"Junior, the Nanzhu aura on you seems to be stronger than ours."

The white dove said in surprise.

Jiang He looked around and found that the gray fog surrounding himself and his imperial beast was indeed much thicker than others, almost twice as thick!

This means that Jiang He can stay in the pool of life and death for 2 more hours! !

"Maybe...because of the previous fruit of life?"

Jiang He scratched his head, he didn't expect that rushing to feed would have this benefit.

It was a real surprise.

Others looked at Jiang He with a hint of envy in their eyes.

No wonder Jiang He was rushing to feed before, they didn't understand it at the time, but now they regret why they didn't rush to feed Tongtian Python at that time.

Mo Haishan's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but have a guess in his heart: shouldn't Jiang He be a perverted beast-fighting talent like [Future Simulation]?

But without thinking too much, after being enveloped by Nanzhu's aura, the ten team members took out the water-proof beads that they had prepared in advance, and in groups of two, they jumped into the black pool with their imperial beasts.

Time is precious now, and they must find and defeat the right primordial beast before Nanzhu's aura dissipates, and then come back.

Jiang He naturally teamed up with Dove.

"Senior, can Gugu's space travel ability be used here?"

After diving into the pool of life and death, Jiang He asked quickly.


The wind chaser shook his head. The space barrier here is so thick that it can't even tear open a hole, let alone space travel.


Jiang He felt a little regretful.

If Gugu's space travel can be used, they can completely use the pool of life and death as a back garden, and come and visit from time to time.

"The spatial barriers in many places of opportunity cannot be torn apart."

Bai Ge is not surprised by this. She has been to many ruins and strange places. In most cases, Cogu's space travel ability will fail.

Everyone quickly dived with their Royal Beasts, and a spherical barrier was raised around them to avoid the water droplets, isolating the black water of the Pool of Life and Death.

The pool of life and death is cold and dead, and the surroundings are silent and silent, as if the world after death.

After diving for about ten meters, Jiang He finally saw a "living creature".

This is a strange beast similar to a lantern fish, with a black body and a body length of about 3 meters. It has sharp fangs at the upper and lower ends of its mouth. Its eyes are slightly invisible, and it looks very dumb.

This is just a ghost tooth fish, a very rare water-based beast.

The ghost toothfish of this size is generally between the middle-level commander and the high-level commander.

But what is in front of him is not the real "Ghost Tooth Fish", it is just a strange beast formed by the gathering of death energy, and its strength is only a mere mid-level general.

Because Jiang He and the others were filled with the breath of Nan Zhu's death, this ghost tooth fish regarded them as his own kind, and did not take the initiative to attack, but still roamed leisurely.

Mo Haishan and the others did not stop. This ghost-toothed fish and beast only had the strength of a middle-level warrior, and it was transformed by the energy of death, which did not help their imperial beasts in the slightest.

"Anti-God Evil God"

The commander high-level imperial beast transformed by the original power is in the depths of the pond of life and death, almost 100 meters below the water.

Jiang He and Bai Ge stopped.

For Jiang He, undead alien beasts, primitive alien beasts and primitive alien beasts all play a big role.

"Jiang Yan, use the touch of the dead."

Jiang He gave instructions through telepathy.


The ice ghost is like a ghost, floating to the side of the ghost tooth fish, and its cold claws slashed towards the ghost tooth fish, but the ghost tooth fish still does not move, a stupid look, eyes and the carp king in Pokémon somewhat similar.

Until the ice ghost's claws tore its body, the ghost-toothed fish began to fight back.

But it was too late, its body had been pierced by ice-blue ghost claws.

With just one blow, the ghost tooth fish was "crushed" and turned into pure death energy, which Jiang Yan quickly swallowed and absorbed.

In an instant, it felt that the energy of death in its body had grown a little bit, and its body size had also grown a bit bigger.

I've gotten stronger and I've gotten fatter.

As long as the alien beasts in the pool of life and death are defeated, these alien beasts will be transformed into pure energy.


Seeing that the little ice ghost had benefited, the undead young dragon golden boy on the side also showed urgency.

The group continued to descend, and when they dived to about 20 meters, there were more strange beasts around.

But most of them are primitive and undead beasts, and the primitive beasts are almost invisible.

These "exotic beasts" are imperial beasts from the Middle Ages or even earlier, many of which are now extinct.

Moreover, the real level of these "extraordinary beasts" transformed by energy is generally much lower than the appearance.

After Jiang Yan and Bai Xue got permission, they began to hunt and kill alien beasts of the spirit system, and even started a competition.

Ziyue also smashed the two native beasts blocking the front, and life energy rushed to it, but not a lot, it can only be said that nothing is better than nothing.


Uninhibited Fire is a little anxious, it knows that it is the original beast that helps itself, but the surrounding beasts are not.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon."

Jiang He just comforted a word, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Not far from the right front, a frost-blue triangular rhino was walking in the black pool.

It is a seventh-order Frost Armored War Rhinoceros. This is the standard beast of many beast-guarding legions in the Middle Ages, and it is very rare now.

"Yiyi, use Burning and Flame Claws."

Jiang He gave an order.

The alien beasts in the pool of life and death are very strange. Only by defeating them with one's own hands can the beasts absorb their transformed energy. I don't know why~www.readwn.com~ Yi! "

The uninhibited fire is quietly approaching, because it is surrounded by water, it is very unfriendly to fire-type beasts like it.

The long-range skills have almost no effect, and can only be attacked if they are close.

However, under the cover of Nanzhu's breath, this frost armored rhino turned a blind eye to the approach of the unbridled fire.

After all, they are not real creatures.

After Yi Chuan approached, he swung out a bland flame claw, the crimson flame mixed with a touch of gold, and quickly slashed across the waist of the Frost Armored War Rhinoceros.

The Frost Armored War Rhino seemed to feel the pain, his eyes widened, and he was ready to fight back, but the unbridled fire had already run away.

The Frost Armored Rhino quickly ran in the water, trying to chase after him, but the flames on his waist began to gradually spread to his entire body.

A rhino with flames all over its body ran wildly in the water, strangely at the same time inexplicably happy.

The damage of the flame claws is really not high, but the burning combined with the ultra-high temperature and inextinguishable characteristics is very disgusting.

It won't kill you, but it will grind you to death.

However, the flame of the uninhibited fire cannot really be "inextinguishable", and it still can't burn for too long in the water, and it needs to be "fixed" from time to time.

After a while, the Frost Armored Rhino had turned into silver primordial energy.

"The two of you are hunting in this area! Don't go any further."

When Uninhibited Fire was still fighting the Frost Armored Rhinoceros, Jiang He spoke to Little Ice Ghost and Uninhibited Fire through telepathy.

He needs to keep diving.

The white dove kept the necromancer too.

The two little fellows, Bai Xue and Jiang Wei, are both warriors of the ninth rank now, and the combined combat power is comparable to that of the ordinary imperial beasts who lead the lower ranks.

And above the 30 meters of the pool of life and death, most of them are warriors or low-level imperial beasts.

They are basically in no danger here.

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