"It's time to find the Beast God."

Xu Changsheng said in a dark voice.

There are at least six or seven hundred evil spirit corpses in the Beast God.

In other words, there are six or seven hundred evil spirit hearts.

Even if thirty hearts can only purify one percent of the blood.

Such a large number is enough for Zhulong to evolve successfully!

Not to mention, there are also the hearts of the three red evil spirits, whose effects must be much stronger.

And what makes Xu Changsheng excited and concerned the most is.

The Beast God has been at the forefront of the fight against evil spirits for thousands of years.

There may be many powerful evil spirit corpses in his collection.

If Xu Changsheng can get them all, the strength of his beastmasters will surely usher in a huge improvement.

And he himself may be able to break through one after another and directly be promoted to a star-breaking or even bright moon-level beastmaster!

With this thought, Xu Changsheng no longer hesitated and raised his hand to summon Dijiang and Xueying from the beast world. A familiar space fluctuation came.

The space in front of him was broken and twisted, forming an extremely huge black hole.

The fishy smell quickly came out of the black hole.���Before the two beasts appeared, the bloody smell on their bodies filled the whole room.

It can be seen that the two must have killed a lot in the beast world.

Xu Changsheng had asked the beast god before whether he could let Blood Shadow kill.

The answer he got was: as long as it is useful for Xu Changsheng to improve his strength and does not harm the residents of the gathering place under his command, he can kill as much as he wants.

With his words, Blood Shadow naturally killed without any scruples.

Even in the beast world, there are only a few who can compete with Blood Shadow.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng specifically asked the beast god to keep an eye on Blood Shadow and not let it be in any danger of life.

After all, Blood Shadow is now the main force of Xu Changsheng's beast control, and there must be no mistakes.

And because the beast god needs Xu Changsheng to grow quickly, he also reluctantly agreed.

At present, he not only has to protect the beast world, but also has to be the bodyguard of Xu Changsheng and even his beasts.

If it gets out, his pressure will probably be swept away.

But with the strength of the beast god, he naturally doesn't care about this.

People of his realm only care about interests. Everything else can be put aside.

Xu Changsheng has been dealing with the Beast God for such a long time, and his understanding of him has become clearer and clearer, and his views and opinions on him have also changed a little.

Perhaps, when the evil spirit crisis is completely resolved,

Xu Changsheng will no longer think about kicking the Beast God's head hard, but beat the Beast God up.

Let him feel the pain.

As his thoughts turned, the familiar dark purple palace appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

He walked into the main hall where the Beast God was with ease, and looked up at the group of ferocious purple mist.

However, just one glance.

Xu Changsheng's face was shocked.

His eyelids trembled wildly, as if he had discovered something extremely unbelievable.

I saw that the ferocious mist that originally surrounded the Beast God had disappeared completely at this moment!

And in the mist, there was nothing, and there was no Beast God at all!

Where did he go?

Did he die, disappear, or go out to do business?

Without the help of the Beast God, how could he resist the endless army of evil spirits alone?

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts flooded into Xu Changsheng's mind like a tide. His sight moved back and forth, trying to find the trace of the Beast God.

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng's eyes fixed, as if he had discovered something.

He moved quickly, following the dozens of meters long steps, and came to the throne of the Beast God in the past.

A letter with a dark purple cover almost blended with the color of the throne.

If Xu Changsheng did not have the SSS-level talent [Eye of the World], it would be difficult to find the abnormality from dozens of meters away.

Xu Changsheng leaned over and picked up the letter. On it were written five powerful Chinese characters:

Xu Changsheng's personal letter!

There is no doubt that this is a message specially left for Xu Changsheng by the Beast God! He did not hesitate and tore the seal hard.

However, what Xu Changsheng did not expect was that with his current strength, he could not tear the seal of the letter with all his strength!

You know, Xu Changsheng, after practicing hard, has reached the fifth level of Diamond.

His physical fitness has been enhanced by multiple blessings, and has long surpassed the ordinary Star-Breaking Beastmaster.

In the past few days, he had competed with the real Star-Breaking Beastmaster Shen Wuyan in physical fitness from multiple dimensions.

Without exception, all of them were crushed!

Even so, with all his strength, he couldn't even tear open the seal of this seemingly ordinary letter.

Xu Changsheng frowned and looked at the letter carefully.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind!

Since the Beast God specifically asked him to open it, then it must be opened by him!

So, what can prove that a person is Xu Changsheng?

Without a doubt, it is his blood!

With this thought, Xu Changsheng took the letter in his left hand, put his right index finger to his mouth, and bit it hard.

A bloody hole suddenly appeared on the fingertips.

A lot of blood gushed out of it and dripped onto the ground under his feet.

Xu Changsheng placed his injured index finger on the seal of the letter.

Suddenly, dark purple light flashed wildly in front of his eyes, as dazzling as cheap street lamps, so dazzling that Xu Changsheng couldn't help but close his eyes.

After a few seconds, the light stabilized.

Xu Changsheng opened his eyes and was shocked to find that a wormhole similar to a teleportation array had formed in front of him.

After hesitating for a moment, he resolutely walked into the cave.

Under the common interests, the Beast God would never easily attack him.

Without the help of the Beast God, Xu Changsheng would never be able to promote all the beasts to myths within a year and resist the beast tide.

After all, a year is too short. It is not even enough for ordinary beast masters to improve to a higher level.

Therefore, he must find the Beast God and find what the Beast God left for him.

Only in this way can he find a ray of hope in despair!

He passed through the wormhole, and the familiar feeling of dizziness swept over his body.

When Xu Changsheng opened his eyes again, even though he thought he had seen big scenes, he couldn't help but be completely shocked by the scene in front of him!

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