The next morning, Wang Wu walked on the muddy path. There were insects and white dew on the leaves on the roadside.

The sun shone in, and even colorful colors could be vaguely seen.

Such an environment made Wang Wu sigh with emotion.

If the place was not too remote, he would probably buy a house here.

"Lu Pingan..."

After a while, Wang Wu walked to the place that made him a little unfamiliar. The house number on it was the same as Lu Pingan's information in Yushou No. 1 Middle School.

Through the iron gate, he could also see the old man leaning on the recliner, squinting his eyes and basking in the sun.

"Hello, grandpa, I am Lu Pingan's classmate."

Wang Wu thought about it and probably guessed the identity of the old man in front of him.

He has the same address as Lu Ping'an. Apart from being the latter's relative, he couldn't think of a second possibility.

Hearing this, the old man leaning on the recliner opened his eyes and glanced at Wang Wu.

Another classmate?

His first impression was much better than that sissy, a very polite child.

However, for Dean Li, he didn't even bother to pay attention to strangers.

Dean Li just glanced at Wang Wu and closed his eyes silently.

"Excuse me, is Lu Ping'an here? I have something to talk to him about."

After staying up all night, Wang Wu felt a little more connected. No matter what, he had to say the frustration in his heart.


Dean Li glanced at the room with curtains drawn on the second floor and said lightly.

According to convention, Lu Ping'an, the stinky boy, should still be sleeping. The sun is shining on his butt, but he hasn't gotten up yet!


It's a holiday, so it's no big deal to take a nap.

Hearing this, Wang Wu looked towards the second floor, thought for a moment, and sat next to the old man.

He did not choose to go up directly. Based on his understanding of Lu Pingan, the latter should still be sleeping.

It would not be good if he woke him up.

Dean Li glanced at him and did not stop Wang Wu's action.

After a moment, Wang Wu bit his lips lightly, looked at the lazy old man next to him, and asked.

"Grandpa, can I ask you something?"

He had been holding that matter in his heart, but Wang Wu knew in his heart that this was not the direction he wanted to see.

Hearing this, Dean Li rolled his eyes, turned sideways, and continued to bask in the sun from a different angle.

During the years he served in the Beast Taming Army, he had seen too much, how could his experience be comparable to that of this young boy?

He would only care about such a young boy when he had nothing to do.


No way!

"Grandpa, what kind of person do you think Lu Ping'an is?"

Wang Wu was immersed in his own world and did not notice the actions of the old man next to him. Instead, he sighed and said.

Wang Wu always felt that he and Lu Ping'an should not be like this.

It's just that the hurdle in his heart has never been overcome.

Hearing this, Dean Li snorted, curled his lips, and looked at the rising sun with nostalgia in his eyes.

"Lu Ping'an that stinky boy..."


For the next hour, Dean Li was like clicking the play button, and he couldn't stop talking about some embarrassing things about Lu Ping'an when he was a child, talking about that childish and nostalgic time.

"You kid, not bad, much better than my little Ping'an."

As he spoke, Dean Li patted Wang Wu on the back and said with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Wang Wu shook his head gently.

Previously, the life that the old man beside him talked about was unimaginable to him. He had to save money on a thousand Daxia coins, which was simply incomprehensible to him.

Wang Wu looked at the second floor where the old man pointed before, and couldn't help sighing.

After contracting the small green snake of ordinary quality two years ago, Lu Ping'an seemed to have locked himself in a small dark room and became a different person.

Only recently, he has changed a little. I think it should be because of his stronger beast control.

That... In other words, Lu Ping'an's heart is still very fragile, but he is just covered with a strong illusion on the outside.

He blamed Lu Ping'an wrongly...

Thinking of this, Wang Wu's depression also dissipated a lot, and he actually felt some inexplicable guilt towards Lu Ping'an.

Perhaps Lu Ping'an didn't answer his call last night because he was crying in the quilt and didn't hear his ringtone?

Although this matter is a bit absurd, it really appeared in Wang Wu's mind.

Wang Wu couldn't help but think of Lu Ping'an again.

Ping An's leave.

These days, maybe he didn't know how to face him, so he took leave and stayed at home to sort out his messy thoughts?

Lu Ping An, maybe he was as confused as him?

Thinking of this, Wang Wu took action.

"Grandpa Li, then I'll go up to find him?"

Wang Wu pointed his finger slightly upward and whispered tentatively.


Dean Li closed his eyes slightly, shook the fan beside him, and continued to live his leisurely life.


Pushing open a crack in the door, what came into Wang Wu's eyes was a room that was not messy.

On the contrary, it was cleaner than he thought.

When the door opened, Wang Wu's pupils shrank sharply.

The scene in his eyes was completely replaced by a wise dog face.


Wang Wu's body was locked to the ground and ridden by the thunder dog he had seen several times.

"You, get up!"

Wang Wu's face flushed. He tried his best but still couldn't break free. He even felt a faint sense of numbness.

Although he was not far from becoming a fourth-level beastmaster, he was only slightly stronger than an ordinary person without summoning a beast.

Facing Erha, he naturally couldn't break free.


Erha stuck out his tongue and licked Wang Wu's cheek.

He didn't!


A helpless and faint laugh sounded, and Lu Pingan walked out slowly.


On hearing this, Erha got up from Wang Wu's body.

Don't you want to do him?

He vaguely remembered that Lu Pingan said that if a stranger entered the room, he would just do it.

How could Erha, who was so wise and powerful, misunderstand?

"He is my friend."

Lu Pingan shook his head, feeling helpless.


Erha nodded and reluctantly stepped aside.

"Squad leader, why are you here?"

"I came here to apologize to you."

What Wang Wu thought of last night turned into this sentence.

After saying it, Wang Wu folded his arms in front of his chest, sat on the ground, turned his head, and ignored Lu Pingan.

But what Lu Pingan said next made his eyes widen.

"Ah? What are you apologizing for?"

Lu Pingan looked confused.

Did something happen between them? Why did he need to apologize?

Lu Pingan felt that he didn't do anything!

"Didn't you cry and not answer my call?"

Wang Wu was also stunned and directly said what he thought in his heart.

Lu Pingan: (ーー゛)

When did he cry?


(There is still one chapter in the evening, maybe later.)

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