Of course, Xu Changsheng was not so confident that he thought he could kill people like Shen Wuyan or Allen.

He is strong now, but not to the extent of defying the heavens.

The two mentioned above can be ranked as the strongest in the world before, and of course they have their reasons.

When it comes to saving his life, he may not be inferior to Xu Changsheng who possesses the [Blood Covenant].

However, once it comes to a protracted war and a tug-of-war, Xu Changsheng will be no match for Shen Wuyan and Alex.

After all, Xu Changsheng now can only beat them with his burst of strength, and his sustained combat capability is still slightly inferior.

But don't forget. It has only been half a year since Xu Changsheng awakened his talent!

In just half a year, he has grown to this point.

If he is given a few more years of development time, to what extent will Xu Changsheng grow?!

I'm afraid that even he himself cannot know the answer

"Next is the evolution of Dijiang! And the hatching of the fate-type beast."

Xu Changsheng thought to himself.

As for the materials needed for these beasts to evolve into mythical beasts?

Xu Changsheng felt a headache just thinking about it!

That requires a part of the mythical beast's body in its bloodline!

For example, if Zhulong wants to be promoted to a mythical talent, then Xu Changsheng must personally find the corpse of its ancestor for it.

Then take its essence, feed it to Zhulong, and then match it with various other complex materials.

Only in this way can Zhulong successfully evolve.

But the question now is, where on earth can Xu Changsheng find the corpse of the mythical beast for them?!

You know, throughout the beast world for tens of millions of years, the only mythical beast with a definite record is the Beast God!

Just this one Only, it has overwhelmed the entire beast world.

And all other mythical beasts only exist in legends.

People even think that the rest of the mythical beasts are just the imagination of their ancestors.

In this case, where can Xu Changsheng find the resources needed for the evolution of the Zhulong and other beasts?

These days, he has also been looking for those materials, and even went to the Chinese treasury in person to explore and even asked Shen Wuyan, Yan Hua and other Chinese high-level officials whether they have seen these materials.

But all the answers are negative!

Those materials, let alone Xu Changsheng has never heard of them.

Even Yan Hua, who has been in a high position for a hundred years and has experienced countless things in the world, has never heard of them!


Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng sighed imperceptibly.

However, he soon cheered up.

Since he couldn't find it now, he would focus on the evolution of Dijiang first.

He believed that there would always be a way out.

Since his [Eye of the World] gave the name and specific information of that material.

Then Xu Changsheng believed that he would find them one day!

It just took a little longer.

Now, the most important thing is the evolution of Dijiang.

Although Dijiang is strong, it has just been hatched not long ago.

Now it is indeed a little bit unable to keep up with Xu Changsheng's fighting intensity.

Moreover, every time the beastmaster evolves, it can lead to the improvement of Xu Changsheng's realm.

For example, the evolution of Zhulong this time directly allowed him to advance five levels in a row, saving several days of hard training.

When Dijiang evolves into a day-level gifted beastmaster, Xu Changsheng will surely be able to successfully break through the gold level and reach the platinum level!

By then, the contract with the [Life-Seeing Beast] will not be a problem!

Xu Changsheng thought about it and soon made a decision.

The next day, at dawn, Xu Changsheng went out of the manor.

He planned to directly use the power to select three resources from the United States.

That was the compensation that the strongest man in the United States, Allen, personally promised to give him during the Ten Thousand Nations Competition.

"Use this compensation as soon as possible."

Xu Changsheng thought to himself, and quickened his pace towards the Imperial Capital Teleportation Array.

"What? There is no teleportation array to the United States?!"

After hearing the explanation from the staff, Xu Changsheng was puzzled.

As one of the most powerful countries in the world of beast control, how could the United States not have a teleportation array?

You know, even a small country like Japan has a corresponding teleportation array.

"You don't know this?"

The staff member was surprised.

He looked at the conspicuous black token on Xu Changsheng's waist and was startled.

Those who have this token are all well-known big names in China.

How could such big names not know that there is no teleportation array in the United States?

The young staff member suppressed his doubts and patiently explained to Xu Changsheng:

"The great man who created the teleportation array was for the Chinese people. Those people in the United States, with their own petty minds, are worried that the great man will secretly tamper with the teleportation array."

"Therefore, these short-sighted people rejected the kindness of the great man to build a teleportation array for free."

"Therefore, the United States has never had even one teleportation array."

Speaking of this, the young man flashed a gloating smile at the corner of his mouth and continued:

"Because there is no teleportation array and transportation is inconvenient, the development of the United States has always lagged behind China, and has even been slowly overtaken by other small countries."

"If it weren't for the previous background, humph, I don't know how miserable I would have been."

After hearing the explanation of the staff, Xu Changsheng understood.

I didn't expect that there was such a story between the United States and the teleportation array.

The final experience of the United States was also their own fault.

However, Xu Changsheng was in a dilemma now. Without the teleportation array, how could he go to the United States and select resources?

You know, the Huaxia Federation is located in the eastern hemisphere of this world, and the United States is located in the western hemisphere.

The two countries are almost separated by an entire world.

Moreover, the planet where the Beast Taming World is located is in a strange shape of a round sky and a square earth.

Even if Xu Changsheng wanted to take a shortcut, There is no other way.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask Shen Wuyan.

As the most powerful person in the Huaxia Federation for many years, Shen Wuyan must have dealt with the United States a lot.

He must know some ways to shorten the journey.

At least, it is much better than Xu Changsheng running around blindly.

With this thought in mind, Xu Changsheng took out the communication conch and whispered about his current situation.

As a senior official in China, Shen Wuyan naturally also has a simple communication tool like the communication conch.

After a while, the communication conch did not vibrate at all.

Instead, Shen Wuyan came to Xu Changsheng in person.


Different from the respectful attitude he showed to Xu Changsheng, this staff member shouted in an excited voice after seeing Shen Wuyan.

At the same time, his eyes looking at Xu Changsheng also revealed deep shock.

He knew that Xu Changsheng was of high status.

But he never expected that Xu Changsheng would be personally received by the strongest man in China with just a few simple words.

What is the identity of this person?!

A big doubt emerged in the staff member's small eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

"Could it be......Legendary......Killer God! Xu Changsheng!"

Thinking of this, the staff member patted his head in annoyance.

"I went and personally received the God of Death, but I didn't ask for an autograph or anything. I was so stupid!"

Unlike Shen Wuyan

, who was almost known to everyone. Although Xu Changsheng was famous nowadays, not many people really knew what he looked like. Therefore, anyone who had seen Xu Changsheng in person could brag about it.

And this staff member not only met Xu Changsheng, but also talked to him for a long time.

How could he not be excited!

"Apart from being more handsome, he is no different from me! He doesn't have the murderous aura as the legend says."

The staff member thought to himself when he recalled Xu Changsheng's gentle attitude just now.

Xu Changsheng naturally didn't know about the staff member's rich psychological activities.

At this moment, he was taking something from Shen Wuyan.

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