What a powerful effect!

You know, what is the most important thing for a beast with a Sun-level talent?

It's not the realm, but the blood concentration!

Only when the blood concentration is purified to 50% or above, they have the qualification to evolve again.

And the higher the blood concentration, the greater the success rate.

It can be said that blood concentration is the most important data after the beast talent reaches Sun.

It is also the most difficult data to improve.

Most beasts may need to spend decades to purify their blood to 50%.

After all, not all beasts have the terrifying evolutionary ability of Blood Shadow.

And what Xu Changsheng lacks most now is time!

The evil spirit and the beast god will not give him so much time to let him improve his beast step by step.

Therefore, how to make beasts such as Bifang Zhulong evolve to mythical beasts.

It has always been the most pressing issue in Xu Changsheng's mind.

But now, the heart of the evil spirit can actually purify the blood of beasts!

It can be said that there is no way out after the mountains and rivers, but there is another village with willows and flowers!

But it is also true that this evil spirit blood can work on humans.

So why can't the evil spirit's heart have any effect on the beast?

It makes sense!

"Fortunately, I have the innate ability of [Eye of the World], which can be said to be an unsolvable analysis of everything in the world."

Xu Changsheng was thankful.

If he did not have the [Eye of the World], he would not even know how to completely eliminate the evil spirit corpse.

And in order to understand the powerful effect of the evil spirit heart.

I don't know how many lives I have to sacrifice.

Even if I sacrifice more lives, I can't figure out the effect of the evil spirit heart.

After all, other parts of the evil spirit corpse are highly toxic. If you take them casually, you will die.

There is no room for relaxation!

Moreover, the evil spirit heart only works on beasts, and only on Sun-level beasts!

But how many Sun-level beasts can there be in this world?

Even if the world has the help of Xu Changsheng's [Eye of the World], providing a reliable evolutionary route.

But in a short period of time, the Sun-level beasts that other strong people can hatch, There will definitely not be more than two hands!

And how could these big guys use this extremely precious beast to conduct experiments?

Therefore, if Xu Changsheng did not have the [Eye of the World], the wonderful use of this evil spirit heart would most likely not be discovered by the world.

With this thought, Xu Changsheng smiled.

In any case, his other beasts finally saw the hope of evolving into mythical beasts.

The combat effectiveness of the Sun-level beasts and the mythical beasts is simply incomparable.

That is the difference between heaven and earth, the difference between the brilliance of the bright moon and the light of fireflies!

Everyone looked at Xu Changsheng's face, from solemn to surprised and then happy, with doubts in their hearts.

But since Xu Changsheng did not speak, even if they were given a hundred courage, they would not dare to interrupt Xu Changsheng's thoughts rashly.

"Give me an empty space ring."

Xu Changsheng pondered for a moment and called back.

He suspected that the mucus constantly secreted by the evil spirit might carry some special energy fluctuations, which made it impossible to store its body in the space ring, and even damaged the space ring itself.

The space ring on Xu Changsheng's body contained rare things in the world, so it was naturally not suitable for experiments. As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Hongjiang, who had been waiting behind Xu Changsheng, handed him a space ring.

A faint space fluctuation surged from the ring, quickly covering the body of an evil spirit in front of him.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the palm of Xu Changsheng's hand.

The piercing pain on his left hand made him frown slightly.

Xu Changsheng looked down and saw that the space ring had been broken into pieces. The hard ring material scratched Xu Changsheng's palm.

The scratches were deep enough to see the bone.

The blood dripped like rain, instantly dyeing the soil under Xu Changsheng's feet red.

"This is?!"

"Protect the adults!"

Seeing this, Lin Hongjiang, Chen Ying and others behind him were shocked and immediately alert.

What kind of existence could actually hurt Xu Changsheng, who was like a god in their eyes?

"It's okay, don't be nervous, it's just a small experiment."

Xu Changsheng's calm voice made everyone's nervous expressions relax.

"As expected, the space ring cannot be used to collect the corpse of the evil spirit."

Xu Changsheng shook his hand, and the red blood beads drew a sad and beautiful blood line in the air.

The rising green light wrapped around his injured left hand, and the wound was repaired quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Xu Changsheng didn't care about his injuries now.

He frowned slightly and looked down.

He saw that the corpse of the evil spirit that was originally covered by the fluctuations from the space ring.

At the moment of the loud noise, it automatically exploded, the body was torn into pieces, and the internal organs were blown into pieces.

Including the heart that he cared about the most, it was also blown into powder and lost its original effect.

The mucus on the surface of the evil spirit was splashed everywhere, causing great erosion to the land of Changnan.

Using the space ring will not only damage the ring itself, but also damage the corpse of the evil spirit.

Xu Changsheng remembered it silently in his heart, and then took out the commonly used isolation gloves from his ring.

After he put them on, a pair of hands directly touched the corpse of the evil spirit on his body.

He completely ignored the mucus on it that was enough to corrode the earth.

""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~"

As expected, as soon as the gloves touched the evil spirit's corpse, thick white smoke was emitted. Despite this, Xu Changsheng's hands did not feel any pain.

This kind of isolation gloves is not too expensive but very practical. It is often used to dig treasures in extreme environments.

Now, it has come in handy.

About three minutes later, the gloves were completely corroded by the mucus, and the soreness came from the fingertips. Xu Changsheng withdrew his hands.

He took off the gloves, stuffed them to Chen Ying casually, and then ordered:

"Arrange some people to wear isolation gloves and isolation suits, dig out the hearts from the evil spirits' corpses and store them together."

"Please note that every time you dig out a heart, you must change your gloves and clothes immediately, do you understand?!"

"The labor and clothing costs will be on my account, and you can send someone to the imperial capital to claim reimbursement later."With more than 300 evil spirit corpses, Xu Changsheng naturally would not dig out the hearts one by one.

That would be a waste of his time!

As for that little bit of money, it was nothing to him now.

Just think of it as providing some jobs for Changnan and generating income for him.


Hearing Xu Changsheng's instructions, Chen Ying unconsciously straightened his back and said loudly

"Do a good job!"

Xu Changsheng patted his shoulder, nodded to Lin Hongjiang, Wang Ping and other people who had helped him, and walked straight into the city.

It was because the smell here was too bad!

The mucus of these evil spirits had a strange smell, as if it was the extreme rotten smell of seafood that had died for hundreds of years and fermented in the sun.

After they died, the smell was even worse, as if it hit the soul directly.

Even if Xu Changsheng tried his best to hold his breath, he couldn't help the nausea of his stomach.

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