The more you study, the more you will learn.

Most of the questions in the Beast Taming mock test are based on the questions from the previous years' Beast Taming college entrance examination, so there are traces to follow.

Most of the questions do not involve calculations, so they are not that difficult for Lu Pingan.

Perhaps because most beast tamers do not value cultural subjects, the results in this area are not that good.

Most of the students in Beast Taming No. 1 Middle School only listened to the class a little bit on weekdays, and then put more effort into reviewing when the exam comes.

So, the third year of high school will be very busy.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Pingan usually sleeps in class and makes Teacher Lin angry.


After Lu Pingan finished the test paper, he flicked his neat paper and was very satisfied.

Compared with the college entrance examination in the previous life, the difficulty is lower.

The more difficult questions are to write down several common evolutionary routes of a certain beast, and to write down the effects of various beast materials.

As for the section on the history of beast control, it requires memory, which is a bit troublesome for Lu Pingan, but according to his own impression, he can fill it up by making up.

Anyway, there will be no blank questions!

Three hundred points, easy.

The atmosphere in the classroom is very quiet. Everyone is working hard to write the test paper. A few beast masters also check it carefully after finishing it.

Of course, Lu Pingan is an exception.

Beside the podium, Lu Pingan pursed his lips and handed in the finished test paper.

"Are you so sure?"

Teacher Lin put down the pen, glanced at the test paper on the table, glanced at Lu Pingan, and said lightly.

Hand in the paper in advance? This kid is bold again.

"Three hundred points should be no problem."

Lu Pingan thought about it and said in a low voice.

The words were full of confidence.

Hearing this, Teacher Lin pushed his glasses and carefully scanned Lu Ping'an's paper.

Clean, tidy, with almost no blank questions.

"Not bad..."

Seeing Teacher Lin like this, Lu Ping'an also smiled.

It's finally over.

"Teacher Lin, it's also thanks to your teaching that I can train to this point in such a short time." Lu Ping'an smiled.

After finishing the paper, I can finally sleep.

Seeing that Teacher Lin didn't say anything and continued to look at the paper, Lu Ping'an also added a sentence.

"Teacher Lin, I should be able to continue sleeping, right?"


As the voice fell, Ruan Su, who was writing the questions on the Beast Taming History Paper, shook her right hand, and the pen core broke into two pieces.

The pupils in the girl's eyes shrank slightly, full of shock.

Although she knew that Lu Ping'an was extraordinary, she didn't expect him to be so brave and dare to be so... presumptuous in front of Teacher Lin.

This is too extraordinary.

At first, she just thought that Lu Ping'an was a student who liked to sleep and disdained to work hard. After the incident in the Beast Taming Hall, Ruan Su also took her classmate seriously for the first time.

The strength of the beast is not weak, and Lu Ping'an gave her a very mysterious feeling, which also made Ruan Su quietly remember this name in her heart.

Because of that incident, Ruan Su also felt a little guilty about Lu Ping'an.

Ruan Su lowered her head for a long time and then raised it and quietly glanced at Teacher Lin. As the study committee member of Class 3, she also had more contact with Teacher Lin on weekdays.

She also had some understanding of the strict Teacher Lin.

"Come to my office after class."

Hearing this, Ruan Su's heart suddenly lifted up, and there was some worry in her eyes.

It's over, it's over. Teacher Lin is very strict on weekdays. Lu Ping'an dared to do this during the exam. I'm afraid he can't avoid a round of criticism.

Should I help him speak up?

No, that's not a good idea.


Ruan Su's heart was like a mess, her cheeks were slightly red, and she lowered her head as if she wanted to bury herself.


The sudden voice startled Lu Pingan.

What? Going to the office again?

Looking at Teacher Lin putting away his papers, Lu Pingan asked uncertainly.

"Did you call me?"

"Otherwise?" Teacher Lin rolled his eyes at him.

The smile on Lu Pingan's face turned bitter.

"Why are you smiling so ugly? Go to sleep!" Teacher Lin tapped the table with his right hand holding the pen cap and snorted coldly.


Lu Pingan was startled, and then said straightforwardly.



The test time is long, and you can take a nap. Reducing the time of script simulation is the most important thing.

"Teacher Lin, what are you doing?"

A gentle and pleasant voice sounded.

A charming red figure attracted people's attention.

Ning Yuelan stood at the door and looked at Lu Pingan who was following Teacher Lin, with a faint smile in her eyes.

"Oh, this kid slept during the exam, I called him to criticize him."

"Is that so? Then you are busy."

"Who is she?" Lu Pingan naturally remembered this figure, after all, it was her who reported him and made him scolded by Lao Lin.

Although this grudge is not big, it must be remembered.

"Ning Yuelan, a new teacher in Yushou No. 1 Middle School, is responsible for the history of Yushou."

Teacher Lin explained and turned his head to look at Lu Pingan.

The latter's eyes were fixed on the graceful back.

"What? Are you tempted?"

Walking into the office, Teacher Lin sat in his office chair and looked at Lu Pingan and joked.

"I warn you, this kind of thing is strictly prohibited in Beast Taming No. 1 Middle School, be careful." Before Lu Ping'an could speak, the expression on Teacher Lin's face became serious again.

"I understand."

Lu Ping'an nodded.

He was not tempted.

In Lu Ping'an's opinion, that graceful and charming figure was not as good as Erha.

His Erha was a little smarter, but he was still very good-looking.

"How have you considered the evolutionary route of Beast Taming?" Teacher Lin tapped the table with his right hand and looked at Lu Ping'an and asked.

"Your little green snake may grow very slowly due to quality restrictions."

Teacher Lin said slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an nodded very seriously.

He knew this.

It was not easy to achieve such a level after 150 years of skill improvement.

"Consider the evolutionary route of the beast in advance, and prepare the materials early, otherwise your little green snake will not have any strong competitiveness after arriving at the Beast Taming University."

Seeing this, Teacher Lin turned his office chair, pushed his glasses and looked at Lu Pingan and said.

He obviously knew more about life in the Beast Taming University than Lu Pingan.

"Teacher Lin, does the little green snake have an evolutionary route of wind attribute?" Lu Pingan thought about it and asked.

Evolving along the route of wind attribute can not only not deviate from the evolutionary route planned by Lu Pingan, but also improve the combat effectiveness of the little green snake to a certain extent.

Beneficial and harmless.

"Wind attribute?" Hearing Lu Pingan's words, Teacher Lin frowned slightly and browsed his memory in his mind.

"No, at least I haven't heard of it. It may have been recorded in the Beast Taming Research Institute, or it may be implemented." Teacher Lin shook his head slowly.

Sure enough...

Hearing this, Lu Pingan felt a little disappointed.

After a moment, Lu Pingan remembered something and looked at Teacher Lin and asked.

"Do you have any information about the breakthrough materials of the second-level wind-attributed beast?"


At the same time, in the office next door, Ning Yuelan sat in her office chair, her beautiful eyes slightly closed, quietly listening to the message from next door.

The breeze blew outside the window, lifting the red skirt, and a pair of long legs made people unable to stop.

"Little green snake with wind attribute?"

Ning Yuelan opened her eyes, and a charming look flowed in her eyes.

"This little brother seems to be a little bit unusual!"

"It's a pity..."

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