The five days passed in a flash.

Xiaoqing still failed to break the deadlock in the script simulation, but her strength has improved. She has three stars in the sixth level, and her king-level skill Shadow Cut has reached level 5.

Erha also successfully reached one star in the fifth level. Now both of Lu Ping'an's beasts are above the fifth level.

Tonight is a sleepless night for many students. At twelve o'clock in the evening, the overall results of the beast control college entrance examination will be released.

"Don't be nervous. Your score in practical combat should be higher, and the overall score will not be too bad."

Baili Hongfeng came to the room and looked at Lu Ping'an and said softly.

"If you want to stay up late, drink it. It can relieve mental stress."

Hearing this, Lu Pingan turned his head, his eyes slightly fixed, and looked at the sticky black liquid.

"Black sesame?"

"No, it's soup." Baili Hongfeng put it down seriously, and then emphasized it again.

Lu Pingan: ...

"Can my beast drink it together?"

Lu Pingan pursed his lips and asked.

It's hard for him to drink such a big bowl.

Besides, he didn't plan to stay up late tonight, okay!

"Of course!"

Walking to the door, Baili Hongfeng heard Lu Pingan's words and laughed softly.


It seems that Xiao Pingan has finally changed his opinion of his cooking skills!

After a while, Lu Pingan divided the black sesame soup into three equal bowls, took one of them and drank it all, then took a beast sleeping pill skillfully and fell asleep.

Leaving behind a snake and a dog looking at each other.

Are they drinking? Or drink?

The next morning, Lu Pingan woke up quietly, turned on his phone, and found the 99+ WeChat message.

Because the results of the Beast Taming College Entrance Examination came out, the class group exploded directly!

This time, the scores in the cultural subjects seemed to be extremely low. Most of those who could usually get more than 400 points only scored more than 300 points in this cultural examination.

They didn't know the specific proportion of the questions.

Coupled with the poor practical scores, it made the ordinary students even worse.

Lu Pingan clicked on a message sent by Wang Wu, and then remembered something.

He didn't check the results of the Beast Taming College Entrance Examination.

Waiting until twelve o'clock in the morning, wasting time to check a result that was already determined, Lu Pingan didn't like to do this.

Enter the query page, enter the admission ticket number, and Lu Pingan's results are also displayed on the computer screen.

Simple three lines of words.

Beast Taming Culture Exam: 428

Beast Taming Practical Exam: 300

Total Score: 728

Seeing this, Lu Ping'an looked up the admission scores of the two universities in Beijing and Modu in previous years, which were only about 710, more than enough.

These two universities are at the top of the pyramid of Daxia universities, and the resources they can enjoy are definitely not comparable to what they have now.

When he walked out of the room, Lu Ping'an first saw a table of prepared breakfast, as well as the old man and Baili Hongfeng sitting face to face.

"How did you do in the exam?"

Baili Hongfeng asked with a smile.

When he said this, the old man opposite him had a cold face, but he also quietly clenched his fists, and his eyes looked at the boy standing at the door from time to time.

"As expected."

"That's good." Baili Hongfeng smiled even more.

He knew the strength of his little Ping'an.

Level 5 beast control, understanding the domain, beating up the examiner, no matter which one, it can be considered top-notch in Donglin County.

With full combat scores and not bad in other aspects, the total score will naturally not be low.

"Humph, as expected? Can you get into Tiannan Beast Control Academy?"

The old man snorted coldly and tapped the rice bowl with chopsticks.

What riddles are these two boys making?

Bullying him, an old man, doesn't understand?

"It's about the same. The full score is 750. 728 points should be chosen from any beast control academy in Daxia." Lu Pingan pulled out a wooden chair, sat down, and said very seriously.

Hearing this, the old man's pupils shrank slightly, with an unconcealable shock.

728, it seems very high!

"Come, drink porridge."

Lu Pingan took the warm porcelain bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and his face was slightly condensed.

Why is this white rice porridge bitter?

"Does it taste good?" Baili Hongfeng leaned back in his chair and asked with some anticipation.

Seeing the young man's appearance, Lu Ping'an pursed his lips and nodded reluctantly.

"I'm going to school."

After saying that, Lu Ping'an picked up a bottle of water beside him and ran away.



Familiar with the classroom, Lu Pingan couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He had been here for three years and had some feelings for it.

Even though he had spent a lot of time sleeping during these three years.

"Lu Pingan! I have good news to tell you." Wang Wu said excitedly.


"Tell me your Beast Taming College Entrance Examination results first." Wang Wu asked curiously.

Although his Beast Taming College Entrance Examination results were bad, at least he had a quota for recommendation, so the problem was not too big.

If Lu Pingan failed the exam, then this good news could comfort him.

"Seven hundred and twenty-eight, I should be able to go to a better school."

Wang Wu was startled, then opened his mouth wide, a little stunned.

Seven hundred and twenty-eight?

With such a score, it seems that he can compete for the top scorer of the Beast Taming College Entrance Examination in Tiannan Province, right?

"By the way, my brother said that the 300,000 Great Xia coins don't need to be repaid. This time, our Wang family also owes you a favor. If you need any help in the future, just ask."

Wang Wu woke up from his daze and spoke.

Lu Ping'an nodded.


After Brother Hongfeng returned, the overall situation of the Nanjiao Orphanage has improved a lot. 300,000 Great Xia coins are not difficult for Lu Ping'an now.


Office, Lu Ping'an may be here for the last time.

"Seven hundred and twenty-eight, not bad, it can be regarded as an explanation to Uncle Li." Teacher Lin pushed his glasses, smiled, looked at Lu Ping'an and said.

"Teacher Lin teaches well." Lu Ping'an touched his nose, a little uncomfortable.

"So, what major do you want to choose?"

"Beast Taming History, does Teacher Lin have any suggestions?" Lu Ping'an's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is also the purpose of his coming here.

"For the major of Beast Taming History, in Daxia, the Beast Taming Academy in the Magic City ranks first, and the Daxia Beast Taming Academy in the capital ranks second. It's up to you. Seven hundred and twenty-eight, this score should be enough to get in."

Teacher Lin thought for a while and gave his suggestion.

Lu Ping'an pursed his lips.

Is that so...


Outside Beast Taming No. 1 Middle School, a young man also looked tired, with his eyes slightly closed, but his soul power was all over the entrance of Beast Taming No. 1 Middle School.

His name is Meng Wuya, Beast Tamer Mengshou, a rare soul-based beastmaster with extremely strange combat ability.

After a while, Meng Wuya opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips, and looked at the boy who slowly walked out of the school gate.

It was exactly the same as he remembered.

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