Rose Forest New World, Forestry Bureau.

A blue-eyed wind-winged falcon slowly slid down from the sky, with its wings retracted, it landed firmly on the shoulders of an uncle with a Chinese character face.

The uncle with the national character face is Liu Tiejun, director of the Forestry Bureau of Qiangwei Town, and the uncle that Jiang He Chuan met when he escaped from the Rose Forest.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Fengyi Falcon seems to be talking to Liu Tiejun.

"Boss, is there a situation?"

Seeing this, another tall and thin ranger next to him asked.

After an accident happened in the reserve, the forest rangers sent their own beasts to patrol day and night.

"No, the murderer is very cautious. Since that night attack, he has never appeared again."

Liu Tiejun sighed.

He feels that the development of the tourism industry in Qiangwei Town is really bumpy.

Last year's disappearance of tourists has brought Qiangwei Town's burgeoning tourism industry down to freezing point.

After a year of development, the popularity has finally recovered a little, and as a result, an incident of the imperial beasts turning into bones inexplicably broke out in the reserve.

Liu Tiejun had no choice but to stop all tourists from visiting. Although it was an iron-horned rhino that turned into bones, no one dared to take this risk until the real culprit was found out.

What if the next person to be attacked is a human?

"I hope the two investigators from the Supervision Bureau can find the real culprit."

The tall and thin forest ranger took a deep breath and said in a muffled voice.

On the night of the accident, Liu Tiejun reported the incident to the Hangzhou Supervision Bureau.

The Supervision Bureau immediately sent two investigators to investigate the case. Because no clues were found at the crime scene, the two investigators set off for the depths of the Rose Forest early this morning.

"I hope so."

Liu Tiejun also sighed, but in his tone he didn't have much expectations for the two investigators.

"Is anyone here?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

Liu Tiejun opened the door and saw a young man who looked like a college student, followed by a burly man who was nearly two meters tall.

"You are—Jiang He? Why did you come here?"

Seeing Jiang He, Liu Tiejun's eyes were full of emotion.

Who would have thought that the boy who just contracted the first beast a year and a half ago has become the champion of the national competition, or a genius researcher?

At that time, when he saw Jiang He came back from the depths of the Rose Forest and contracted a moonlight elf, he felt that this kid could do it in the future, maybe he could become a powerful beastmaster.

I just didn't expect it to grow so fast.

"Uncle Liu, long time no see!"

Jiang He said with a smile, and then directly explained his purpose.

"The actual test of my professional beastmaster is to investigate the truth that the iron-horned rhinoceros in the reserve has turned into bones. Can you take me to the scene of the crime?"

Although he already had some guesses in his heart, he still wanted to confirm it.

"Okay, you come with me."

Liu Tiejun summoned a hurricane wolf, rode on the wolf's back, and began to run wildly on the grass.

Takiyue transformed into the form of a cloud qiu, and easily followed, and Wang Meng also summoned his own beast to follow.

Soon, the three came to the scene of the crime.

Four white skeletons more than 3 meters long are displayed on the grass, surrounded by a layer of cyan wind barrier, and above is a wind-winged falcon with silver ornate feathers.

Liu Tiejun's other wind-winged falcon has silver wings.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Seeing Liu Tiejun, the wind-winged falcon hummed twice and perched on Liu Tiejun's other shoulder.


Seeing the white bones, Ziyue's eyes showed sadness and anger.

It couldn't help thinking about its own parents.

"The investigators from the Supervision Bureau came to see it before, but the murderer didn't leave any smell or hair, and they didn't find any clues, so they left early this morning and went to the depths of the Rose Forest, looking for other clues."

Liu Tiejun said.

"Uncle Liu, were there any red roses beside these iron-horned rhino skeletons?"

Jiang He asked suddenly.

"Rose flower? I shouldn't. On the night of the accident, after hearing the screams of the iron-horned rhinoceros, I rushed to the scene with my beast as soon as possible. I didn't see any other creatures, but the four iron-horned horns were not there. The rhino has been turned into bones, and then I let Silver Wing block this area with the wind barrier."

"What? You suspect it's Queen Rose?"

Liu Tiejun took a deep breath and asked.

In fact, he also suspected the Rose Queen.

To be able to devour the flesh and blood of four iron-horned rhinos in such a short period of time, and to be able to float away under his nose, must be the commander of an extraordinary creature above the high rank.

The only person with such strength nearby is the Rose Queen in the depths of the Rose Forest.

However, Queen Rose's attitude towards human beings has always been relatively friendly. When the new world was developed a long time ago, Queen Rose took the lead in signing a friendly agreement with the human beastmaster.

After all these years, they have been peaceful.

In addition, Queen Rose doesn't seem to be a carnivorous beast, so Liu Tiejun quickly dispelled his suspicions.

"It's just speculation at the moment."

There were no roses beside the corpse, which made Jiang He a little surprised.

But it doesn't matter, he can also pass synaesthesia verification.

Synesthesia is a magical skill for detecting real murderers!

As long as the spirit on the iron-horned rhinoceros has not completely collapsed.

Jiang He closed his eyes and extended his spiritual power outward. There was still a faint spirit left on the four bones, which did not completely dissipate.

These four iron-horned rhinos are all warriors with the strength of the first- and second-order warriors, and their spirits can be retained for about 3 days.

"Uncle Liu, my talent for fighting animals can see what happened not long ago, and I may need to touch the bones of these iron-horned rhinoceros next, is that okay?"


Liu Tiejun nodded.

Immediately Jiang He touched the animal bone, chose the last fragment of the spirit, and activated synaesthesia.

The sky darkened instantly. It was night, and the moon above him was not clear. A dozen iron-horned rhinos appeared in Jiang He's field of vision.

In his ears, there are purring sounds one after another, like a quintet of souls.

I don't know how these iron-horned rhinos fall asleep listening to the snoring of their companions and themselves.

Suddenly, the iron-horned rhinoceros of Jiang He and the synaesthesia felt a sharp pain in the abdomen, as if something sharp had pierced its heart!


It wailed in pain.

There are three other iron-horned rhinos that wailed like it.

In other words, the "murderer" attacked the four iron-horned rhinos at the same time.

Soon, the bodies of the four iron-horned rhinos were visibly withered.

Their flesh and blood is being swallowed by some existence!

Jiang He slowed down the "playing speed", and at the same time focused his eyes on the abdomen of the iron-horned rhinoceros, and then he saw a bright red branch.

"Master, it's the thorn demon!"

Jiang Yuan analyzed the results and displayed the picture of the thorn demon on the screen.

It was a strange tree that was 5 to 6 meters long and shaped like a willow tree.

Jiang He opened his eyes and ended his synaesthesia.

With the enhancement of his spiritual power, he has no pressure on the beast-monster of the synaesthesia warrior rank.

He is finally true!

"Sure enough, I can't get rid of the relationship with Queen Rose."

The thorn demon can be said to be the companion royal beast of the Rose Queen, or the scout beast.

Their relationship is like the queen bee and worker bee in the hive. The thorn demon devours the flesh and blood of the iron-horned rhinoceros, most likely to prepare food for the rose queen.

"Master, this Queen of Roses is likely to want to take the advanced route of the Bloody Banshee, which requires devouring a lot of blood and life energy."

Mechanical Rubik's Cube opened the mouth and said, its database just has this part of the data.

"How is it? Did you see what attacked the iron-horned rhinoceros?"

Seeing Jiang He open his eyes, Liu Tiejun couldn't help asking.

"It's the thorn demon. This matter has nothing to do with Queen Rose."

"It's hard to do. If it's really the Rose Queen, you need to ask the master beastmaster to come forward."

Liu Tiejun said solemnly.

"Uncle Liu, do you know what happened to the **** jungle?"

After confirming the murderer, Jiang He asked Liu Tiejun again.

The second task of the actual test was to investigate the blood-colored jungle that appeared in the depths of the Rose Forest.

Now Jiang He has unconsciously associated it with the Queen of Roses.

Nine times out of ten, the two are related!

"I'm not quite sure about this. The first time I discovered the **** jungle was a week ago. An experienced college student claimed to have found a scarlet jungle deep in the Rose Forest. The plants in this jungle were not sap, but blood. ."

"I didn't take it to heart at first. After all, I have been to the depths of the Rose Forest many times, and I have never seen the so-called Scarlet Jungle, but later several witnesses claimed to have seen the Scarlet Jungle, so I took a few A ranger went to see the place and turned around, but still found nothing out of the ordinary."

The incident of the iron-horned rhinoceros has already made Liu Tiejun so busy that he has no time to worry about other things.

"Officer Liu!"

At this time, a weak male voice suddenly came from a distance, and a four-winged giant bat slowly landed in front of them.

Above the purple lightning bat lay a tall, thin middle-aged man in the uniform of the Supervision Bureau. The man was covered in blood, as if he had experienced a fierce battle.

There is another chubby man next to him, but this fat man has lost an arm, there is a big hole in his chest, his eyes are closed, and he has lost his vital features.

"Officer Ji, what's wrong with Officer Lin!?"

Seeing this, Liu Tiejun asked quickly.

A total of two investigators came to investigate, one surnamed Lin and the other Ji, the one in front of him.

But I didn't expect people to be fine in the morning, and now it's like this!

"Lao Lin died."

With tears in his eyes, the police officer surnamed Ji said angrily:

"We went deep into the Rose Forest, and finally found the real murderer of the iron-horned rhinoceros beside a small creek."

"It's a blood moon demon wolf that rules the third tier. When we met it, it happened to devour the blood of another hurricane wolf."

"Lao Lin and I tried to kill it, but I didn't expect that this evil beast's strength was extremely strong, and it could recover its injuries by absorbing blood. Lao Lin accidentally pierced his chest with its claws. Fortunately, this blood moon demon wolf In the end, I was slaughtered to death."

Officer Ji said in grief.

Liu Tiejun sighed.

He saw that Officer Ji's expression didn't seem to be fake.

But just now Jiang He Mingming said that the murderer was Queen Rose...

In fact, Liu Tiejun was more willing to believe what Jiang He said, that the Blood Moon Demon Wolf, who was leading the third-rank, could not have killed and devoured the four iron-horned rhinos in such a short period of time without leaving any clues.

But now that Officer Lin was dead, he didn't have much to say. He patted Officer Ji on the shoulder and said his condolences.

"Officer Ji, where is the body of the Blood Moon Demon Wolf?"

At this time, Jiang He suddenly asked.

"Are you... Jiang He classmate?"

Officer Ji recognized Jiang He, and his expression changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. He just said lightly:

"The battle was too fierce. The body of the Blood Moon Demon Wolf was completely torn apart by our imperial beast, leaving only the soul crystal."

After speaking, Officer Ji took out a blood-colored soul crystal that was still bloodshot from his backpack.

Jiang He and Ziyue looked at each other, but didn't speak.

If other people, they may be deceived.

But his synaesthesia can't go wrong, which means that what Officer Ji just said was all lies!

Undoubtedly, the police officer in front of him has a big problem!

Could the death of another investigator also be related to him?

Jiang He guessed silently in his heart, but he couldn't get any useful clues any more, so he didn't say much.

"Officer Ji, I'll take you to treat your wound first!"

Liu Tiejun said.

"No, it's all minor injuries. I have to hurry back and report on this mission, so I'll go first."

Officer Ji didn't stay long, and the lightning purple bat under him waved his wing membrane and left.

After Officer Ji left, the eyes of the three became subtle.

"Does Queen Rose have any charm skills?"

Jiang He asked.

Officer Ji didn't interact with Queen Rose beforehand, so it was impossible for him to take the initiative to help her hide the crime.

So it is very likely that he was hit by skills like charm.

"I don't know, the Rose Queen is quite mysterious. I have been in Rose Town for more than ten years, and I have never seen Rose Queen. It is said that she is an imperial beast in humanoid form, a woman who is extremely charming."

"Brother Wang, why don't we go to the depths of the Rose Forest this afternoon?"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hexiang suggested by Wang Meng.

He still decided to go deep into the Rose Forest to check the situation, and he also had a preliminary plan in mind.

"Still... Forget it. The development of things is far beyond our control. As you said, if the murderer behind the scenes is the Rose Queen and also kills an investigator, we rashly run in and send I think you passed the actual test this time."

Wang Meng shook his head.

"I'm sure I can get out of the hands of Queen Rose! If a master-level beastmaster takes Queen Rose is likely to escape, and it will be troublesome then."

"Okay! Since you insist on going, I will accompany you for a while!"

Wang Meng exclaimed.

So after lunch at the Forestry Bureau, Jiang He and Wang Meng set off for the depths of the Rose Forest.

Liu Tiejun originally wanted to go, but he still had to inspect the reserve, so he had to give up.

In order to find the clues of the **** jungle, Jiang He did not ride on Takiyue's back this time, but chose to walk.

Soon, he and Wang Meng continued to head towards the depths of the Rose Forest along the original escape route.

Revisiting the old place, Jiang He's mentality has undergone a completely different change.

After a quarter of an hour.

Jiang He stopped and asked Wang Meng beside him:

"Brother Wang, have you found anything strange?"

"A strange place? No?"

Wang Meng was a little confused.

"We walked all the way, but we didn't see a single living thing."

Jiang Heyouyou said.

Not to mention imperial beasts, not even an ordinary bird or beast!

Last time, when he escaped from the depths of the Rose Forest, there were many beasts on the road.

Such a vision means that... an unknown event must have happened here!



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