Xu Changsheng couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he activated the [Eye of the World] to its fullest, and then looked at the blood shadow in his arms.

The specific information about the blood shadow immediately caught Xu Changsheng's eyes.

【Race: Night King (Dark Attribute)】

【Qualification: Mythical!】

【Rank: Star Shattering Level 3】

【Talented skills: King of the Night (invincible), King's Landing (invincible), Chapter of the Night (invincible), Army of the Undead (invincible), Annihilation Ray (invincible), King Devouring the Common People (invincible)】

【Dark Night King: This beast is the incarnation of the dark night, immune to all dark attribute attacks. At the same time, the damage caused by other attributes to the beast is reduced by 80%】

【King's Arrival: The beast can transform into a king's form. In this form, the beast's physical qualities will be increased to five times the original. At the same time, the beast's attack will cause irreparable damage to the enemy.】

【Night Chapter: The beast can summon absolute darkness covering a radius of ten thousand miles. Enemies in the darkness will hear strange and beautiful night music every minute and every second, causing great damage to their souls and origins.】

【Undead Army: The beast will capture the souls of the enemies it kills and store them in its own body, receiving the baptism of shadow energy. After one day, the souls will turn into an army that only knows how to obey orders.】

【Note: The army formed by this method has no sense of pain or emotion, does not need to eat, and will completely dissipate after being killed】

【Extinction Ray: Dark energy surges and converges into a death ray. Wherever this ray passes, no grass will grow and all living things will die!】

【Lord Devours the Common People: The beast can absorb the life essence of all things in the world, improve its own realm and purify its own blood.

Xu Changsheng quickly browsed the information in front of him, and the golden light in his eyes kept flashing because of shock.

What is against the will of heaven?

The evolved Blood Shadow perfectly interprets what is truly against the will of heaven!

Xu Changsheng used to think that having two invincible skills was strong enough.

After all, each invincible skill is enough to turn the outcome of a battle or even a war.

But now, Blood Shadow now has six invincible skills!

And each one is the top invincible skill!

【Dark Night King] made Blood Shadow's defense reach a terrifying level.

Immune to dark attribute damage is acceptable, after all, Blood Shadow itself is a mythical beast of dark attribute, and naturally has a high resistance to attacks of this attribute.

However, Blood Shadow also has up to 80% damage reduction for other attribute damage.

What is the concept?

Any attack that falls on Blood Shadow is only 20% of its original power.

This is enough to turn a fatal blow into a tickle.

【[King's Reach] is a pure and extreme physical improvement, with a five-fold increase in physical fitness. Xu

Changsheng had never seen or even heard of it!

What's more terrifying is that every blow of Blood Shadow in this state directly hits the soul and origin, which is extremely insidious.

And [Chapter of Darkness] is Blood Shadow's strongest group attack skill, and its range is an astonishing ten thousand miles!

It can be said that the enemy can't even see the shadow of Blood Shadow.

They will be killed by its range attack.

And this skill is matched with [Undead Army], which can cultivate a large-scale and powerful force in a short period of time.

It is reasonable for a king to have his own army.

And [Extinction Ray] is a single attack of Blood Shadow, although the damage range is far inferior.

But Xu Changsheng believes that the damage of this skill is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

【[The Lord Devours All Living Things] is a bit like the previous invincible skill.

However, [Swallow the Sun and Devour the Sky] can only devour the vitality of living creatures such as beast tamers.

[The Lord Devours All Living Things] devours everything, even the lifeless shadow crystals can allow Blood Shadow to quickly purify his bloodline.

However, the amount required is also extremely terrifying.

And it is worth mentioning that.

After Blood Shadow evolved into a mythical beast tamer, all skills no longer have additional restrictions.

It is not like before, he would fall into a weak state after using an invincible skill.

Now, when he uses his abilities, it only consumes a little physical strength and energy.

It can be said that Blood Shadow has also greatly improved his endurance.

And his realm, in this evolution ceremony, also jumped directly from the third level of diamond to the third level of star shattering.

A whole major level of ascension!

No wonder even Xu Changsheng himself, under the feedback of the majestic beast taming power, was promoted to the eighth level.


An intimate wolf howl came from the chest.

I saw that the inky black body of Blood Shadow was constantly burrowing into Xu Changsheng's arms.

No one could have imagined that delicate and innocent look.

This wolf was actually the most powerful beast in the world!

Xu Changsheng stroked Blood Shadow's soft fur and thought to himself:

Maybe it's time to let Blood Shadow go to the beast world to kill and improve himself.

After all, it has the skill of [The Lord Devours the Common People].

Staying by Xu Changsheng's side all the time is actually a restriction on its growth rate.

Before, Xu Changsheng was afraid that Blood Shadow would be in danger if he left him and other beasts.

But now, in this world, there are no other beasts that can hurt Blood Shadow.

Even in the dangerous and unpredictable beast world, there are not many creatures that can really kill Blood Shadow!

"Dijiang, come here."

Xu Changsheng held Xueying in his left hand and called Dijiang with his right hand:

"You take Blood Shadow to the Beast Realm to kill and explore, and come back to see me every three days, understand?"

He ordered.

Dijiang marked the Beast Realm. At this time, it was just right for it to take Blood Shadow to shuttle between the two realms and grow rapidly.

And the improvement of Blood Shadow's realm will give feedback to Xu Changsheng, allowing him to contract new beasts faster.

Hearing Xu Changsheng's order, Dijiang's four wings and six legs danced exaggeratedly, as if he was happy that he didn't have to stay in the beast control space.

As a space beast, it can't stand loneliness the most, and it also yearns for the world outside the beast control space the most.

In its opinion, this mission is no different from going out to play.

After all, there is Blood Shadow, the big brother, acting as its bodyguard.

Blood Shadow roared softly and broke away from Xu Changsheng's arms with a little reluctance.

But it would never disobey Xu Changsheng's order.

The rich space fluctuations spread in the room.

In just a moment, the four-winged and six-legged Dijiang and the inky-black Blood Shadow exuding the aura of a king immediately disappeared in the room.

Looking at the remaining beasts in the room, Xu Changsheng chuckled and said:

"Come on, let's go meet your new partner."

As he said that, he waved his hand and put the remaining beasts into the beast control space.

Then Xu Changsheng's mind moved, and his consciousness appeared in his beast control space.

At this time, a sky-blue beast egg was quietly staying beside the mythical blood pool, emitting a chill.

This was the beast egg that contained the blood of Xuanwu, one of the four ancient spirits.

Xuanwu is the master of water, and is the supreme existence among water-attributed beasts.

Its development potential is self-evident.

Xu Changsheng walked quickly to the beast egg.

The knife transformed by his mind cut his wrist.

A familiar pain came.

Then the blood wrapped and soaked the beast egg.

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