After clearing the gluttonous abyss species in nearby towns and villages, Jiang He and Bai Ge came to the first line of defense in front of the abyss passage.

At this moment, there are still abyss of gluttony emerging from the passage.

However, the rank is not high, and the strongest is only the commander of the high rank.

This abyss passage is only about 10 meters long, and the power it can carry is limited.

On the human side, two master-level beastmasters have already arrived.

Coupled with the continuous bombardment of missiles and the defense line formed by the Beast-Guarding Corps and the Supervision Bureau, the situation has been completely controlled.

A difficult one, P Plus support.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Jiang He and Bai Ge were also relieved.

"Jiang and Xiaoyou, have all the Abyss Seeds that ran out before have been cleaned up?"

Seeing Jiang He, an old Taoist swordsman flew to the two of them and asked with a smile.

He is the head of Shushan Qingwei, a master-level beastmaster, nicknamed Master Baimei.

The reason why he has this nickname is naturally because he has two long white eyebrows.

Before he came here, he originally planned to clean up the abyss seeds that ran into the town. After all, life is at stake, and it is only one that can save one more.

However, after arriving, I found that most of the towns and villages had been cleaned up. Although many places were reduced to ruins, the abyss species had been wiped out.

A young man chasing the dragon and driving the phoenix, like sweeping away the scattered abyss seeds.

"Master Baimei, the cleaning is done."

Jiang He replied.

"It's amazing, a hero comes out of a boy!"

Master Baimei was a little emotional.

Even he couldn't clean up all the scattered abyss seeds in such a short time.

After all, the Sword Sovereign of Shushan was killing, and the words of Wan Jian returning to the sect would easily hurt innocent people.

"Jiang and Xiaoyou, long time no see. The last time we met was... the last time!"

Beside Master Baimei, an old man dressed in white and a little sassy also greeted Jiang He with a smile.

It was when Jiang He picked the fifth imperial beast, Lu Tong, the third elder of Shushan who received him.

Shushan is not far from Meishan City. After learning the news of the abyss invasion, the entire sect was dispatched in full force, and they all came to support.

"The abyss passage is temporarily under control, but if you want to completely block it, you must take action from the Immortal-level Imperial Beast."

Master Baimei looked at the **** abyss passage not far away and said.

"Senior Qingluan has already rushed over from Qingluan Palace and should be able to arrive soon."

Dove replied.

Qingluan in her mouth was the first senior in Dongxia to advance to the Immortal Rank.

It was originally a divine bird with the blood of Qingluan. After the opening of Qingluan Cave not long ago, it acquired the inheritance of Qingluan and the original true feathers. It logically mastered the law of wind and the law of fire, and then achieved immortality.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

A blue wind suddenly appeared in the sky not far away, and a beautiful and elegant divine bird appeared in the wind.

Qingluan's feathers are extremely gorgeous, like a peacock and a phoenix. The wings are as green as dawn, emitting a soft light under the sunlight.

"Senior Qingluan!"

Both Master Baimei and Lu Tong greeted him respectfully.

This Qingluan has lived for more than 300 years. Although she is still a young girl among the Qingluan race, she is an out-and-out senior to them.

Jiang He and Bai Ge naturally followed suit and called out Senior.

"You guys did a good job of stabilizing this place so quickly."

Qingluan's voice was very clear, a girl's voice.

The Qingluan Palace where it lives is located in the sky of a new world, where there is no Internet.

Although the Supervision Bureau immediately sent someone to ask her for help, the journey has been delayed for a long time.

After knowing the news of the abyss invasion, she used the form of the wind to arrive at the fastest time.

Before I came, I thought that the vicinity of Meishan might have been wiped out, but I didn't expect it to come here and only be responsible for the finishing work.

"seal up!"

Qingluan's voice was clear and sweet, like a clear spring.

I saw the cyan wind condensed into the substance, covering the abyss passage like a gauze, and then a cyan flame ignited.

The abyss seed that encounters wind and fire disappears like an illusion.

Soon, the abyss passage also disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The wind of annihilation, the fire of purification.

This is the power of law.

Qingluan controls the two laws of the law of wind and the law of fire, and is also a strong person in the same level of immortal existence.

"Unfortunately, this abyss passage is not enough to carry my strength, otherwise I really want to tear up the master of the abyss of gluttony."

After sealing the abyss passage, Qingluan said with some murderous aura.

She was originally a killer, and more importantly, her former beastmaster died in the abyss of gluttony.

Gluttony Abyss had invaded other new worlds connected to Blue Star. At that time, she and her beastmaster had investigated the Gluttony Abyss along this abyss passage and obtained a lot of information.

Unfortunately, when he came back, his beastmaster was stabbed by the stinger of a blood-colored giant mosquito, and the abyss poison pierced his heart.

In the end, he died on the way back to the real world.

And as far as it knows - the master of the abyss of gluttony is still sleeping, not at his peak.


Ping'an Town, that is, the town that Gugu Space passed through.

Shortly after Jiang and the others left, a drop of bright red blood suddenly began to change shape on the ruins of a building, and eventually transformed into a blood mosquito the size of a fingernail.

"Damn human, fortunately your grandfather Mosquito still has a hand."

The blood mosquito uttered an obscure and strange abyss language, and there was a gnashing expression on the mosquito's face.

It was the giant blood mosquito that should have died.

At the moment when it was hit by the Ziyue Crescent Claw, it released suspended animation and blood doubles.

Because it was worried that the blood double would be too big and easy to be discovered, it transferred its spirit and consciousness to only a drop of blood.

Therefore, its strength is now inexistent, and its realm has fallen to the first rank of warriors.

But thinking of the reward from the glutton master after he passed on the information, the blood mosquito's pair of compound eyes flashed with a trace of fiery heat.

"I have to go back quickly! Otherwise, when the abyss passage is blocked, I won't be able to go back."

Blood Mosquito no longer thought about it, and began to fly carefully towards the abyss passage.

The passage is only ten kilometers away from it. The distance that could have been reached in ten seconds, even if it is flying at full speed at this moment, it will take ten minutes.

After 10 minutes, the blood mosquito finally saw the abyss passage, and saw that the emerging abyss species were being continuously beheaded.

It became more and more careful, and the corpses along the way finally flew back to the abyss passage.

This is a completely blood-red world, and countless abyss species on the cracked land are rushing towards the abyss passage.

Not far from the abyss passage, stood a female giant with a height of more than 20 meters. This female giant was as fat as a mountain, with an equilateral triangle in shape, and the layers of fat were like the coat of a caterpillar.

It is the "overwatch" of this invasion campaign - the whirling monarch.

At this moment, it is urging the abyss species to emerge blue stars one after another. From time to time, the two fat hands stretched out to the densely populated abyss, and they picked up a few and sent them to their mouths.

Blood Mosquito doesn't like this moody monarch.

It has to swallow food ten times larger than its own size every day, and the abyss species in its own territory is not enough for its daily consumption, so it often goes to the site of the blood mosquito to eat "buffet".

For that, the blood mosquito has nothing to do.

It is only a low-ranking monarch, while Pisa is a high-ranking monarch, and is one of the best abyss monarchs above and below the Lord.

At this moment, Blood Mosquito doesn't want to talk to it at all, and it has rarely met before, and it doesn't want to be seen by other abyss monarchs for its weak appearance.

If it is seen, there is no doubt that its territory will be divided up.

But in order to get the reward of the glutton master and restore its strength as soon as possible, it had to speak in a somewhat flattering tone:

"Lord Pharaoh, please take me to see the Lord."

After all, the place where the abyss of gluttony lives is extremely far away. If it reaches its current speed, it will take a full month!

In addition, there are countless dangers hidden on the road, and the abyss species that do not reach the monarch level are monsters without rational existence. They don't care whether the blood mosquito was the abyss monarch.

Swallow it first and then talk about it.

"Hehe, isn't this the Mosquito General we fought in other worlds? How did it become like this? Was it eaten by monsters from that world?"

Swirling shook her fat body, let out a weird laugh, and then gently squeezed the blood mosquito with her fat fingers and put it in front of her.

Blood Mosquito has no doubt that this moody guy will crush himself in the next second, but he still pretended to be calm and said:

"My information is very important. If nothing else happens, you will be able to enjoy ten times or even a hundred times more food every day!"

"That world has a lot of blood and food?"

Sure enough, after hearing the food, the whirling monarch gave up his plan to kill the blood mosquito.

It has to swallow countless Abyss Seeds every day to barely relieve its hunger.

And already tired of the smell of the abyss.

"Take me to see the Lord and you'll know."

"Okay! You'd better not lie to me, otherwise..."

"I swear by my mosquito character! If I lie to you, I will be willing to be your blood food."

"Let's go!"

The giant female giant who is as fat as a mountain runs very fast, and the blood-colored earth echoes with a rumbling sound...

1 hour later.

The giantess brought the blood mosquito to a mountain, but it was arrogant and unruly before, but now it showed a respectful expression.

It opened the mouth to the "mountain" that could not see the edge at a glance:

"The Red Mosquito is back. It said that it has important information to report to you."


A blood-colored giant pupil suddenly opened in the center of the mountain range, looking down at the giantess and the blood mosquitoes on her body.

Just this kind of blood pupil is several times bigger than the size of the female giant.

"Tell me..."

"Lord, the new world we discovered this time is a great world that has just begun to recover spiritual energy! Although there is a dominion realm, it has only been promoted in recent months, and its strength is very weak. If you do it yourself, you will definitely be able to. Conquer the world!"

"The newly revived Daqian world..."

Xue Tong stared at the blood mosquito, which made the blood mosquito a little nervous.

Shouldn't the Lord have swallowed himself in one bite?

"You did a great job!"

After a long time, the glutton master spoke again, and at the same time, a scar appeared on the body like a mountain, and the blood like a waterfall rushed to the blood.

In a few breaths, the Scarlet Giant Mosquito regained its original size and even improved!

"Thank you, Lord!"

It is much more convenient to help Blood Mosquito recover to the monarch rank than to cultivate an abyss monarch out of thin air.

After all, only when the abyss species reaches the monarch can they have their own intelligence and be regarded as real creatures.

As for the other abyss species, in the eyes of the glutton master, they are just food and consumables.

They work for themselves. If they are hungry and have nothing to eat, they also reserve food.

"You go back and tell the other monarchs to gather all the abyss, and the war is about to begin!"

The voice of the glutton master rumbled like a thunderous roar.

"Follow your orders!"

"Follow your orders!"

The Scarlet Giant Mosquito and the Giantess did not dare to slack off, and began to gather all the abyss species in this abyss with excitement.

After the two abyss monarchs left, there was a trace of tyranny and hunger in the gluttonous ruler's blood pupils.

As Blood Mosquito said, now is the best time to invade this great world.

The native creatures of Blue Star are growing rapidly, and if it is later, it will have no chance at all.

Unfortunately... its wounds have not been fully healed, and it cannot fight against multiple immortal beings at the same time.

"Blue Star... This cake is too big. Since it can't be enjoyed by itself, let's enjoy it with those old things!"

It is ready to inform other abyss masters.

Between one layer of abyss to seven layers of abyss, each layer of abyss is only separated by a thin space membrane, which is very convenient to come and go.

The abyss masters of these seven layers also know each other.

After deciding, he moved his mountain-like body and walked towards the distance...


On the other hand, Jiang He is currently busy interviewing with his imperial beast.

Before, he took Ziyue and them to kill three abyss monarchs, and the scene of saving countless people was photographed by many people with their mobile phones.

Although the pixels are not very high, the battle scene in the video still shocked and excited countless people.

Whether it was the night shadow of the bright moon that killed three abyss lords in an instant, the undead phoenix that cast down the monstrous fire, or the shadow of the dragon hovering in the sky, UU reading makes people fascinated.

Now all the major websites in Dongxia have been occupied by Jiang He, and even the major incidents such as the abyss invasion of Meishan City can only rank in the top ten.

This is naturally what the Dongxia Supervision Bureau likes to see, and even these hot searches have their ingredients behind it.

At the moment of disaster, people need a "hero", and this "hero" can bring them hope!

And Jiang He is the "hero".

After the national competition, Jiang He has already become a household name in Dongxia, and his outstanding contribution in resisting the abyss this time has made him a "ranking face" of the Supervision Bureau all of a sudden.

Of course, making Jiang He a "hero" has another advantage, that is, it can attract more beastmasters to join the Supervision Bureau.

After the aura was revived, for some reason, meditation became easier, the spiritual power of human beings improved a lot faster, and the possibility of becoming a beastmaster greatly increased!

Moreover, the native creatures of Blue Star have also begun to gradually give birth to spiritual wisdom, and they can sign a contract with a beastmaster, which greatly lowers the threshold for becoming a beastmaster.

These wild beastmasters are a good new force, with infinite possibilities, but because of this, the beastmasters who have taken the wrong road will be more right than before.

In a word, it is always right to prepare more manpower in an eventful time!



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