The smoke and dust caused by the blood ball dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

It was different from the corpse that the giant snake had imagined.

The red wings like agate protected Xu Changsheng inside.

Just this pair of wings blocked the most terrifying blow of the giant snake.

The owner of the wings, Bifang, was looking at the giant snake above with disdain.

At the same time, surging energy gathered in Bifang's mouth.

In this world, the fire energy is extremely active.

Therefore, in just a moment.

The fierce and violent red fireball gathered in front of Bifang.

This fireball is much more powerful and larger than the blood ball of the giant snake just now!

Bifang wants to let this ignorant giant snake see.

What is the real fire!

After failing to hit it, the giant snake wanted to escape.

It saw that its strongest attack could not cause any harm to Xu Changsheng, and it had already had the idea of retreating in its heart.

As for those dead people of its own.

I'm sorry, your ancestor's life is more precious.

For a powerful beast like it, the so-called offspring is just a tool for it to seize itself.

How can a wild beast have any feelings?

When Bifang gathered the fireball.

The giant snake, which is also a fire beast, naturally sensed the brutal and violent energy in it.

It knew that it would definitely die if it was hit by the fireball, let alone a spark!

Therefore, it spread its wings and turned around to escape.

The giant snake was now in a mess, how could it still have the domineering appearance it had just appeared?

However, Bifang would naturally not let the giant snake escape easily.

For it.

Anyone who wants to hurt Xu Changsheng is its absolute enemy.

The red fireball was ejected quickly like a cannonball, emitting bursts of sonic booms.

Even the surrounding space was distorted due to the rapid high temperature inside the fireball.

The giant snake twisted in the air, trying to avoid the attack of the fireball.

However, what kind of beast is Bifang!

It is the real ancestor of fire energy.

Under its control, the red fireball seemed to have life.

No matter how the giant snake moved, the fireball still hit its body accurately.


The flames were like huge waves, instantly engulfing the ferocious giant snake.

The giant snake struggled painfully in the waves of fire.

Countless black and red blood gushed out from its scales, as if resisting the erosion of the Bifang flames.

A large amount of white gas rose up.

Xu Changsheng looked up from below.

A ball of white mist spread out from the giant snake as the center.

The ferocious and violent flames were particularly conspicuous in the white mist.

However, all the struggles of the giant snake seemed so futile and pale in front of the Bifang sky fire.

The red flames wrapped around the body of the giant snake, and the terrifying high temperature caused the scales of the giant snake to peel off inch by inch, revealing the red flesh and blood inside.

However, the flesh and blood were exposed for only half a second.

They were burned into ash by the fierce flames.


A shrill wail like a ghost came from the giant snake's mouth.

This wail was heard very far away in the empty volcano group.

It seemed to warn other beasts in the volcano group.

This area: Here comes a person who must not be provoked!

Then, the charred snake body fell straight from the sky, and the huge potential energy caused the hard volcanic ground to shatter.

Countless black dust fluttered up, blocking Xu Changsheng's sight.

After the dust settled,

Xu Changsheng led a group of beasts to the place where the giant snake fell. Go.

Don't look at this giant snake, it has no resistance in front of Xu Changsheng.

But it is a genuine diamond-level top beast. It is one of the most powerful beings in this area.

However, under Xu Changsheng's powerful strength now.

No matter how strong the beast is, it is nothing but illusion.

The smell of coke came from the front.

A dark and twisted snake body appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

Even though the giant snake was dead, the flames on its body were still not extinguished, still burning, exuding an endless aura of tyranny.


Bifang let out a clear cry, and the fierce flames went out.

Then a silver-white figure approached the charred snake body.

Blood Shadow slightly raised his wolf claws, and a blood-colored ball of light slowly emerged from the snake's corpse.

After the blood-colored ball of light took shape, it rushed into Blood Shadow's brow at lightning speed.


A shocking roar came from Blood Shadow's mouth.

Its muscles, which were already bulging and beautiful, were now even more muscular.

The muscles all over its body bulged like hills.

At the same time, the aura on Blood Shadow's body also expanded and grew.

Finally, it was as if it had broken through a shackle in its life.

Its bones creaked, and its wolf hair exploded like sharp arrows.

The aura on its body became stronger and stronger.

So far, Blood Shadow finally broke through the gold level and reached the first level of platinum!

He became the first platinum-level beastmaster under Xu Changsheng.

Moreover, its blood concentration has reached an astonishing 40%!

It is only 10% away from the minimum requirement for the next evolution.

You know, the blood concentration of Bifang and other beastmasters is only 10%. Twenty.

It has only been a short time, and the gap between Blood Shadow and them has doubled!

The effect of the invincible growth-type skills is so terrifying.

With the breakthrough of Blood Shadow.

Xu Changsheng felt that there was a huge beast-controlling power coming towards him.

Under the baptism of this huge beast-controlling power, Xu Changsheng felt that his body and soul had been greatly improved.

Every cell in his body was cheering.

Infinite power burst out in his body.

Xu Changsheng's body shook, and he broke through two levels in a row and reached the ninth level of gold!

At this moment, he is only one step away from reaching the platinum level.

You know, when he achieves platinum, he can contract a new beast again.

By then, Xu Changsheng's comprehensive strength will usher in a huge leap!

""Guaji Guaji~"

Just as Xu Changsheng was feeling the changes in his body, Fuyao, who had been following him, suddenly shouted.

These four characters meant that it felt a familiar breath of life.

It seemed to be those people it had met before!

Moreover, these breaths of life were rapidly decreasing.

As a life-type beast, Fuyao was extremely sensitive to the breath of everyone.

It can be said that as long as Fuyao had seen anyone once, it could easily find the specific location of that person even if they were thousands of miles away.

Hearing Fuyao's words.

Xu Changsheng frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and decided to follow Fuyao's guidance to see what those people were planning. A group of beast masters who were only at the diamond level.

Dare to go deep into the deepest part of the Devil Volcano Group.

You know, any beastmaster here has the strength of the diamond rank!

Since these people can risk their lives to come to the Devil Volcano Group.

It means that the treasure they want to get must be extraordinary.

At least, it is the existence that can make diamond-level beastmasters risk their lives.

Treasures of that level may also be helpful to him, Xu Changsheng.

Moreover, now that these people are in danger of their lives, as a human being, Xu Changsheng will naturally not sit idly by.

After all, diamond-level beastmasters, no matter which country they are from, are treasures of mankind.

Now that the Beast God is about to descend, Xu Changsheng naturally has to protect every bit of human strength.

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