Xu Changsheng's voice was so light and faint that it was almost drowned out by the whistling wind in the air.

However, Shen Wuyan still heard it clearly!

He could also hear the shocking murderous intent hidden under Xu Changsheng's plain words.

These people had angered their new God of Killing in China!

"I am old, old, the world will still be ruled by young people in the future."

Shen Wuyan said with relief in his heart.

As the most powerful man in China, and the current vice-governor of China, he represents the image of China.

His style for decades has always been strong, but not overbearing, and he will not casually hurt people's lives.

Now, he can't let these bitches break this image.

And he, Xu Changsheng, has been doing things without taboos since his debut.

It is natural for him to do this kind of murder.

Before Xu Changsheng could speak, Xiao Xiao San started to clamor again:

""You little brat, you haven't even grown all your hair yet, why are you pretending to be so powerful? You actually dare to stand in the sky and look down on us! Do you know what respect for the inferior is?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Changsheng frowned, and anger rose in his heart.

How long has it been since someone dared to talk to him like this?

And what happened to the last person who dared to call him like this?

Seeing that Xu Changsheng didn't say anything, the Ah San became even more arrogant, with disdain in his eyes and mouth:

"Boy, let Shen Wuyan speak, you are not qualified enough! Hahahaha......"

Arrogant laughter suddenly spread from below.

The other foreigners, seeing this situation, became more and more agitated, and looked at Xu Changsheng with a strong disdain in their eyes.

They had no idea that the young man in front of them was the domineering Xu Changsheng.

"These bastards are so heartless and ruthless!"

The commotion at Imperial University naturally attracted countless citizens to watch.

Seeing these small countries that had received China's favors many times now acting like this, everyone was gnashing their teeth in hatred.

They wanted to rush up and tear a piece of flesh off their arrogant smiling faces!


Listening to the crazy and wanton laughter below, Xu Changsheng's mouth corners also hooked up a cold smile.

As if sensing the emotions of its master, the agate-like fiery red feathers on Bifang's body exploded one by one.

It was like a blazing fireball hanging in the sky.

Then, it flapped its wings and let out a violent long cry.

A dazzling stream of fire passed in front of everyone.

In an instant, the temperature around rose by more than ten degrees out of thin air.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of these foreigners. They looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.

Suddenly, a horrified scream broke everyone's doubts:

""Johari, where are the Johari people? How come they disappeared all of a sudden!"

This voice was filled with deep fear and confusion.

And this emotion, like a storm, swept through everyone present.

These foreigners all stretched their necks to look forward, and were shocked to find that the leader, Johari, had suddenly disappeared.

Instantly, there was a commotion among the crowd, and they moved their eyes around, trying to find Johari's figure.

However, he was nowhere to be found!

""Tick, plop, plop."

Suddenly, a cool feeling appeared on one person's cheek.

He reached out and touched it, and found that there were water stains on his face.

"Is it raining?"

The man looked up at the sky, a little confused.

The sun was hanging brightly in the sky.

It was impossible for it to rain in this weather!

Suddenly, the foreigner's eyes fixed and looked straight at the top of his head.

He seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying. His pupils suddenly dilated and his steps retreated, as if he couldn't even stand steadily!

His abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of the people around him.

""What's wrong with you?" someone asked with concern.

However, the man with water drops on his face looked up at the sky as if he had lost his soul.

Others followed his gaze and looked up.

"my Lord!"

"Johari, how could he be in the sky!"

When everyone saw the scenery above the sky clearly, they were all shocked and exclaimed.

They saw that Johari, who was originally very arrogant, was standing in the air without support.

His body was shaky, as if he would fall from a height of more than 100 meters in the next second.

By then, the only ending waiting for him must be death.

Johari's crotch was still wet. It was self-evident what the water droplets were just now.

At this time, Johari was no longer rebellious and arrogant.

His dark copper face was a little pale because of fear, and his pair of eyes bulged out like dead fish were looking forward with a look of pleading.

There, Xu Changsheng stood on the back of Bifang, with a faint smile on his face:

"Joe......Joffrey, huh?......You don't like me looking down on you. Now, the two of us are on the same level, looking at each other at eye level. Are you happy?"

Hearing this, Johari's eyes were filled with despair and regret.

Now, he just wanted to slap his previous self a few times and tell himself not to be the first to stick his head out!

The man in front of him was simply a devil!

The moment Bifang came in front of him, the intense high temperature made all the functions of his body completely ineffective.

Although his appearance looked exactly the same as before, there was no difference.

But inside, Johari had become a complete waste.

His limbs lost touch, his vocal cords were damaged, and even the beast control space that the beastmaster was most proud of had lost its response!

But now, the young man in front of him was still hypocritically asking himself, are you happy?

And he, Johari, couldn't even speak in reply!

If this wasn't a devil, then what was it!

No, this young man was more terrifying than a devil!

"If you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent."

Xu Changsheng nodded and said:

"Since you are a guest, then do as you wish and stay in heaven, stay in heaven forever and ever!"

After saying that, Xu Changsheng's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to summon Dijiang.

A huge figure with four wings and six legs suddenly appeared around Joehari. The spatial fluctuations from Dijiang's body from time to time gave him an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, after Dijiang appeared.

Four strange and twisted black holes appeared inexplicably in the blind spots around Joehari.

The space was broken and incomplete, and an unparalleled suction force came from the black hole.

How could Joehari, a useless man, resist this attraction caused by the broken space?

His hands and feet floated towards the black holes involuntarily, but these four black holes appeared in completely different directions.

Therefore, Joehari's limbs also stretched rapidly towards the four corners.

In just a few seconds, his limbs strangely grew dozens of centimeters longer, as hideous and terrifying as the legendary thin puppet.

However, this is far from the end!

The gravity of the black hole did not stop, and it even increased!


Finally, Johari's limbs could not bear the fatigue and broke one after another, flying quickly towards the four black holes.

In an instant, endless blood rain poured down, and the blood fell on everyone present. The fishy smell filled their nostrils.

At this moment, fear quietly climbed in their hearts.

A thought quietly emerged in their minds:

Maybe, this time, they really offended someone they shouldn't have offended!

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