In this secret place, the blood sun in the sky is very strange.

When it is suspended in the sky, the sky is bloody, reflecting the dark red of the ground below. The whole world is like hell, which makes people feel uncomfortable looking at this scene.

However, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, near dusk, the blood color on the sun slowly disappeared, and there was no blood light flowing from the ground to the sky, and the world returned to normal again.

Jiang Cheng specially found a black soldier beast, killed it and stood next to its corpse. After half a day, the corpse was normal, without any changes, and no blood condensed.

"It seems that there is a time limit."

This kind of thing cannot be judged clearly in one day, and Jiang Cheng did not study it in detail.

Now it is almost dusk, and the sky is about to get dark. He has to find a place to spend the night, otherwise, he will have to do it on this snow at night.

When it was about to get dark, Jiang Cheng finally walked out of the snow and found a forest.

There are some mysterious beasts living in the woods, but they are not very strong. In the area that Jiang Cheng explored, the strongest one is a medium-high-level wild earth bear.

Jiang Cheng found a place to spend the night, then caught three rabbits that were not yet intelligent, lit a bonfire, and roasted the rabbits.

After coming to this world for more than a year, he often went to the forest of ten thousand beasts to explore and train Xiao Wonton's combat ability, sometimes he might not go back at night.

Therefore, these wild survival skills, such as barbecue, are already very good, and the space ring also has bottles and jars of seasonings.

Simple skinning, cleaning the internal organs, removing blood and so on, this kind of work that needs to be prepared for nearly a day in advance on Earth, can be done quickly with these extraordinary means now.

Mix the sauces, pepper, garlic and other seasonings prepared in advance together, apply them inside and outside the rabbit body, and then mobilize the skills to gently control these seasonings to penetrate into the rabbit meat with Yuanli.

Then he put it on the campfire and slowly smoked it, letting Xiao Wonton watch and control the fire at any time, so that the whole roasted rabbit was smoked and cooked evenly. He also stood by and brushed a layer of oil on it after roasting it for a while.

This oil is a specialty of this world. It is made from a kind of oil called oil vanilla. It tastes very fragrant and contains a faint energy. It can stimulate people's taste buds and make the food very delicious.

As time passed, the three roasted rabbits exuded an irresistible aroma. Xiao Wonton and the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile on the side drooled and looked at the roasted rabbits without blinking.

As a frost elf, Bing Ling had no interest in this kind of meat food. In fact, they didn't need to eat and could survive by absorbing some energy.

But a world without delicious food is a dim world.

So before Jiang Cheng came, he brought Bing Ling a lot of fruits that suited her taste. At this time, Bing Ling held a green fruit and sat on Jiang Cheng's shoulder and ate it bite by bite.

Finally, the roasted rabbit was cooked, Xiao Wonton, the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile and Jiang Cheng himself each had one.

The Flame Scale Demon Crocodile swallowed the fragrant roasted rabbit in one gulp, and swallowed it before chewing it twice, smacking his lips.

It was very fragrant, but the roasted rabbit was very small, and it was swallowed into its stomach before it could taste anything. The Flame Scale Demon Crocodile felt very unsatisfied.

However, Jiang Cheng only roasted three rabbits, and the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile immediately cast his eyes on the little wonton on the side, and took a fancy to the roasted rabbit in front of him.

Sensing that the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile's malicious eyes fell on his precious food and his slowly approaching body, the little wonton's eyes narrowed immediately.

One claw grabbed the roasted rabbit, and the other claw was free, and silver arcs jumped on it.

Although there were not many arcs, the terrifying energy contained in them made the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile's heart beat wildly.

He felt that if he really dared to snatch the food, he would lose half his life today even if he didn't die.

So, he cast his eyes on Jiang Cheng who was eating a roasted rabbit leg on the side.

Jiang Cheng also keenly noticed the thoughts of the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile. He immediately swallowed the rabbit meat in his mouth, turned his head and looked at the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile and smiled:

"Don't look at me. With your appetite, I can't roast thirty of them enough for you. If you are really hungry, go find food around by yourself, and be careful not to run too far."

Most of the Xuanbing beasts still eat raw food. In the past, the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile often ate the powerful Xuanbing beasts that Jiang Cheng brought to him.

This is why the strength of the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile has increased so quickly.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the Flame Scale Demon Crocodile immediately fell to the ground. Compared with those raw foods, it is naturally more delicious to be specially roasted and seasoned with barbecue!

After eating delicious food, it is too difficult for him to eat unpalatable food.



In the middle of the night, Jiang Cheng was sitting on the campfire to meditate and practice, and suddenly heard Xiao Wonton's urgent cry in his ear, and at the same time he was pulling his hair.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at Xiao Wonton with some doubts.

According to his perception, there are no powerful black beasts around?

Xiao Wonton pointed a claw at the sky and asked Jiang Cheng to look up.

Following the direction pointed by Xiao Wonton, Jiang Cheng looked up at the sky, and his pupils shrank again.

In the clear night sky, there was a round bright moon hanging high, but this bright moon was the same as the blood sun in the daytime, showing a weird blood red color.

There is a blood sun and a blood moon?

This secret space is really strange. After thinking about it, he stood up, jumped, and jumped directly to the top of a big tree next to him, looking around.

Jiang Cheng thought that since these strange phenomena can absorb the blood of the black soldiers, he ran to the sky to see where there are more blood, which means that there are more black soldiers, and he can go there tomorrow morning.

And when he stood on the top of the tree and looked around, he suddenly felt strange again.

On the land under the blood moon, there was not much blood-colored light flowing to the sky, or he did not see any blood-colored light at all, which was completely different from the scene under the blood sun during the day.

What's going on?

Could it be that not many black soldiers died in the dark night? But it's not that there are none at all, right?

Jumping down from the tree, Jiang Cheng found a primary black soldier yellow earth snake entangled in a small tree, and put it on the ground after killing it.

And he stood aside and waited for half an hour, and the body of the yellow earth snake did not change at all.

Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the blood moon in the sky, feeling helpless: "This secret realm is really weird." He could not find out the function of the blood moon for the time being, so he could only go back first.

At night, when the blood moon disappeared, Jiang Cheng judged the time and found that the blood moon existed for about six hours.


The next morning, Jiang Cheng set out and walked in a direction.

This direction was the direction facing away from the snow. Jiang Cheng did not want to enter the snowfield again. It was troublesome to get food. He wanted to find a large forest and get 10,000 points first to upgrade the mark to purple.

He did not have a map of this secret realm, and the information given by the mark was that after the mark color was upgraded to purple, the direction information of Dengtian Peak could be obtained.

He did not want to spend three months here, and in the end he could not find Dengtian Peak, and it would be a problem to get out.

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