The first time, the second time.

Lu Pingan thought very simply.

Show the skills that Erha has learned, and then end this boring and long military training.

If he can rest in the dormitory during this time, I am afraid that he can simulate the ice and snow fox again in a week or two.

Time is very precious to Lu Pingan.

If it weren't for the fact that he got the news of ten drops of blood of the purple gold thunderbird from a beastmaster in the Sakura Country in the real simulation.

Perhaps, Lu Pingan is still staying in Tiannan Province now.

As for the beastmaster, Lu Pingan has a guess in his mind.

In the case of the Sakura Country's lockdown, he still appeared in the Great Xia Beastmaster Academy.

Very suspicious.

The morning of two days later.

Even if they just mastered the basics of advanced skills, it was very difficult for these beast masters.

This was also expected by the instructors from the expeditionary army.

“No one can learn it completely? A few years ago, didn’t someone like Baili do it?”

“Why did the level drop so much in our class?”

An instructor curled his lips and looked at the test results that were all red, and said slowly.

“It’s normal. After all, they have just entered the Great Xia Beast Taming Academy. They haven’t adapted to the environment here yet, and the real plan to train beasts has not been involved.”

“After four years in the academy, they still have a long way to go.”

The instructor standing next to Feng Yanjiu coughed lightly and said slowly.

“Hey, this is interesting.”

He looked at one of the venues, where a cute iron-eating beast was waving its soft fists, looking very cute.

"Iron-eating beast, I remember it is a beast that is unique to the environment of Nanjiang Province, but if you want to sign a contract, the beast usually chooses the master. This kid is lucky."

The chief instructor praised.

In two days, it is not bad to be able to learn an ordinary high-level skill in a proper way.

"Xiao Zhu, well done!" Wei Lai clenched his fist lightly, his face full of excitement.

The test result of the instrument, 70 points, is higher than the passing line.

Give him a few more days, Wei Lai has the confidence to fully master it.

"Not bad."

An instructor nodded, very satisfied with the performance of the iron-eating beast.


Wei Lai walked down from the instrument in front of the playground, returned to the back of the team, looked at Lu Ping'an, and raised his chin slightly.

"70 points, so-so."

That's what he said, but there was undisguised pride in Wei Lai's eyes.

70 points, in this session, can be ranked in the top five.

However, for Wei Lai, it is not enough!

A beastmaster who doesn't want to be a general is not a good beastmaster. He wants to win first place!

"If you had come to the living room the day before yesterday and said something nice, I would have been willing to teach you something. It's a pity..."

Seeing that the boy ignored him, Wei Lai continued, still with a smug look on his face.

Two days, two days, Lu Ping'an didn't even leave the door!

How did he do it!

He can't have been practicing all the time, right?

But it seems that no girl has walked in...

"Next, Lu Ping'an!"

After the voice fell, the boy took a step and walked over.


After the voice fell, seeing the appearance of the beastmaster, Wei Lai subconsciously pinched his nose and covered his mouth and stopped talking.

He had some shadows about this low-quality beastmaster.


Erha was startled.

"Use skills in front of that instrument." Lu Ping'an pointed to the machine that looked like a projector and asked.

Erha gestured with his claws and tilted his head.

A flash of lightning?

Lu Pingan: "..."

"The one from yesterday."

Erha nodded.

Shadow sneaking.

A flash of dark lightning passed by, and Erha's body slowly dissipated, but the shadow on the ground still existed. In the dark place, it was almost 100% invisible.

It was impossible to find any trace.

At the same time, the value on the instrument instantly exploded!

The chief instructor who had just picked up the teacup was startled and coughed violently.

"Cough cough..."

"Boss, don't choke. You are such a strong beastmaster, and you can still choke when drinking water." An instructor said on the side.

"Look at me, how smoothly I drink water."

He also picked up the bottle of mineral water and drank it instantly, while drinking, he also winked.

"Look over there..."

The chief instructor wiped

pursed his lips and glanced at him.

He didn't expect that something like this would happen.

This instrument records the video of the beastman performing skills, and through big data calculation and analysis, it scores according to the percentage of fit.

Generally speaking, the upper limit is 100.

But if it explodes, there is only one possibility.

This kid has improved this beastmanship in just two days!

How is it possible!


The instructor who was drinking water was stunned and turned his head to look over.

"Ahem... ahem..."

"Fuck, it exploded! How did this guy do it?"

The abnormality there also made many students look over there.

What's going on? Is there something wrong with the instrument?

"It can't be zero, right?"

Wei Lai said with some doubts.

Although the dog looks very stupid, even more stupid than his iron-eating beast, it can't be that he can't learn anything at all, right?

If he had known earlier, he should have pulled this annoying guy to teach him skills.

No matter how bad it is, it can't be zero!

Wei Lai looked at Lu Ping'an. Beside him, the chief instructor was walking over with a stern face.

This kid is miserable.

Wei Lai thought so.

"Lu Ping'an, full marks."

The chief instructor slowly walked to the side of the boy and announced the result in an extremely calm voice.

Wei Lai was startled, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"How is it possible!"

"Instructor, he cheated!"

The previous brief sympathy was quickly taken back by Wei Lai.

Full marks?

How is it possible to get full marks?

This guy didn't even use the beast training equipment in the living room, he just stayed in the room and got full marks?

"Nothing is impossible." The chief instructor glanced at him lightly.

How difficult it is to catch a full mark, the overall excellence of military training is linked to their expeditionary assessment!

Such a genius came out, he was too happy to question him?

"I don't accept it!"

"Four hours under the sun!"

Succinct and to the point.

"I..." Wei Lai was stunned.

"Six hours."

Wei Lai: Oh, oh, oh...

He accepted it.


Daxia Beast Taming Academy, North Campus, Female Dormitory Building.

This should have been a sacred place that countless male beastmasters yearned for, but at this moment, there was a somewhat crazy look coming.

"Hehehe... Come on, let me give you a mua!"

On the fifth floor, through the window, you can see a woman lying on the bed.

She was looking at the blue light clear photo in her hand, with a little obsessed smile on her face.

She had short hair, dark skin color, and obvious layering of abdominal muscles.

It gave people a feeling of being full of power.

"Big sister, this year's Daxia Beast Taming Academy has a new student, an incredible guy."

The door was pushed open, and a woman walked in and spoke slowly.


Li Muqing turned over, still holding the photo in her hand, and spoke lightly.

Through the dim perspective, it can be seen that the man in the photo is handsome and unrestrained. In front of such a face, words such as handsome and unrestrained also seem a little ashamed.

"Which class of freshmen doesn't have a few powerful characters?"

"In two days, his beast control has comprehended advanced skills and improved them. Such talent is probably not inferior to Baili Hongfeng at the beginning."

The woman took a deep breath and said slowly.


Li Muqing slapped the bed with a sullen look on her face, showing her toughness.

In the past few years, she has beaten many arrogant and proud children.

In every class, there are freshmen who claim to be no less than Baili Hongfeng after learning about his "deeds", and want to break the record set by Baili Hongfeng in the secret realm of the Great Xia Beast Control Academy.

Hearing such words, Li Muqing got angry.

What does it mean to be not inferior to Baili Hongfeng? Are they worthy?

After slowly putting Baili Hongfeng's photo away, Li Muqing sat on the edge of the bed, and the muscles of her arms wrapped around her chest gave people a sense of strength.

"What's his name..."

Just because Baili Hongfeng doesn't care about these false names doesn't mean that she, Li Muqing, doesn't care.

"It seems that his name is Lu Ping'an?"

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