The Huaxia Federation is very far from the United States.

According to the map,

Xu Changsheng first needs to start from the Ouya continent where the Huaxia Federation is located, then cross the Devil Volcano Group, cross the Philippines, and cross the East China Sea before he can finally reach the United States.

The distance alone is millions of kilometers.

Not to mention the various difficulties that can be imagined along the way.

The Devil Volcano Group is a forbidden place for human life in this world.

It is a place where various fire beasts live in groups.

According to legend, there are even star-breaking beasts in the Devil Volcano Group.

Moreover, in this area, there are volcanic eruptions every moment, and the air and atmospheric environment are extremely unsuitable for human survival.

However, the Devil Volcano Group also contains a large number of rare fire resources.

It is worth mentioning that because the environment here is too harsh, almost no one dares to collect resources, and these resources often grow for a long time.

Quantitative change can still cause qualitative change. Even the lowest black iron-level spiritual treasure, which has grown for tens of thousands of years, is definitely not inferior to diamond-level resources.

The East China Sea is a mysterious place where high-level secret realms frequently appear.

If you cross the East China Sea rashly without a map to guide you, you will inevitably be swallowed up by the numerous secret realms.

You must know that in countless high-level secret realms, ferocious beasts frequently appear and the environment is harsh. Once ordinary people enter, there is only one result, death. Even with Xu Changsheng's current strength, he dare not say that he can definitely cross the East China Sea safely.

After all, all the secret realms that Xu Changsheng explored before have been processed by predecessors and are exclusively for students and juniors to use, and the danger is drastically reduced.

Of course, with the guidance of the map, safety is naturally greatly improved.

""Such a long distance, there is not even a teleportation array!"

Xu Changsheng sighed in his heart.

Not only does the United States have no teleportation array, but even the small countries between the Huaxia Federation and the United States do not have teleportation arrays.

This also means that Xu Changsheng must rely on himself to go to the United States, and he cannot be lazy at all.

"This is good, it's just right for the beast masters to have a good fight!"

Xu Changsheng thought.

It's only been half a year since he awakened his talent.

Although his strength has improved rapidly, his combat experience and experience are still relatively inferior.

This journey can make up for his weakness.

In addition, Blood Shadow's invincible skill [Swallow the Sun and Devour the Sky] can devour and extract the blood of high-level beasts to improve himself!

Xu Changsheng didn't have time to take Blood Shadow out hunting before.

Therefore, this skill was also shelved.

Recently, only in the beast tide in Qingfeng City did this skill play a little role.

He didn't think about letting Blood Shadow leave him and hunt alone.

But Xu Changsheng had already ranked high among the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect's must-kill. At the top of the list, not only his head, but also the head of every beast under his command, are all offered with a high reward.

The bounty is so high that it is enough to make a family last for hundreds of generations.

Therefore, he is not too confident in letting Blood Shadow act alone.

The fierce wind whistled past Xu Changsheng's ears.

Xu Changsheng also had a panoramic view of the beautiful mountains and rivers along the way.

Under the high-speed flight of Bifang, Xu Changsheng arrived at the vicinity of the Devil Volcano Group in just two days.

The strong smell of sulfur rushed into Xu Changsheng's nose along with the strong wind.

The clouds in the sky are very low and the color is extremely dim.

It seems that there is endless dirt and dust hidden in them.

""Cough, cough, cough!"

Xu Changsheng was choked by the sudden smell of sulfur and coughed violently.

All kinds of toxic substances in the air were absorbed into Xu Changsheng's body through the pores of his skin.

In just a moment, he felt shortness of breath, dizziness, and weakness in his hands and feet.

Feeling all kinds of strangeness in his body, Xu Changsheng was extremely surprised!

You know, his body has been baptized by the mysterious substance during the evolution of Fuyao. In terms of defense, it is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary diamond-level strongmen.

However, the air of the Devil Volcano Group alone made him have such symptoms!

"The human restricted area is worthy of its reputation!"

Xu Changsheng did not dare to be arrogant, and directly summoned Fuyao out of the beast control space.

The green light spread out from it, surrounding Xu Changsheng and Bifang.

Countless harmful substances were forced back by the green light.

Xu Changsheng could even see that countless black dust was pushed away by the green light, forming a strange black wave.

At the same time, the pungent smell disappeared instantly. Instead, it was replaced by a refreshing fragrance.

And all the discomfort on Xu Changsheng's body disappeared completely under the illumination of the green light.

This kind of air, which is fatal to ordinary people, is not worth mentioning for Fuyao!

This is the strength of the Sun-level beast control that specializes in healing ability.

Seeing the crisis approaching, Xu Changsheng did not relax, but commanded Bifang to slowly descend.

He finally came to the Devil Volcano Group once, but he would not leave so easily!

He must let the blood shadow kill happily.

At the same time At the same time, all the rare treasures in it were thoroughly plundered.

Xu Changsheng jumped off the back of Bifang and looked around.

The surroundings were full of black dust and visibility was extremely low.

However, a dim light penetrated the black dust and fell into Xu Changsheng's eyes.

A trace of surprise flashed across his face.

In this ghost place, there are actually other people?!

Skilled people are bold.

Now Xu Changsheng is confident that there are no more than twenty people in this world who can hurt him.

The number of people who can threaten his life can be counted on one hand.

Therefore, he walked directly to the place where the light shone.

At the same time, all the beasts were summoned by him and followed closely behind him.

As the distance got closer, the dim light became clearer.

I saw a group of people looking at Xu Changsheng who was approaching very quickly with a bad face.

The leader wore a strange-looking helmet on his head.

There was a dark yellow gem carved on the helmet.

The light that Xu Changsheng had seen before���It was emitted by this gem.

Moreover, this light seemed to have the effect of dispersing the strange black dust.

But the effect was far inferior to the green light emitted by Fuyao.

There was still a lot of black dust, trying to erode the skin of these people from various cracks like maggots on the tarsal bones.

Therefore, all the people in the team were fully armed in this hot environment, with no skin exposed except for their eyes.

Just looking at it, Xu Changsheng felt stuffy.

And these people looked at Xu Changsheng's cool clothes.

There was a flash of shock and envy in their exposed eyes that was difficult to conceal.

However, this shock was soon replaced by vigilance.

After all, in a place like the Devil Volcano Group where no one lives, there are all kinds of laws without constraints.

Killing people for treasures is even more common.

""Jili Gulu Gaga Gaga!"

Seeing that Xu Changsheng had no intention of stopping, the leader of the team shouted loudly, as if to stop Xu Changsheng from approaching.

"What does this mean?"

Xu Changsheng was puzzled when he heard the strange language.

He was proficient in several common languages in this world.

But the words of this person were obviously not among them.

However, although he didn't know what these people were saying.

But Xu Changsheng could tell from their actions and eyes that these people did not welcome him.

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