After parting with Wang Wu, Lu Pingan walked straight towards the school gate.

"Student Lu Pingan."

A somewhat numbing voice sounded.

Lu Pingan turned his head and looked over there, where a graceful figure in red stood, becoming an attractive scenery without too many movements.

"Teacher, what do you have to say?"

Lu Pingan blinked and asked.

In this school, apart from Teacher Lin, he was very impressed by this teacher.

It was not because of the figure of this teacher in red and the charm of a mature woman...

But because of the irreversible impact of what she did on Lu Pingan.

Lu Pingan's eyes narrowed slightly.

If he remembered correctly, it seemed that this teacher had reported him to Lao Lin before, which caused some trouble.

"Why does Lu Ping'an's eyes seem to want to eat the teacher?" Ning Yuelan smiled charmingly, and the students around her stopped for a moment and looked at her.


Lu Ping'an twitched his mouth.

Another bad woman who was greedy for his body.

"Teacher, I have a small appetite and can't eat." Lu Ping'an blinked, with a faint smile on his face, as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

"Is that so?" Ning Yuelan looked at Lu Ping'an, still smiling.

"Really not moved at all?" Ning Yuelan's jade hand gently passed by, and a gust of wind blew, lifting a corner of the skirt.

The looming temptation made Lu Ping'an's ears slightly red.

"Ahem." Lu Ping'an turned his head away, looking straight ahead.

"Teacher, I can not only teach you the knowledge of the beast culture class, but also other courses!" Ning Yuelan smiled, making the surrounding environment lose its color.

"No need." Hearing this, Lu Pingan took a half step back, stretched out his right palm, and looked serious.

Such a good thing, of course, was decisively rejected.

Hearing this, Ning Yuelan smiled slightly and walked towards Lu Pingan with light steps.

Then, she gently leaned into Lu Pingan's ear.

"According to the teacher's understanding, Lu Pingan's beast-controlling little green snake does not seem to have an evolutionary route of wind attribute? Why did you ask Teacher Lin for a list of materials for wind attribute?"

"Lu Pingan, don't you want to explore the evolutionary route yourself? This is a very dangerous move!"

The voice was gentle and light, like a clear spring, but it made Lu Pingan's pupils shrink slightly.

Wind attribute? His plan was exposed?

With Lao Lin's character, he would definitely not do such a thing.

So... this teacher is eavesdropping?

Thinking of the scene of Ning Yuelan standing next to the office at that time, Lu Ping'an's eyes flashed with a strange look.

Strange, this teacher is very strange.

Unlike other people who have a good impression of Ning Yuelan because of her appearance, figure and temperament, Lu Ping'an has been suspicious of her from the beginning.

Whether it is the beginning of disturbing his sleep, the later report in front of Lao Lin, or the words just now, it doesn't seem like a normal teacher can say it.

Lu Ping'an has no doubts about the professional knowledge of this female teacher.

It's just...

"Teacher is joking, I have a mediocre talent, how can I figure out these things?" Lu Ping'an took a half step back and smiled lightly.

"I have a friend who doesn't know what materials his wind attribute beast evolution needs."

"So I asked Teacher Lin for a copy." Lu Ping'an explained slowly.

"If the teacher has nothing to do, I will go back first."

After the voice fell, before giving Ning Yuelan a chance to speak, Lu Ping'an walked around her directly.

"What an interesting person!" After a long time, Ning Yuelan's delicate body trembled slightly and said with a smile.

"Seeking a new evolutionary route for beast masters? And dare to challenge the 'rules'. Such people are qualified to join the organization."

Ning Yuelan said the second half of the sentence very softly, and only she could hear it.


After returning home, Lu Pingan felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

In the previous two reality simulations, the ending was the same, he died and the beast masters died in battle.

Now, Lu Pingan has slightly changed the direction of the plot. The B-level beast master team that was supposed to die in the secret realm is also stationed around the Beast Master No. 1 Middle School.

Logically speaking, it should be foolproof.

Lu Pingan also thought so.

However, after meeting Ning Yuelan, Lu Pingan had other ideas in his mind.


, the so-called "terrorist attack" did not come from outside?

But it was caused from inside.

Lu Pingan lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone and browsed the school website of Beast Taming Middle School No. 1, his eyes slowly focused on the teacher's information column.

"Ning Yuelan, a graduate of Tiannan Beast Taming University, teaches the history of beast taming culture at Donglin County Beast Taming Middle School No. 1."

Tiannan Beast Taming University, where graduates can even reach the level of seventh-level or even eighth-level beast tamers, why would they return to such a small city?

Moreover, Lu Pingan also learned from Lao Lin that Ning Yuelan had only worked at Beast Taming Middle School No. 1 for two months, and had no other work experience, and her resume was blank.


Erha pounced on the bed and nudged the back of Lu Pingan's hand with his nose, interrupting the latter's thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Lu Pingan rubbed Erha's head and asked.

Hearing this, Erha turned his head to look at the little green snake with a cold light in its snake pupils, and his voice was a little aggrieved.


Didn't you say we can have a feast?

Why did the little green snake appear again?

The little green snake also understood what Erha meant, and looked at Lu Pingan with a pair of snake pupils.


He just stayed in the beast control space for a while, trained for a while, and then "died"?

"This is actually for your own good, Xiaoqing." Lu Pingan's embarrassed look flashed across his face, and he coughed lightly.

"Xiaoqing, you are so dazzling now, and you are the focus of the whole scene no matter where you are." Lu Pingan thought about it and said seriously.

"A beast controler as powerful as you should usually hide in the dark. How can you deal with those minions on the surface?"

"Your opponents are the legendary beast controlers standing on the top of Daxia!"

The little green snake narrowed his eyes, spit out his snake tongue, and nodded subconsciously.

He was very happy with such words.


Yes, praise him like this.

Lu Pingan smiled and looked at the little green snake, and one hand kept stroking Erha's head.

Although the little green snake's talent was not high, it was his first beast.

Lu Pingan naturally had a deep affection for Xiaoqing.

He remembered every bit of his experience.

For example, in the real simulation, Xiaoqing did it for him...

A thunder flashed through his mind, and Lu Pingan's body suddenly tensed.

He seemed to have found a way to break the deadlock.

When the little green snake simulated the script for the third time, it seemed that the number of real simulations was issued because of the first cumulative number.

In other words, Erha is the same?

Lu Pingan slowly placed his other hand on Erha's side face and turned the latter's head, who was in a daze.

Lu Pingan's eyes met those wise eyes.

Erha: ⚆_⚆

"Erha..." Lu Pingan said softly.


This strange feeling startled Erha and he jumped up immediately.


What was his beastmaster going to do to him?

"It's okay, I'm just calling you." Lu Ping'an smiled and smoothed Erha's hair.


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