After testing the strength of the beastmasters, it was time for the actual combat assessment.

The Beastmaster Hall was divided into three areas.

"What is that?"

In the area of ​​Class 3, a student looked at the black instrument that slowly rose from the empty ground, with a look of shock on his face.

The instrument was in the shape of a beast and looked like a machine.

"This is a machine provided by the Beastmaster Association. It looks similar to the beastmaster. It uses thunder as energy to start and has a third-level combat power."

Teacher Lin said slowly.

"Mechanical beastmaster?"

Some students were stunned for a moment before reacting.

In that case, what's the point of having a beastmaster?

Can't we just use a mechanical beastmaster?

"But the price is very expensive. Even this third-level mechanical beast is worth a million. It is absolutely impossible to mass produce it." Teacher Lin glanced at him and shook his head.

Lu Pingan looked at Erha beside him. There was a gleam in the latter's wise eyes.

He looked very excited.

"The longer you fight against this machine, the higher the score will be. The damage to the instrument is also an important factor in the score."

Teacher Lin looked at the people who were eager to try and explained slowly.

"Let's start."

As the voice fell, beast masters drove the beasts forward one after another to try to fight the machine. The latter's silver-white luster shone brightly under the light.

If it weren't for the emotionless eyes, it might really look like a living beast...

Lu Pingan thought so, and suddenly felt his sleeves being pulled by a "person".


Erha opened his mouth, rubbed Lu Pingan's palm with his head, and placed his two front paws alternately in front of him.

He is more handsome, look at him!

Lu Pingan: "..."

He was inexplicably worried now. With Erha's wisdom, would he not be able to get the scholarship for the top ten?

What if he really gave up while playing, wouldn't it be difficult?

He didn't sleep, and didn't get the reward of 50,000 Daxia coins. What a loss!

Lu Pingan pursed his lips, thought for a while, and then squatted down to look at Erha's wise eyes.

"That third-level mechanical beast looks very powerful. Erha, you don't seem to be able to beat it!"

Lu Pingan looked at Erha and said very seriously.

Erha was stunned, and one of its front paws left a mark on the hard ground, and tilted its head.


Can't beat it?


"Well, I know, if you can't beat it, it's okay to give up early. If you hurt Erha, it will be bad for you." Lu Pingan gently smoothed Erha's hair with his right hand and comforted him softly.


Erha was startled, his body slightly tensed backwards, a little dissatisfied.

That's not what he meant!

Erha sniffed his nose fiercely, and his wise eyes turned to look at the mechanical beast, which was a dog like him, and his dull eyes looked like a fool.

Trash, no matter from which angle, he crushed it!


After a while, more than a dozen people finished the test.

"Brother Wang, this test is a bit difficult." Li Hou grinned and said with some heartache.

In that battle, his second-level beast rock rat was completely suppressed and beaten. It was good at hiding sneak attacks, and it had no place to hide under the light of the mechanical beast's eyes.

"It's normal." Wang Wu said lightly, still looking unhappy.

"This kind of thing consumes a lot of energy. No matter how powerful it is, it is not something that can be put on the table. What's more, it is only fighting with data and does not know how to adapt."

Wang Wu glanced at the mechanical beast that had lost its light and spoke lightly.

Previously, he relied on the characteristics of the Flamebird to deal with it, and was considered the person who persisted the longest in this practical simulation test in Class 3.

Of course, this was because Ren Xue did not come.

After the offline teaching was resumed, Ren Xue came to a class and asked for leave on the grounds of being ill, and just missed this practical simulation test.

After a while, Wang Wu looked at Lu Pingan who was about to take the practical simulation test, his eyes darkened, and he turned around and did not stay.


"Lu Pingan, didn't you say you couldn't come?"

Teacher Lin looked at the boy who came to him and smiled.

"Isn't your sleep time not disturbed?"

Hearing this, Lu Pingan lowered his head and touched his nose, and pointed his right index finger at Erha.

"My beast wants to try it."

Erha: ⚆_⚆

What does this have to do with him?


However, Erha looked at the machine not far away from him with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Okay, go ahead."

Teacher Lin gestured.

Five feet away from Erha, there was no emotion in the eyes of the mechanical beast, only the instilled fighting consciousness.

After pressing the start button, a cold red light flashed through the lackluster eyes.


Erha raised his head and roared.

Dare to stare at him!

Under Lu Pingan's gaze, Erha's body was as fast as lightning, and the next moment he appeared in front of the mechanical beast.

King-level skill, instant thunder and sky flash is activated!

The latter raised his metal-like claws and slapped Erha mercilessly.

Seeing this scene, Li Hou couldn't help but snorted.

Even his rock rat, which is famous for its defense, cannot withstand such an attack, let alone the thunder dog, which is not good at defense?

He has already thought of Lu Ping'an's tragic situation. Fortunately, he still pretends like this on weekdays, but this is the result?

The sharp claws collided with Erha's body, but the latter was blown away by a claw, disappearing as quickly as bubbles.

"Such a fast speed, could it be an advanced skill?"

Teacher Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and focused on Erha who appeared behind the mechanical beast.


At this stage, those who can learn advanced skills must at least be of rare quality, and they also need the step-by-step experience of high-level beast masters.

Most of the students wait for the Beast Control University to learn combat skills under the guidance of their instructors.

At this stage, there are very few people who can learn advanced skills. As for the racial skills learned by the beast masters themselves, they must at least be of epic quality.

That thunder dog doesn't look like it at all.

"So strong!"

Li Hou naturally did not have such a vicious vision as Teacher Lin. He just felt that it was so cool to have such a thunder dog!

Although it is expensive, it is not a burden to him.

But if you want to cultivate it, you need to spend a lot of money.

It's not too bad to get such a powerful beast in exchange.

Not far away, Wang Wu held his chin with his right hand and glanced at the place where the battle was taking place from time to time.

He also knew how powerful the mechanical beast was. It had strong attacks and pretty good defense, but it was a little slower.

With the speed of this thunder dog, it is not difficult to delay for some time.

Originally this was nothing, but when he thought of what happened that day, he felt inexplicably aggrieved.

Wang Wu didn't have any negative emotions towards Lu Ping'an, but he just lacked a point to express his depression.

Wang Wu sat there silently, looking at Erha casually as he accepted the actual combat simulation.

He didn't care what the outcome was.

"Five minutes." Teacher Lin lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist.

After persisting for five minutes, this result is a bit worse than Wang Wu, but it should not be a big problem to enter the top ten in grade.

That’s almost the end of it.

Thinking like this, Teacher Lin continued to look at Erha with unabashed admiration.

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