Xu Changsheng leaned on the chair brought by the American soldiers, and his whole body almost collapsed in the soft cushions.

I have to say that Johnson, this grandson, is quite good at enjoying himself.

Even the chair he usually sits on is so comfortable.

At the same time.

An American soldier handed over a cup of crimson juice with great tact.

It is said that it is made from a certain kind of berry that is a local specialty of the United States. It is not only delicious, but also has an aphrodisiac effect.

Xu Changsheng took a sip, and the sweet and rich taste made him unable to help but drink two more sips.

Of course, he just likes this taste, and it has nothing to do with the so-called aphrodisiac effect of the juice.

Blowing the breeze, drinking juice, crossing his legs, looking at the rows of American soldiers who were slightly bent in front of him, Xu Changsheng seemed to be on vacation at the beach, leisurely.

And those American soldiers who were originally arrogant to the Chinese.

Now they lowered their eyebrows and looked obedient, and even dared not look at Xu Changsheng straight in the eye.

After all, their superior's head is still stuck in the mud, and they can't get it out!

However, as one of the superpowers in the world of beast control, the United States has various problems, but its efficiency in major events is still quite high.

Not long after, the warm sunlight above Xu Changsheng's head suddenly disappeared.

A huge shadow completely enveloped Xu Changsheng.


A roar of a dragon came from the sky.

The black dragon descended and landed on the city wall.

Several figures jumped off the black dragon's back.

They looked at Xu Changsheng who was so leisurely in front of them, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Xu Changsheng, why don't you explain?"

A tall figure walked to the front and looked at Xu Changsheng and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng looked up and saw that it was still an old acquaintance, Allen.

"I explain to you? Why don't you let them explain it?"

Xu Changsheng moved his butt, changed his position on the chair, and casually pointed at the American soldiers in front of him.

Why should he give Allen an explanation!

You know, it was Johnson who killed him first!

A small officer dared to kill his Chinese high-ranking officials. Shouldn't the United States give him, Xu Changsheng, an explanation?

Seeing Xu Changsheng so fearless.

Allen's face sank, knowing that Xu Changsheng must be right this time.

Before he came here, the intelligence he obtained was just that someone attacked the border city.

And he happened to be working near this city, so he hurried here.

Unexpectedly, the one who attacked the city was Xu Changsheng, the most outstanding rising star in China.

Allen glanced sideways and said in a deep voice:

"What happened! Tell the truth! I will take care of anything that happens!"

His sharp eyes swept through all the soldiers present.

But no one dared to respond to his gaze.

"A bunch of rubbish!"

Allen cursed in his heart, and then picked a soldier at random and said:

"You, tell me!"

A strong pressure surged out from him, sweeping the soldiers in front of him.

Seeing that he could not escape, the soldier had to tremble and tell the whole story.

Under the murderous eyes of Xu Changsheng and Allen, he dared not lie at all!

It started from when Johnson intercepted the caravan for no reason and teased Zhang Lingxin.

Then Xu Changsheng stood up for the caravan and slapped Johnson.

Then Johnson used his private power and ordered a giant crossbow to shoot the caravan.

Finally, Xu Changsheng used the beast to violently crush Johnson.

From beginning to end, no matter how big or small the matter was,

"Are there many cases of intercepting caravans like today?"

Alan listened quietly, his face becoming more and more gloomy. At the end, he asked softly.

The soldier trembled.

He could feel the rage under Alan's calm face.

He didn't dare to speak, but nodded silently.

""Okay, okay, you guys are doing really well!"

Allen laughed in anger, pointing at the soldiers in front of him who looked like wimps.

He finally understood why the United States was declining day by day, while China was getting stronger day by day.

With such a parasite, how could the United States not be weak!

""Get out!"

Allen laughed and suddenly roared at the crowd in anger.

The majestic power suddenly spread out, sweeping everyone present.

Everyone couldn't help but take two steps back.

What's more, some even fell to the ground under the impact of this momentum, and fled in panic like drowned chickens.

Only Xu Changsheng was still half-lying on the chair safely.

He ignored Allen's sudden power.

Seeing this, Allen's eyes flashed with surprise.

The reason why he suddenly attacked was naturally not because he couldn't control his emotions, but because he wanted to take advantage of Xu Changsheng's unpreparedness and directly suppress his momentum.

In this way, he could occupy a dominant position in the subsequent negotiations.

But unexpectedly, Xu Changsheng was not affected at all.

"This boy has made such a huge improvement."

Alan was secretly amazed, but it was a pity that Xu Changsheng was not from the United States.

After the strangers left, Alan suddenly smiled brightly.

It was as if the person who was furious before was not him.

"Thank you, little brother Changsheng, for removing the termites for my country."

Alan said with a smile.

Just one sentence, and he defined the matter.

It was not a malicious attack at all!

Instead, the Chinese high-level officials helped the United States to eliminate the harm, demonstrating the friendship and friendship between the two superpowers!

In this way, the United States can barely save face.

After all, no matter what, people from their own country died at the hands of foreigners, and they had to apologize to them, which could easily arouse public anger.

And Alan's words changed the nature of the matter.

The matter is still the same, but the reason is not the same.

This Alan is a smart person.

Xu Changsheng heard the words, and the corners of his mouth also curled up a smile, but the words on his mouth were merciless:

"I am not here to eliminate harm for you Americans, I am just seeking justice for the Chinese people."

"Before this, I, China, don't know how many people have been insulted like this, you must give an explanation!"

Just relying on Allen's light words, you want to erase the impact of this incident?

There is no such a cheap good thing in this world.

Hearing this, the smile on Allen's face froze.

Knowing that this matter, there is no way to settle it without taking out some practical good things.

Not only Allen, but also the faces of several bigwigs who came with Allen became gloomy.

They used to be the absolute overlord and number one in the world of beast control in the United States.

Even if China has recently come from behind, it is only the two countries that are the first.

When have they been insulted like this!

Not only did their own people die on their own territory, but now they have to apologize to the murderer!

These bigwigs, who have experienced the glorious years of the United States before, naturally have unspeakable pride in their hearts.

Regardless of whether the matter is right or wrong, they can't accept such an insult at all!

Therefore, an old man with white eyebrows and beards said:

"What do you want to explain, you little guy who hasn't even grown all his hair? Shen Wuyan is here, that's better!"

This old bastard actually came up and took advantage of his age!

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