After returning to the classroom, Lu Pingan chose without hesitation...

Lie down and continue to sleep.

There are still more than two days before the next script simulation.

As for the ice jade pendant, when he returned to the classroom, Lu Pingan put it in the drawer and surrounded it with a black cloth bag.

When carrying it, Lu Pingan felt the faint chill...

How can he sleep in this situation?

However, in addition to emitting cold air, it also has a faint fragrance that is refreshing to the heart and lungs, which is good for soaking in water.

At the same time, Wang Wu stared at Lu Pingan with a gloomy face.

However, he did not make any moves.

Time just passed like this...

"Da Da Da..."

As the bell rang and ended.

There was a crisp sound of footsteps, which sounded a bit like the sound of high heels hitting the marble floor.

Many students looked at the door of the classroom, calm, amazing, and even enthusiastic.

"Wow, this girl is so pretty!"

Some boys drooled, raised their hands from time to time to wipe the corners of their mouths, and looked at the red figure.

The perfect figure, the round places are definitely not flat, and the beautiful face makes people intoxicated.

Even as a same-sex, it can attract the attention of many little girls.

Next to Lu Ping'an, Ren Xue glanced at it lightly.

No matter how beautiful and amazing, she is not interested.

It's not because of the same sex. Whether it's men or women, they are the same in Ren Xue's mind, and they are equally boring.

"Hello everyone, the teacher of Beast Taming History is sick, I'll take your place."

The woman in red walked up to the podium slowly, gently put down the lesson plan in her hand, supported the podium with both hands and looked at the students and said.

"My name is Ning Yuelan, you can just call me Teacher Ning."


For a moment, there was another wave in the classroom.

Beautiful, with a nice voice and a good figure, such a wife, bah, where can you find such a teacher?

The three years of life in Beast Taming High School are boring. If there was such a teacher to teach them earlier, their grades in Beast Taming History would not be bad!

Not to mention anything else, just based on the grades of this subject, they can reach the level of Daxia Beast Taming Academy!

Ning Yuelan still had a smile on her face.

The reactions of these students are really interesting.

It's a pity...

Hmm? !

Ning Yuelan's eyes also noticed something wrong. In this class, it seems that some people did not react to her arrival.

Ning Yuelan was still very confident about her attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Moreover, his profile seemed familiar?

After a brief search, the two faces overlapped completely.

Ning Yuelan had a playful smile on her face.


The next moment, the woman took a step and walked lightly to Lu Ping'an's side.

This scene made countless male students envious.

Ning Yuelan slowly bent down, lifted her hair, and leaned close to Lu Ping'an's ear.

"My classmate, why are you sleeping in my class? Is the teacher not good enough?"

"If the teacher doesn't teach well, you can point it out and the teacher will correct it, right?"

In a pair of charming eyes, there were a few drops of pure water, as if she was a little girl who had done something wrong.

Her breath was like orchid, which made people feel itchy.

Lu Ping'an woke up faintly.

He felt a little dizzy.

He finally fell asleep, and he was woken up again after reducing the cooling time.

Very unhappy.


My ears are a little itchy.

Lu Pingan picked his ears and felt that the classroom was a little quiet. He turned his head and looked...



What a big face!

Somewhat pretty,

And, it looks familiar.


For a moment, countless murderous eyes were cast over.

They were all just watching from a distance, but Lu Pingan actually wanted to...

Just the last place in the class, what a joke!

"Classmate, come to the office after school."

Ning Yuelan put one hand on Lu Pingan's shoulder, soft and boneless, and the male hormones in the classroom also increased dramatically at this moment.

Before Lu Pingan could speak.

"Classmate, you don't want the class teacher to know that you skipped class, right?"

Ning Yuelan moved closer and said with a smile.

As if she had already grasped a pure boy like Lu Pingan.


These words,

Why does it sound familiar?

"Teacher, if I go, can I sleep in class?"

Lu Pingan thought about it and asked seriously.


The smell of male hormones that was stimulated stopped abruptly and dissipated out of thin air. There was silence in the classroom.


Such a beautiful, powerful, and exciting teacher, you want to sleep?

How can you sleep at this age!

The smile on Ning Yuelan's face also slowly solidified at this moment.

"This classmate, you can't."

Ning Yuelan stretched out a finger, placed it in the middle of her red lips, and said with a smile.


Lu Pingan nodded.

Ruan Su sat in a position behind him, looked at Teacher Ning's figure, then lowered his head and took a look, a little frustrated.

It's a little bit worse.


There was a little curiosity in Ruan Su's eyes when he looked at Lu Pingan.

This person seems to be not interested in anything except sleeping...

This is a little different from the people she met before.


For other students, a class is very short.

Look at the teacher, look down, look at the teacher, and a class is over.

For Lu Ping'an, it is a bit long. Out of boredom, he can only take out "Five Years of Beast Taming and Three Years of Simulation" to simulate.

As time goes by, a class is over.


After the red-clothed teacher left, a long and regretful sigh was heard in the classroom.

What a pity.

Lu Ping'an also lay on the table at this moment.

Continue to sleep soundly, ugh,

Continue to refresh the time.

That is three times the speed of time flow, even if it is a minute or a second, Lu Ping'an does not want to waste it.


After school, Lu Ping'an still came to the office.

Pushing open the door,

A man with a resolute face sat there, looked at Lu Ping'an, and spoke.

"Did you bring "Five Years of Taming Beasts and Three Years of Simulation"?"

"I did." Lu Ping'an nodded slowly and took out the set of test questions from his bag.

"Today, do the Beijing test, understand? Although the difficulty is not high, it is the time to lay the foundation for you now." Teacher Lin said slowly.

These days, Lu Ping'an's performance is also pretty good.

"Yeah." Lu Ping'an nodded.

He listened to Teacher Ning and came to the office.

It's just not her office.

As for Lao Lin, if you know he sleeps in class, let him sleep.

While doing the questions, Lu Ping'an looked up at Teacher Lin.

Anyway, the latter should be used to it, and it doesn't matter whether he tells or not.

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