg next to the magic dragon was gradually "withering", as if its vitality was devoured.

Finally, the light blue dragon egg was directly petrified and shattered, while the black dragon egg turned light blue in the blink of an eye.

Xu Ming: ...

What the hell?

You can swallow it if you want, why does it change color?

As expected of the blood of the demon dragon, it doesn't even let go of its own kind.

Very good and powerful, I like it!

Then, Xu Ming saw that as the dragon pond was broken, the dragon egg also fell into a gap.

After letting Shi Ling remember the time node, Xu Ming exited the current time anchor point, and then planned to find a place closer to the gap first.

He was determined to get this dragon egg!

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