The two of them agreed to enter the secret realm together the next day, so Xu Ming found a place near them to rest for a night.

[Consume 100 years of life to accelerate the growth of the Thousand Illusion Sky-Swallowing Python!

No additional resources can be consumed for this acceleration. Accelerating...]

[In the first year, the Thousand Illusion Sky-Swallowing Python is in the process of advancement, and it needs time and opportunity to complete the transformation...]

[In the 100th year, the Thousand Illusion Sky-Swallowing Python is in the process of advancement, and it needs time and opportunity to complete the transformation...]

Since the night before yesterday, Xu Ming accelerated the Thousand Illusion, allowing it to digest all the commander-level illusion forms, and the Thousand Illusion entered the process of advancement.

In the past two days, Xu Ming has accelerated it whenever he has time.

I thought it would be done soon, but after so long, I still got the same prompt.

Xu Ming accelerated it for a thousand years.

"We are about to enter the secret realm of the insect prison, but there is no time for you to continue sleeping..."

Then, Xu Ming directly summoned Qian Huan.

At this time, Qian Huan had recovered his original state:

Indeed, it was a python.

However, each of its scales seemed to flash different colors, full of psychedelic feeling.

It seemed that each color represented a change of form, definitely more than a thousand.

There were two small bumps on Qian Huan's head. I wonder if it was because he ate too many dragon eggs and had the possibility of turning into a dragon.

Or maybe it was because he still had the blood of the ancient blue dragon in his body.

In short, there were many mysteries, and Xu Ming couldn't figure it out for a while, and he didn't have time to pursue them now.

The important thing was that he needed Qian Huan to complete the advancement as soon as possible, and then help him deal with the poisonous insects.

At this time, Xu Ming suddenly felt that Qian Huan was emitting a faint breath of abyssal demonic energy.

"It won't need abyssal materials, right..."

Earlier, Xu Ming had always kept Qian Huan in the beast control space, but he had never noticed it.

Qian Huan already had the blood of the demon dragon in his body, so Xu Ming would not be surprised if he needed some abyssal materials.

The key is, where can he find it at this time?

Then, Xu Ming summoned Hong Yu:

"Hong Yu, take a look at Qian Huan's situation. Is there anything similar to when you absorbed the abyssal demonic energy before?"

Hong Yu is the one who knows more about demonic energy.

After all, it has also deeply comprehended it for more than a thousand years.

"Master, it seems to have the tendency to turn into a dragon..."

"I know this, but the blood of the dragon clan is relatively thin."

Xu Ming has no time to develop the true dragon bloodline-the ancient blue dragon, and he doesn't know where to get this resource.

"However, there is a source of demonic energy in its body, which seems to have completely merged with its original bloodline and cannot be eradicated at all. The conflict between the two may be the reason that hinders its successful advancement."

Hongyu continued to answer.

"You mean, to eradicate the source of demonic energy?"

"Well, the bloodline of any living creature is opposed to demonic energy, not to mention the bloodline of a true dragon.

Now, in Qianhuan's body, the demonic energy and the true dragon bloodline are unbalanced. Either turn into a dragon or turn into a demon..."

Xu Ming: ...

He finally understood. After all this time, he gave Qianhuan the blood of the true dragon origin too early?

It stimulated its hidden true dragon bloodline too early, causing a little demonic energy to become an obstacle to advancement?

At this point, either find a way to completely eradicate the demonic energy, or increase the demonic energy to compete with the true dragon bloodline!

Is this kind of operation really something he should consider at this stage of the fourth level?

Xu Ming was speechless.

When others were at the fourth level, they only needed to consider working to earn some resources and advance step by step. I have already started to consider the blood of the true dragon and the abyss magic...

"Master, if I remember correctly, you should have a piece of abyss blood jade left."

"Really... it seems so..."

Xu Ming quickly took out his original small space ring. Xu Ming is now out to buy goods and doesn't need this at all.

This space is too small to accommodate even a slightly larger monarch-level monster corpse. Xu Ming has long forgotten about it.

Then, Xu Ming finally found a piece of abyss blood jade at the bottom of the box in the deepest part of the ring.

If there is no such thing, Xu Ming can only go to the disaster abyss in other places to get things containing abyss magic. I don't know if Xia Long has any other way.

Fortunately, Xu Ming has never thrown this thing away, and I don't know if it is enough.

At the moment when the abyss blood jade appeared, Qian Huan's body was clear.

It trembled, and more demonic energy escaped from its body, as if it was stimulated by something.

"Give it some strength!"

[Consume 100 years of life to accelerate the growth of the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python!

This acceleration consumes 1 Abyss Blood Jade Concentrate. Accelerating...]

[In the first year, the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python is in the process of advancement. Stimulated by the Abyss Blood Jade, the demonized blood in its body is awakening...]

[In the 34th year, the demonized blood in the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python has reached a balance point with the thin True Dragon blood. It seems to be in a dilemma...]

[In the 35th year, after being enlightened by the master and not caring about its demonized blood, the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python untied its knot and chose its final path.

The Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python began to be officially promoted! ]

[In the 87th year, the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python's own demonized blood was completely awakened, and the Thousand Illusion Sky Swallowing Python evolved into: Thousand Illusion Ten Thousand Demons Sky Swallowing Python!

The level of the Thousand Illusions Ten Thousand Demons Devouring Sky Python has been upgraded to the Commander Level 1 Star.

The Thousand Illusions Ten Thousand Demons Devouring Sky Python has learned the following skills:

Earth Devouring - Devour all substances and refine them to extract their essence;

Body of Ten Thousand Demons - Increases damage to creatures with demonic characteristics, and reduces damage from demonic creatures. 】

[In the 100th year, the Thousand Illusions Ten Thousand Demons Devouring Sky Python cannot absorb spiritual energy to improve its realm. It needs the abyss magic energy or devours demonic creatures, so the star level has not changed.

Skill - Superposition of illusions, from entry level to mastery level;

Skill - Thousand Illusions Added, from entry level to mastery level. 】

Finally, the promotion was successful.

Xu Ming did not expect that in addition to the need for abyss substances, he was also a part of it.

Are you worried that the contracted demonic creatures will affect the master?

"Qian Huan, we are a no-holds-barred person. Even if one day you turn into a demon dragon, it doesn't matter!

However, let's forget about destroying the world. Whoever makes me unhappy, I will destroy him!"


Then, Xu Ming put Qian Huan away.

"Hong Yu, how is the fusion of the essence of the Dead Book?"

"It fits very well, and it also helped me understand the skill of undead slavery."

"Really? This is a relatively useful skill."

Now Hong Yu is on the verge of advancement, without any bottleneck.

As long as Xu Ming upgrades it to the fifth level, it will soon be able to smoothly upgrade to the monarch level.

It has already reached the entrance of the fourth-level insect prison secret realm, so Xu Ming is naturally not in a hurry for a while.

After entering, try it at will. If it succeeds, it succeeds. If it fails, try again. Anyway, there is no cost.

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