The health problem of the army has been a troublesome issue since ancient times.

Just like that sentence, there are so many of us, one person can drown you with his spit, let alone thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. In a day or two, filth can easily fill a pond and create a mountain of stinking odor.

So, how to deal with waste?

Naturally, it is waste utilization.

The waste utilization here is not farming and fertilizing.

If the army is farming, it is essential to use filth as fertilizer. But for the marching army, waiting for the crops to grow, the army will not know where it is.

In addition to fertilizing and growing vegetables, how should we deal with the waste?

The answer is, feed the pigs...

Liu Bang glanced at the ditch, and saw only black pigs with black hair on their heads, which heard the noise, waiting to be fed more than two meters below the ditch. The pigs' faces were shaking, and he turned pale with fright. .

Just because he has a rogue character doesn't mean he's not afraid of being disgusted.

When encountering this kind of situation, Liu Bang felt that a mere attack with swords and axes was not enough.

"Zifang, is there really no other way?"

Liu Bang looked at Zhang Liang with an awkward look on his face.

"My lord, even if Xiang Yu won't kill you, Xiang Liang has already laid out a dragnet to ensure that you can't leave this place. As long as the banquet is over and Xiang Yu returns to his account, your life and mine will be at risk."

Zhang Liang said seriously.


"My lord, don't be afraid,"

Fan Kuai didn't wait for Liu Bang to speak. He was already standing in the ditch. He raised his foot and stepped on a wooden board. He jumped down regardless of the stench and landed below. The filth covered Fan Kuai's legs. He seemed to be unaware and waved his hand to drive away the pigs. , and then he opened his arms to the top.

"Jump down, my lord, I will catch you!"

Looking at Fan Kuai standing in the filth, Liu Bang didn't feel moved at all, he just felt like vomiting.


After spitting out two big mouthfuls of wine and meat, Liu Bang had a serious expression on his face, gritted his teeth and jumped into the pig pen.

Standing firm below, with the dirt reaching half of Liu Bang's waist, he followed Fan Kuai's example, opened his arms and shouted.

"Zifang, come down quickly."

Zhang Liang stuck his head out, but did not jump. Instead, he waved to Liu Bang and Fan Kuai.

"My lord, leave quickly. I'll stay in the camp to deal with the overlord."

How could Liu Bang be so willing and pretended to care.

"How can that be done? If I leave, Xiang Yu will definitely kill you. It's better to go together..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Liang had already left.

In the pig pen, Liu Bang's face turned red from holding back.

"Lord, let's go quickly!"

Fan Kuai scratched his head and said to Liu Bang.

Liu Bang glanced at him and asked.

"Tell me, did the ovary do it on purpose?"

"How could this happen?"

Fan Kuai said in a dull voice.

"Sir, what you said is right. If my lord continues to stay in Chu camp, that old guy Xiang Liang will never let you go."


What else could Liu Bang say, so he turned around and walked cautiously in the pig pen, fearing that his feet would slip and he would accidentally eat a pound.

"Brother, you can't tell anyone what happened today."

"Lord, don't worry!"

Fan Kuai said carelessly.

Listening to the sound of swimming below, Zhang Liang spat above him, turned around and left.

Liu Bang is the king, and he makes Liu Bang swim in his feces and urine. Is it too much? Not too much! Liu Bang made a lot of money!

And he didn't deceive Liu Bang either.

This pigsty was Liu Bang's only way to escape this disaster.

After walking for a while, Zhang Liang returned to the banquet door.

A smile appeared on his face, and he was about to enter when he heard footsteps coming from one side. When he turned around, Zhang Liang froze in place.

At the corner ahead, a young woman in shabby clothes was standing in the darkness, looking around. That face was very familiar to him. It was none other than someone he had seen for many years, but maybe not for many years... Bai Shu.

"Wow, Grandma Zhou has turned into Sister Zhou again!"

With a flash of white light, the barrage in the live broadcast room became active again.

Bai Shu looked at the barrage and smiled knowingly.

She looked around and saw only the mottled light cast by the silver moon. For a moment, she couldn't tell how many years in the future she had arrived, but judging from her previous experiences, it should not be more than fifty years.

After all, the time from the end of his father's Bai Qi to Ying Zheng's ascension to the throne did not exceed fifty years.

"I don't know how old Zhang Han is, or whether he has told his descendants the story of his master..."

Bai Shu was thinking in her mind, but she felt someone's eyes looking at her. She was startled. Before she could raise her head, her hand subconsciously pressed on the sharp blade on her back.

"Who are you!"

Bai Shu looked coldly at the man standing in the candlelight in the distance.

Before the other party could answer, a prompt sound appeared in Bai Shu's mind, and she answered for the man.

【Ding! The anchor has arrived at the beginning of Han Dynasty! 】

[Live broadcast task: Live broadcast how Zhang Liang, one of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, turned danger into good fortune. 】

"In the early Han Dynasty? Zhang Liang was left as a marquis?"

Bai Shu was confused when she heard the voice.

Ying Zheng started the imperial road of Da Qin. She originally thought that she would travel to Da Qin decades later to witness how the descendants of Fusu rose up in the face of difficulties, but she did not expect that she would arrive at the beginning of the Han Dynasty.

Has she skipped hundreds or thousands of years?

Bai Shu didn't understand and was about to ask, but the man opposite had already walked up quickly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, this girl. I'm Zhang Liang. May I ask her her name?"

As Zhang Liang asked the question, the live broadcast room once again started a barrage craze.

"What a monster! Sister Zhou can be favored even after she opens her mouth!"

"Brother, go get your eyes treated, or your ears treated, anyway, one of your eyes and ears is always wrong!"

"Bullshit, my grandmother Zhou is as beautiful as a flower...hahahaha"

Bai Shu ignored the laughter in the barrage. She was eager to figure out who she was, where she was, what day it was today, and even the mission target Zhang Liang who appeared in front of her, she was not interested.

"I am Bai Shu, a commoner, meet Mr. Zhang. May I ask where this place is? May I ask if you have heard of Daqin? If so, do you know how to get to Xianyang?"

She thought she had come to another country.

A hint of sadness flashed in Zhang Liang's eyes.

He forced a smile and said, "This place is called Hongmen, not far from Xianyang."


Bai Shu's face turned pale, and she took several steps back, looking at Zhang Liang in disbelief.

"Sir, don't lie to me!"

"Of course not."

Zhang Liang said calmly, but he didn't know how many times his heart had twitched.

Bai Shu has feelings for the Qin Dynasty, and so does he.

But this matter has been settled, and even he cannot change it.

He can't just jump out and say, I am Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, come and pay money, the old Qin people will follow me to conquer the world, and everyone will be rewarded with gold and land afterwards.

Even if he is now Zhang Liang, Liu Bang's military advisor, he will be regarded as a madman if he says such a thing.

Zhang Liang looked at Bai Shu quietly, waiting for the moment when she accepted the fact.

At this moment, a gloomy shout came from behind.

"Brother Zifang, I don't know where Pei Gong is, why can't I find him?"

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